Got my LP

Yeah. gibs, grap your LP and get your happy ass down to one of those internet cafe places that offer video email service and use their camera to snap a shot of you holding it!!! C'mon man, I know those internet cafe places are all the rage in Texas!!!
Gibs, you f$%^. See what you did?

Now I went and bought a guitar off that website. Just couldn't pass up prices like that.

Thanks again for telling us. Great find.
pchorman, I hope you get a great one, I sure did...and if you don't......uhhhhhhhhhh....disclaimer......disclaimer.......disclaimer.....

Seriously, I think they're a great site......gibs
Oops forgot...bought a camera this afternoon....if I can figure it out and get some place to upload....maybe homerec/photopoint or something I'll try to get a picture of the real thing in the next couple days.............gotta's looking at me......(the guitar, not the hibiscus)..................gibs
If its a Gibson it will need its own cage....and signs on it that read: Please do not tap on glass and irritate the Gibson..or... please dont feed the Gibson..Its alot of responsibility for just one guitarist.....enjoy it.