Gibson Pickups

Gibson lost its credibility years ago. If you don't believe me, read your own posts about your twelve string. They're surviving off the name, and the ads are mostly hype.

Their inability to use the PLEK machine properly (patiently), doesnt seem to correlate to an inaccurate graph of their own pickups "Comparative Pickup Output" chart. I also have in fact 5 currently very nice Gibson guitars, so I am not a "Gibson Basher". I just want my SG 12 string to play like the others.

Their inability to use the PLEK machine properly (patiently), doesnt seem to correlate to an inaccurate graph of their own pickups "Comparative Pickup Output" chart. I also have in fact 5 currently very nice Gibson guitars, so I am not a "Gibson Basher". I just want my SG 12 string to play like the others.

Oh gosh, I'm sorry I didn't realize that only twenty percent of your Gibsons were unsatisfactory.
The graph means nothing. Without data to support it, it's merely hype.
I don't hate Gibson. Gibson used to make great guitars, perhaps the best. In recent years their pitfall has been bad management. I've got a Gibson Les Paul that I really like, but it is by no means magic, or divine.
oh gosh, i'm sorry i didn't realize that only twenty percent of your gibsons were unsatisfactory.
The graph means nothing. Without data to support it, it's merely hype.
I don't hate gibson. Gibson used to make great guitars, perhaps the best. In recent years their pitfall has been bad management. I've got a gibson les paul that i really like, but it is by no means magic, or divine.


PS I am sure the graph is fairly accurate, what specific parameters do you require to determine "Comparative Pickup Output"?

PS I am sure the graph is fairly accurate, what specific parameters do you require to determine "Comparative Pickup Output"?
The graph has no numbers on it. No data. What are they measuring? It's only some red lines that some person in the ad department created.
You just don't get it, do you?
The graph has no numbers on it. No data. What are they measuring? It's only some red lines that some person in the ad department created.
You just don't get it, do you?

Yes I do "Get It". Do you think the majority of guitar players would prefer if the output was expressed in "RMS Millivolts" @ 1KHz referenced to a specific input impedance? Should they factor in the equation 2xPixFxL=Z for "Inductive Reactance"?

..... Do you think the majority of guitar players would prefer if the output was expressed in "RMS Millivolts" @ 1KHz referenced to a specific input impedance? Should they factor in the equation 2xPixFxL=Z for "Inductive Reactance"?


That would sure be a lot better than just a simple graph called 'comparative' output. They also don't take into account ceramic vs. Alnico, or even Alnico II or Alnico V. I guess even Gibson makes mistakes. :rolleyes:
But another slightly off-topic opinion; we should stop treating this like a chess match. Just because someone 'challenges' you with an e4 to e5 move does not mean you have to knee-jerk respond with an Nf3 to Nc6 (a classic Ruy Lopez 'Spanish' defense) move to defend yourself. It just creates a circular argument with a lot of I know you are, but what am I? If you are confident in anything you say, then what else needs to be said? To quote Abe Lincoln; Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.
That would sure be a lot better than just a simple graph called 'comparative' output. They also don't take into account ceramic vs. Alnico, or even Alnico II or Alnico V. I guess even Gibson makes mistakes. :rolleyes:
But another slightly off-topic opinion; we should stop treating this like a chess match. Just because someone 'challenges' you with an e4 to e5 move does not mean you have to knee-jerk respond with an Nf3 to Nc6 (a classic Ruy Lopez 'Spanish' defense) move to defend yourself. It just creates a circular argument with a lot of I know you are, but what am I? If you are confident in anything you say, then what else needs to be said? To quote Abe Lincoln; Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.

It is just a simple graph published by Gibson we are talking about here, It shows the "Comparative Pickup Output". Translated: It compares specific Gibson pickups output, you know, volume. Why all the fuss, is Gibson in violation of some "Guitar Player Ethics Code"?

Okay, so why then do you turn pretty much every thread into a VP party? Serious answer, please.

I have my theories:
1) You're a victim-troll (most likely scenario)
2) You are generally clueless and don't have basic human interaction/conversation skills (2nd most likely scenario)
3) You are socially clueless and don't know how to react when someone disagrees with you
4) You are a mod supported and approved mole sent here to weed out dissenters in order for this place to have a homogenized "knowledge base" that offers no actual useful info to anyone at best, and potentially dangerous info at worst.

I would like to make one thing absolutely clear. #4 is the complete opposite of reality here. In fact, I find VP's whining to be counterproductive to the site, and am quite annoyed by it lately. Tho, not a reason for an infraction, nor banning by any means.

It used to be kind of entertaining. Not so much anymore...

IMO, moderating is not making friends, or playing sides. My opinion really doesn't matter as far as moderating is concerned. But I will say that this whole 'your stalking me' crap, is making me less interested in reading posts by VP. Derail, derail, derail......

Thank you Jimmy, that was a very reasoned and measured comment.

And thanks, Greg.

Lots of good info about pickups here, I'm going to buy a LP this year and it is great to be able
to learn something of value about making my selection ahead of time, this is a great thread.

This site is turning out to be an invaluable source of information.
I like burstbuckers, classic 57's and the 490T, not keen on the 498 or 500T.
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So when you buy a Les Paul, any Les Paul, are you able to order it with whatever pickups you want?

Maybe if you order it direct, but there's so many LP models that you will be able to find one with whatever pickups you want. And if not, they're easy to swap out.
Sorry, a little tiny bit off topic here but, the Les Pauls with the pick ups that I think I would like (burstbuster types) are the chambered body variety, and all the solid body's have '57 classics. Is there a compromise in tone or sustain with the modern chambered body versions, or should I save for the solid body and pick some pick ups that I might like (like Greg's set-up). Greg is yours chambered? The combo you mentioned is in the standard plus series (I think).
Maybe this question(s) is off topic...maybe not?...if so, sorry

I don't have a Les Paul(bummer that), or a Gibson. However, the wife bought me a guitar as a gift. It has a pair of Seymour Duncans.

The bridge pickup is a "59". Is that pickup kind of Gibson 57 knockoff or something?...basically the same pickup?

The guit has a Alnico 2 in the neck position.

For those in the know, what say ye? Decent pair of p'ups?...any other thoughts?


btw: just for reference, this is the guitar.

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Maybe this question(s) is off topic...maybe not?...if so, sorry

I don't have a Les Paul(bummer that), or a Gibson. However, the wife bought me a guitar as a gift. It has a pair of Seymour Duncans.

The bridge pickup is a "59". Is that pickup kind of Gibson 57 knockoff or something?...basically the same pickup?

The guit has a Alnico 2 in the neck position.

For those in the know, what say ye? Decent pair of p'ups?...any other thoughts?


btw: just for reference, this is the guitar.


Godin Guitars

Seymour Duncan pickups are very good. there are 2 kinds of 59 pickups:

'59 model SH-1 and TB59 - Seymour Duncan Vintage Output

59/Custom Hybrid; SH-16 and TB-16 - Seymour Duncan Medium Output

There are 2 kinds of Alnico II also

Alnico II Pro Slash APH-2 - Seymour Duncan Vintage Output

Alnico II Pro™ APH-1 AND TBAPH-1 - Seymour Duncan Vintage Output

Sorry, a little tiny bit off topic here but, the Les Pauls with the pick ups that I think I would like (burstbuster types) are the chambered body variety, and all the solid body's have '57 classics. Is there a compromise in tone or sustain with the modern chambered body versions, or should I save for the solid body and pick some pick ups that I might like (like Greg's set-up). Greg is yours chambered? The combo you mentioned is in the standard plus series (I think).

Mine's a Traditional Pro. It's a solid, non-chambered body. It weighs like 9 pounds. It might have some swiss cheese weight-relieving, but it's not the gutted CNC chambered body.

I find the chambered bodies to have a brighter sound. Not better or worse, but brighter. I specifically wanted a heavy model and more vintage LP sound, so the solid body and Burstbucker/57 pickup combo fit the bill.
Are those pics of the LP chambering real? Who would do that? Who would even want that? The weight is one of the main things about Les Pauls that I like! :confused: