Further exploration in electronica

Cool feel. Real nice bass line. Good sound on it too. Liked the keyboard part that starts at :55.

What's that popping that starts at :24? It goes the rest of the way through.

Is that the cat at 1:49?

Yeah that snare sounds like a coffee can turned upside down.
No time to respond to each one personally but I'll answer some of the questions in general, mmmmmmmmmkay?

Yep, that's a whole damn lot of popping (it's a sample of a snare cut down to a split millisecond). Fully intentional. Especially for you Trip. One day I'll make a song for you using only pops.

And yes, that's the cat at 1:49. A really low purr....(it's a really small kitty, surprisingly)

I'll replace the snare (if Dobro allows me) and post a remix soon.

O, and Guernica....yeah, I admit: it is a bit of a showoff. I admit that wholeheartedly. :)

Fprod, ik vin jou ook een reetkever... ;)

SLuiCe, I make music just for entertainment. :D

(hmmmm, that's almost 'answering some of the questions in general' LOL)

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...naa man, Bass players catch shit for overplaying more than anybody else. I know you know what i mean. Nobody ever said the guitar "had" to be in front:D I think more material emphasizing bass and bass playing would be a great thing... ..at least to my ears. ....youve got me thinking...
very cool piece! sounded a bit like one of the xv 20-20 demo songs.. at least lower that snare.. yeah your tunes are always a good listen man.. loved that bass..

Sweet rhythm... mischevous & funky... not unlike a Radiohead approach to sound... with a helluva lot more funk...

That fakey kick -- beautyous.

Soundtrack to some major pimpin... a lighter approach to the Beastie Boys' Sabotage concept... fake moustaches, aviator sunglasses, and polyesther everywhere...

Cool stuff.
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Funky riffin'

Everything works quite well except that snare, but then you knew that already. ;) Actually it could work if it was a bit darker i.e. low-passed, and a bit lower in the mix.. That would provide a nice anchor for the high-pitched, and low pitched sounds. A steady pulse in the middle.
Very cool stuff. The talent continues to soar around here!

I like M.Branes idea on the snare. I liked the feel you were going for. The sound just grated a little.

Nice work Peddy!
This song has that insistant groove. Very nice. That snare does sound a bit jarring.

Best thing is this sounds totally new and not like anybody else. The only things I can think of that may relate are Art of Noise and Yello.

I loved it, and it couldn't be further from the kind of stuff I usually listen to! :)

Ambience is perfect, and gives a layer of beauty/pathos that lifts the track.

Bass is predictably impressive and tight.

Click/pop things are weird - I've never heard that done before, and you introduce it early enough to let the listener know it's deliberate. ;)

Personally I'd like a beefier kick sound, but that's just taste.

Very nice atmosphere.


EDIT - PS I like the snare sound! ;)
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Yeah, isn't this one nice. Everybody talks about the vibe, the atmosphere, the ambience (and that snare LOL) but you know, that atmosphere didn't just get there by itself. You can analyse it - there's the dreamy bell-like keys and the wonderful interplay between the the bass and the synth. But it's more than the sum of the parts. The car door sounds are genius. This one's one of my favorites in the clinic. Bar none.
Sweet. Perfectly packaged. The pop and click stuff did have me thinking the track was clipping. My headphones suck tho and I've come to expect that from tracks that are a bit hot.
I'm loving the outdoor ambience and it really fits well with this piece. The two bass parts and panning with the different elements is very effective (back to cans after my old trusty crusty yamaha monitor amp finally gave up its ghost). Love the door closing at the end!
yo, Ped

it's good to hear people trying out dif stuff here. I like the ambience, but the snare sound is getting in the way to achieve that IMHO. The bass line kicks a major ass! I like the keyboard part alot, too. Woo, sound FX, you are making me wanting to use them all over my stuff now:)

good job, man

This was very good. I actually listened a few days ago when my computer all of a suddenly decided to quit on me and crash, so I never got a chance to reply (this seems to be happening to me more often than not. My computer is getting on in years...)

Anyway, I really love the ambiant sound when the door opens at the beginning. This almost sounds like a binaural recording (I was listening with headphones)

Very good tune too. I wish I had more mix stuff to say...but you probably already have a lot of stuff already. :)

Nice job and very good sound overall!

awesome, man! Great jazzy ambient! I'd close the door earlier, right after the last notes, and make it sound cleaner. Apart from that (and the snare, of course), no suggestions! The purring cat is also amazing, even though no-one will probably recognize that without knowing.
Guernica: yeah, you should try it sometime. Damn, it's time to post something new and fresh anyway, Guernica! Always liked your music and playing...

B.SABBATH: thanks man....right back at ya.

participant: yeah man, I'm a P.I.M.P. :D

M.Brane: I'll try that, but I have been thinking of other solutions as well. We'll see.

skids: always nice to have you listening, man! :)

digitcallous: thanks!

alibish: funny to hear you like it despite the fact it's out your 'regular listening range'. Look, I'm not a very ambitious person. I'm not in it for the money or huge success. But if I have to name one general goal (besides making interesting music) it'd be making every style of music (especially the cheesy ones, hence the disco phase I'm in) at least somewhat 'acceptable' to my friends. :) And as I consider most of you guys my friends, I think I've succeeded with this one. Very cool. Makes me extremely happy. :D

dobro: thanks for popping by again. I appreciate it.

Doug H: I don't know why, but I'm currently obsessed by making pops and clicks 'musical' in some sort of way. The next tune will contains the most musical pops and clicks yet, I promise.

Zikes: thanks Zikes!

A1A2: it's amazing how opening a door can color the sound and atmosphere of a song. Try it someday. It's fun.

boydrj: I used a stereo mic, and placed it in front of my open door. What you're hearing is the parking lot, screaming little kids, and barking dogs. I just recorded 6 minutes and added it to the track. I couldn't have placed the door sound better. It was quite amazing to notice it was more or less on time.

Giganova: thanks. I must admit, I used some delays and reverbs to make the purring a bit artificial. But it's an extremely low pitched purr. Kitties are amazing little creatures. I'm afraid I can't close the door earlier, someone else closed it for me (right on time too!!! :D)
Ped, I'm pretty sure you use Sonar 2.2? I have a few questions.. maybe I'll post them in the Sonar forum.. or maybe the newbie forum..:(

here's a quick 1 - Why would my computer crash while using a Dxi synth? My cpu usage was only 2% when it said Dropout and the whole thing crashed? I was using the Waves Rcomp with it..

2nd question is how come I can barely see the velocity settings when programming? It's hard to tell where the velocity is set at for each hit.. the colors are too light..

I'm finally trying to use Sonar for something other then adding a limiter to a finished mix.. it also seems like programming drums in sonar will be more flexible than programming in Fruity.. I'm using an external drum module..

sorry for the high jack..

also, I'm going to buy an Audiophile 24/96 today.. is that the best sound card for around $200?
PM me...I'll give my mail address for further correspondence.

0. Nope, I'm using Homostudio2004

1. What Dxi synth?

2. In Homostudio2004 (and SONAR 3.0 probably) you get a nice little toolbar and with that toolbar it's very easy to change velocity settings:

3. I personally hate FL. Programming in SONAR/Homostudio2004 takes some time to get used too, but it's lovely. External or internal drum modules, it doesn't matter really...I think.

4. People tell me it's a good card all the time, but old fashioned Peddy is still using an Audigy. :)


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