Free STEVEN SLATE DRUMS Snare Sample!!

Sounds good man! I'd say that drums, particularly the kick and snare can even come up! But its great man, good stuff, well done. Guitar playing is killer too.

Check out this guy "Shy" from the kvr forum's interesting mix with Snare19 guys, its pretty creative:

nother demo with free SNARE19:

(with kick4)

and here is the first one

(with kick13)

which one you guys like better, I gotta use one for the site?

go to and scroll down to hit FREE to get the free Snare. Thanks! feel free to send and post mp3s with the sample!

Both are nice. I prefer kick4 myself though.
Kick13 is for metal and kick4 is for heavy rock in my opinion.


Nice one.
Snare sounds a bit funny to me though. As if one of the snare tracks is not lined up correctly.



As far as the tracks being out of time, the all are spot on. He plays a kind of "jazzy" feel. Lots of "ghost" type notes. Actually makes it pretty hard to trigger successfully.........

As far as the tracks being out of time, the all are spot on. He plays a kind of "jazzy" feel. Lots of "ghost" type notes. Actually makes it pretty hard to trigger successfully.........

God I can imagine trying to trigger intricate ghost notes! Drummer in my rock band does alot of that stuff. Its not that common using intricate ghost notes in heavy rock I don't think, but seems to work for us.
Not sure what the snare sound is I'm hearing then if the snare tracks are lined up. Maybe try pulling the OH snare track to the right a touch so there is a delay between the OH snare tracks and the snare tracks. I'm sure you remembered to check the phase between top and bottom snare tracks. :)

God I can imagine trying to trigger intricate ghost notes! Drummer in my rock band does alot of that stuff. Its not that common using intricate ghost notes in heavy rock I don't think, but seems to work for us.
Not sure what the snare sound is I'm hearing then if the snare tracks are lined up. Maybe try pulling the OH snare track to the right a touch so there is a delay between the OH snare tracks and the snare tracks. I'm sure you remembered to check the phase between top and bottom snare tracks. :)


Hmmm. I really don't know what it is you think you're hearing. It is pretty much a raw set of drum tracks other than the samples being blended into the kick and the snare, a bit of eq on the kick, a tiny bit of verb added to the snare, and light buss compression.

Anybody else hear anything?

Maybe I'm losing it? :D
While we diagnose this, I should say that we drew names for the winners of the Elite Mixer drum packages. Here is how we did it: We put the names of the contestents into a box, shook it up, and picked five of them. One of them was a BBS member, and it is:


so congrats NL5, PM me!
While we diagnose this, I should say that we drew names for the winners of the Elite Mixer drum packages. Here is how we did it: We put the names of the contestents into a box, shook it up, and picked five of them. One of them was a BBS member, and it is:


so congrats NL5, PM me!

Bad Ass! Thank you! PM sent!

Whoo Hoo! :D