Gecko lizard

I had an adult blue tongue lizard amble in one afternoon in the last place I had and just sit down behind the TV/stereo. He wasn't going anywhere. Was probably 18 inches long - sort of getting to the size where you don't want to be getting too aggro with them... :D

So I locked the cat into a room so she didn't "play" with it and eventually he'd decided he'd had enough of the indoor life and he wandered outside again. Never seen one that big before, or since.

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Blue tongues are great! We had this fellow living in our garden for a couple of years.


He never came in the house but after a while we could lure him out for a look with lumps of dog food and the occasional banana.

Of course, we get lots of little, tiny skinks in the house...they're always welcomed and gently put back in the this little 'un. He'd obviously had a rough, if short, life because the tip of his tail was missing:


We LIKE our local lizards...