Guitar Rig 4 a suitable allternative to owning a crappy amp?

I'd say go with your ears, plenty allow you to demo before you purchase. We use modelers as well as real amps in our bands recordings. At the moment I'd say Amplitube 3 has the edge on tone, their AC 30 copper panel is just and astounding piece of engineering imho, also their older Fender expansion has yet to be equaled for those particular amp models.

That being said I love the sound of the smaller tube amps currently on offer, I just wouldn't have one as my only option.

Just make sure you demo things first.

Amplitube 3 is is good but I think that they added too much overall presence and top end sizzle as a design choice, as if they were shooting for a modern day mastered sound straight out the box. This introduces listener fatigue very early. Sizzle = ouch.

I agree with this. Amplitube is the one high-end sim that I don't like. I think it sounds over-processed no matter how you tweak it.

Guitar Rig and Revalver are my faves.
You can get Native Instruments Elements 7 for $99.00 comes with quite a bit of Guitar Rig 4. Cant go wrong for that price.
Thanks for the replies guys. I always try going into exploring new techniques and options with an open mind, but I know there are prefered options and options that at times can just be better so I am glad for the input. I am going to get Guitar Rig 4 and the money I would spend on a new amp (for right now). I appreciate the input though. You guys all rock!
You guys are right. I found guitar rig 4 and it doesn't sound as fuzzy as Amplitube. I'm going to try a bunch more plug ins out and see which is best for Death Metal :D
Well I had the demo and it sucked ass. I could never find a working copy of the full version. Now I did.

Your music will suck more shit than it already does if you use pirated software, that's just how karma works... that and a fine for $200 will drop out of the sky for something you feel you didnt deserve. Lols.
I don't believe in PlugIn's Carma. If I was like seriously screwing someone over and deserved some real pay back, then sure. Trying out full versions of software before buying them should be the standard. It should be illegal for companies to sell you crappy products. CD's, DVD, Software, Hardware, Video games, etc. Once you open the package you can't return it. That is what should be illegal. That they can sell you complete shit, screw you over and leave you with a big wet turd of a product in your hands.

Lol@ blabbering justification. Ok you have trialled GR4 now and know it works ( as it does for everyone else ) are you going to man up and pay for it ?