Gecko lizard

Picked up a scorpion in a Florida hotel room once. I thought it was a ball of hair until it flexed. It died.

Scorpions are pretty common around here, but I haven't seen any since the house was built. In central Texas, the scorpion's sting is about the same as a wasp.
I had an adult blue tongue lizard amble in one afternoon in the last place I had and just sit down behind the TV/stereo. He wasn't going anywhere. Was probably 18 inches long - sort of getting to the size where you don't want to be getting too aggro with them... :D

So I locked the cat into a room so she didn't "play" with it and eventually he'd decided he'd had enough of the indoor life and he wandered outside again. Never seen one that big before, or since.

blue tongue lizard.jpg
We have skinks here too. When ol' Ziggy was still around, his favorite pastime was staring out the window at the back patio, and getting really pissed off when a skink would scamper by.

Yesterday was our first spring-like day so I did some yard work. In one hour, I saw the biggest skink ever in my yard, accidentally picked up a tiny snake amongst some leaf debris, and sank my foot 6" into an ant hill. Good times.
I get my ladyboys in thailand thank you very much...though i did walk past a beaut in KL who asked if i wanted a boyfriend...she was rough
When I was a more reactionary vegetarian I used to help Veals escape Veal farms in the Scottish Highlands.