Good films?

Recently watched Seven Psychopaths, and Alpha Papa. First of which is a great movie, but AP was a bit 1 dimensional to me, was probably expecting too much having loved the tv show.
Started watching Falling Skies and another called Continuum. I like good Sci-Fi, those two shows are really good. A couple of older ones I liked was Firefly and Farscape. I think they didn't make it long is because they wrote pretty intense (read weird).

Good Sci-Fi is really hard to pull off without being cheesy.
'Falling SKies' is ok, but this 1 short season per year scheduling sucks. Same with other shows like Walking Dead and Hannibal. You get 10-16 new shows per year - by the time the next season starts, you've forgotten what happend the last time. Better to watch them on DVD/Netflix for sure!
Started watching Falling Skies and another called Continuum. I like good Sci-Fi, those two shows are really good. A couple of older ones I liked was Firefly and Farscape. I think they didn't make it long is because they wrote pretty intense (read weird).

Good Sci-Fi is really hard to pull off without being cheesy.

Cool yeah I've watched falling skies since the beginning. It felt like to me that it took a big quality boost after season 1.
A friend of mine has been telling me to check out some whorror movie called "Backdoor Teen Mom" ?

Wonder what the plot is...
Cool yeah I've watched falling skies since the beginning. It felt like to me that it took a big quality boost after season 1.

So, I am now on season three. You're right, the script just took a nose dive. Wiley Nolan must be writing the script. He has turned the show into Mash aka Alan Alda. Shame to as the show as all of the perfect elements, but it is like the outline of the show and the script are not in sync. If I have to go through one more 15 minute I love you crap when aliens are about to annihilate the group. I think season three might be my last view.
out of the furnace

christain bale, casey afleck, woody harrelson, willam defoe, zoe soldana.....bit obvious but still very good...bleak, great acting, violent...nice :)
Went and seen the new Hobbit movie last night, IMAX 3D (the only way to see a movie now days) very, very good. Highly recommend. Elves are bad-asses...
Anchorman 2--it was pretty awesome imo. Not quite as great as the first but I still enjoyed it a lot!

Ender's Game--lol @ Ender's Game. It had one cool plot twist but that was it. Definitely a movie where you have to suspend your thinking powers to even remotely enjoy.

American Hustle--saw it last night, it was pretty interesting. Kinda slow, more about character development than plot. Probably a bit overhyped in reviews, but I thought the "all-star" cast did an all right job.

Evangaline Lilly :drool:

Evangaline Lilly :drool:

Oh yeah!

Thought the movie was fairly rubbish though... little resemblance to the book, which didn't particularly bother me but it just seemed to be LOTR all over again.. slaying monsters... questing... etc. without the subtleties...

Did they even have orcs in The Hobbit?
Watched "Lone Survivor" last was good but I think it's being overhyped. Definitely has some stupid parts in it.