Fraud by The Jongleurs mixes

Yeah I took a few things out, but kept the kick, although I EQ'd out the really high pitched attack and tried to EQ and compress a different part of the high end. Most of my experience has been with electronic music so i'm never sure what to expect from drums that aren't samples or electronic. I'm not huge on hats, but thought they were a little low - that's intentional but probably too low.

LOL re. the bass I'm mixing on Yamaha NS5 HS50's and a pair of headphones, so that's the hardest thing for me to hear. I duped the bass tracks, did parallel compression on one & kept the other dry, and then grouped them to one track that was sidechain comp'd with the kick triggering it.

Thanks for the tips and for listening. I'm going to give one of the other tracks a try but I downloaded it last night and there's like 35 tracks which is about 25 more than I usually use!!!! So will take some planning.

Hah... cool! I'm suffering (again) from a semi blocked ear (seems to always happen when I revisit this thread... grr... ) and listening on small headphones so not getting the full picture. As Guitar 0 said, interesting twist you've taken with the guitars... and also picked a couple of little effect things you'd done in various spots as well. Good stuff.

I really like the snare sound you've achieved there as well. It could be my ears but I think the bass is pumping a bit - the blocked thing does make it particularly sensitive to thumpy sounds so perhaps I'm wrong...

And, just so you know, the drums are samples... straight out of Addictive Drums....

Thanks for taking the time to mix my tune (well, strictly speaking it's the other guy in the band's tune, but I'm the engineer!)

Allrighty! hello all newbie here.
Guitar Zero uploaded this song on over at MixOff for feedback, so I got intrigued and went over here to have a looksee. And thought what the heck I´ll give this a go.
So heres my mix, no mastering.
Hope you like it

Jeez sorry Morten... I missed this completely!

Just having a listen now... I'm hearing something in the background that's introduced a different texture but due to the crap state of my hearing (see above) I can't pinpoint it... also sounds like you've got a pretty heavy small space reverb on some of the backing vocals and a delay or some sort on the lead guitar...

Different from a lot of the other mixes.... tell me what you've done here, if you don't mind?
My first listen to this.... Liking what I hear, especially the kick which you've clearly replaced - is it the same one as the first version? It all rocks along nicely - seems more "muscular" as a result. I'm only listening on headphones, and small ones at that, so hard to get into more detail, but thanks for taking the time to mix it. I'll have to round these all up and get them all in the one place soon...
Same kick sample, I just cut more low end out of that and the bass. Morten noticed it was a bit low end heavy and he was right.
Same kick sample, I just cut more low end out of that and the bass. Morten noticed it was a bit low end heavy and he was right.

I see... I'm definitely going to do a bit more EQing on the kick next time I'm recording - as I've only just moved to a PC DAW from standalone, the original mix basically had a stereo drum track burnt onto a CD from Reaper / MIDI / Addicitive and imported into the standalone where all the other tracks where, so there was only so much EQing one could do without affecting everything else!

Glad those days are behind me... !
Still can't get this song outta my head. :mad: :shakesfist:

So, when are you going to post up the chords/charts/tabs/lyrics?? And permission to do this song live so I don't have to pay a royalty???

I met up with an old friend and we might put a few songs together. I'd like to introduce this song. I think it would work well as an acoustic guit thang!! (even if I didn't write it :( )

View attachment Fraud - Jongleurs.mp3
First of all I'd like to say this is a great track and it was a real treat working with it.

I did little splicing to the empty parts of the vocal tracks. Then I proceeded to EQ everything and compress trouble areas like the drums, Room track etc. After mixing for a little while I put a master glue track on and limited with an analog type feel to it. I'm a fan of Led Zeppelin so the fat kick is almost reminiscent of that! Lol.

You might hear a bit of a hiss and a bit of fuzziness on the bass (ahem!). There is also a bit of automation with the delay and an Eq sweep filter on the Wah track.

But little imperfections like that give life to the music and this made for a pretty sweet mix especially when I heard it through the headphones, that bass is kickin' around town! I hope everyone likes my mix!

I'm quite new to mixing so if people could please give their constructive criticism that would be great!
Still can't get this song outta my head. :mad: :shakesfist:

So, when are you going to post up the chords/charts/tabs/lyrics?? And permission to do this song live so I don't have to pay a royalty???

I met up with an old friend and we might put a few songs together. I'd like to introduce this song. I think it would work well as an acoustic guit thang!! (even if I didn't write it :( )

Hey Chili - I'll check with "the other guy" who wrote it... I'm sure he'll be chuffed at the thought of someone else covering his track and there won't be a problem.... as for charts.... ha! If I could make him write charts then my life would be soooooooo much easier when he's bringing new stuff along, but he doesn't really know what he's playing in a formal sense, just knows what sounds good. Leave that one with me for a cuppla days... I'll plot out the chord sequences for you in Guitar Pro and you can either download that or I can PDF it if you don't have Guitar Pro... and I'll work out the lyrics as well, as I'm pretty sure he doesn't have them written down anywhere either!

There's only two of us in the band and we just play acoustic guitars, so it works well in that format.... we start it slow in a sort of "lounge" mode and then pick up the pace a bit at the second verse...

Watch this space....:thumbs up:

View attachment 76607
First of all I'd like to say this is a great track and it was a real treat working with it.

I did little splicing to the empty parts of the vocal tracks. Then I proceeded to EQ everything and compress trouble areas like the drums, Room track etc. After mixing for a little while I put a master glue track on and limited with an analog type feel to it. I'm a fan of Led Zeppelin so the fat kick is almost reminiscent of that! Lol.

You might hear a bit of a hiss and a bit of fuzziness on the bass (ahem!). There is also a bit of automation with the delay and an Eq sweep filter on the Wah track.

But little imperfections like that give life to the music and this made for a pretty sweet mix especially when I heard it through the headphones, that bass is kickin' around town! I hope everyone likes my mix!

I'm quite new to mixing so if people could please give their constructive criticism that would be great!

Hi Alvin - thanks for playing... I'm just off now but I'll give this a listen real soon when I'm near my PC and stereo again and get back to you. Glad you enjoyed it and I'm looking forward to hearing your interpretation.... cheers:)
Here ya go Chili....

Fraud lyrics in Word doc

Fraud GP5 file

Fraud GP5 chart as PDF

I use Guitar Pro so infrequently, I couldn't be arsed trying to re-work out all the coda-ing and repeating so I've basically assembled it into one long file which is about 6 pages long.

Basically there are only 4 "bits" you need to learn, however:

1. The main riff throughout the intro and verses and guitar solo
2. The "it's so easy" bit at the end of each verse
3. The "hard to say no" bit in verses 2 and 3 (those words are against the main riff in the first verse)
4. The outro

So I'd be just finding them in the PDF and working them out.

Once you get the hang of it, it's pretty easy to play... you'll pick the "feel" aspects of it up pretty quickly and do your own interpretation. The words are pretty easy too, except for one line in the first verse which I never actually knew what was being sung anyway (as he never actually gives me anything to work with....!!) until I asked quite recently, after playing the song for a couple of years... :laughings:

Incidentally, Richard, the other half of The Jongleurs who wrote Fraud, is the son of Ron Chesterman who was the original bass player of The Strawbs, famous (in the UK and Australia, anyway) for "Part of the Union" .... although I believe he exited the band before this tune and so that's not him playing bass in the video...

Richard is fine with you covering Fraud. If you ever record it live... we'd love to hear/see it though.

Let me know if there's anything about the tune you need further info on, but it's pretty simple once you get the chords going.

Cool. Just strumming out the first few chords brings out that feel nicely.

So, what happened is: A few weeks ago I ran into an old friend. He was the guitar player in a band I used to mix sound for in the 90's. Turns out he's been living right around the corner from me for the last 4 years and we never knew it. He's been looking for someone to do acoustic originals with and gig maybe once a month. Pretty much the same thing I've been interested in doing. We've gotten together a few times to start working out songs. He's got a few good ones and he likes some of mine.

We agreed to do originals but maybe also throw in an obscure unknown cover here or there. I think Fraud will work well for that, so thanks for putting up some help. As easy as they are, I never would have figured out those chords on my own!! lol. Yeah, and that one line had me stumped too.

Please send my regards to Rich and thanks!!! Don't know if we'll actually play it out, but hope to do so.


btw: That band is vaguely familiar. Too many beers ago to remember.
. As easy as they are, I never would have figured out those chords on my own!! lol. Yeah, and that one line had me stumped too.

One day he's going to surprise me and bring along a song that features a basic inversion of a major and/or minor chord... but it ain't happened yet! I'm not completely sure he knows them.... but that's what makes the tunes interesting. I do the same thing myself, but not to the same extent as Rich does....

Enjoy, and let me know if you play it anywhere!:thumbs up:
Here's my take, it's a rough mix, I like the overall sound but I still have to nail some things. I've done this in about an hour, so I still have to "feel" the song. Great song by the way!



  • Fraudv3.mp3
    5.5 MB · Views: 4
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Enjoyed mixing this song. Didn't use any drum multitracks out of the musical thought, but that was nice to hear Addictive Drums sound:)

Looks like you guys gave it a try, 18 pages of mixes I'm going to listen to now.
Here's my take, it's a rough mix, I like the overall sound but I still have to nail some things. I've done this in about an hour, so I still have to "feel" the song. Great song by the way!


LOL - I didn't realise that people were still mixing this... sounds good. I especially think the drums have a bit more "life" to them than on some of the other versions... nice work dude!


Enjoyed mixing this song. Didn't use any drum multitracks out of the musical thought, but that was nice to hear Addictive Drums sound:)

Looks like you guys gave it a try, 18 pages of mixes I'm going to listen to now.

Interesting take, leaving the drums off... I only have small headphones to listen to it through at the moment... sounds a bit more compressed than some of the other mix... some nice touches you've applied here and there though... like it.

Thanks for taking the time!
