Fraud by The Jongleurs mixes

Here's my rough mix. I probably have less than hour into this. There's lots of hiss on drum tracks... My parallel compression probably didn't help that too much :) I tried to gate some of it off on the snare, but I'll see what I can do. There's basically no automation here yet, but I want to play with automating the vocals and electric guitars. I also want to get the drums to sit and expand a bit better... they sound a bit too compressed right now. I didn't mess the arrangement much yet, not sure if I will at all actually.


PS: I didn't use SoundCloud because IMO it totally kills the quality of the sound file. Let me know if this player is working alright.

Players workin'!

Not bad, but yes, there is WAYYY too much hiss. I wanted the exact sound of the kick you have, but I couldn't get it. The only way to get it would be to drumagog or re-record.
Players workin'!

Not bad, but yes, there is WAYYY too much hiss. I wanted the exact sound of the kick you have, but I couldn't get it. The only way to get it would be to drumagog or re-record.

Thanks! Yeah, it's a sample I had that I combined with the original kick sound. I'm pretty happy with it for now. There was basically nothing past 250 Hz on the original kick so I had to supplement it to get it to cut through right.
Okay, I'm confused here. I've been hearing so much about this contest from my dad and I don't if you want us to make our own version of this song or convert the original mix into better sound quality through separate tracks. I was looking around in this post and everybody's tracks seem to sound the same as the original track except, the sound quality is different. Can anybody help me get a full understanding on this?
Okay, I'm confused here. I've been hearing so much about this contest from my dad and I don't if you want us to make our own version of this song or convert the original mix into better sound quality through separate tracks. I was looking around in this post and everybody's tracks seem to sound the same as the original track except, the sound quality is different. Can anybody help me get a full understanding on this?
OK, it's not a contest. What everyone is doing is re-mixing the song from the original tracks. That's why the song has the same arrangeent in every version, but the sound "quality" is different. People are doing what a mixing engineer does with a song; mixes the tracks, uses EQ compression, reverb, create his/her version of what they tthink the song should sound like.
Messed around with this tonight. I really enjoyed the original version Arm posted a while back, so it was fun to get into the nitty-gritty. So many details in this song, I really enjoyed listening to it all night. Gonna be hard to get it out of my head.

Thanks to Armistice for putting up the tracks. I hope you like what I did with your song!!!

As for the mix; I have ideas where the weak spots are, let's see if others chime in to confirm.

View attachment Fraud.mp3
Okay, I'm confused here. I've been hearing so much about this contest from my dad and I don't if you want us to make our own version of this song or convert the original mix into better sound quality through separate tracks. I was looking around in this post and everybody's tracks seem to sound the same as the original track except, the sound quality is different. Can anybody help me get a full understanding on this?

Adding on to what RAMI said, it's not the sound quality that's different, the sound is just different. I mean I suppose you could say the sound's qualities are different but that is a different meaning of what you meant I think.
Yeah, one of the harmonies included in the download was a lower harmony. Pretty cool!

That would be me... because I'm mainly always going underneath given my relatively low vocal range..

One of our band "things" is that we don't "do" standard 3rd up harmony... him because he doesn't really know how, me because I know how but can't get up there anyway, most times, so we both tend to do different things and often cross in pitch rather than just follow...

Didn't realise people were still mixing this... about to listen to Chili's and a bit later I'll troll back through and see if I've missed anyone else... I suspect I have!
Messed around with this tonight. I really enjoyed the original version Arm posted a while back, so it was fun to get into the nitty-gritty. So many details in this song, I really enjoyed listening to it all night. Gonna be hard to get it out of my head.

Thanks to Armistice for putting up the tracks. I hope you like what I did with your song!!!

As for the mix; I have ideas where the weak spots are, let's see if others chime in to confirm.

View attachment 75225

Ha... absolutely love the beginning!

Sounds much clearer than my original mix... probably you've de-emphasised the acoustics a bit and pushed the vocals up and I'm loving the bass, always thought it was one of my finer moments and a real core piece of the song, to give it that swing feel, especially at the end...

Excellent job Chili - one of my favourite mixes! :D :thumbs up: :thumbs up: Double thumbs up from me...

Also glad you noticed the detail... it sounds simple but there's a lot goin' on there in spots!
Yeah, the bass and vocals are the gems in this song, they have to be in the forefront. I like the acapella intro because the vocals are so well done they have to have a moment by themselves. LOL.

This song mixed itself almost. Panning, levels, a little eq here and there and some UAD compressor plugs. The bass is almost straight up how it was recorded. I tried an Ampeg plug on it, but it already had the tone, it didn't need anything else. I notched out a little at 50hz to accommodate the kick. Because the bass is all over the scales, it didn't really make much difference.

I'm glad you liked it. I'll say it again, it's a great song. :)
Here is my mix. I spent about 30min on it, it took longer to download the tracks. ;)

I decided to take a different approach than most I'm hearing here and get a little more liberal with my interpretation of the mix. Hope you guys like it.

Here is my mix. I spent about 30min on it, it took longer to download the tracks. ;)

I decided to take a different approach than most I'm hearing here and get a little more liberal with my interpretation of the mix. Hope you guys like it.


Hi Garry... sorry, I didn't know anyone else had had a stab at this.

Definitely in my top 3 or 4 mixes.... a touch faster, drums are up a bit, what else have you done? Has a (in a good way) noisier, looser feel about it. Clue me in!
Hi Garry... sorry, I didn't know anyone else had had a stab at this.

Definitely in my top 3 or 4 mixes.... a touch faster, drums are up a bit, what else have you done? Has a (in a good way) noisier, looser feel about it. Clue me in!

It probably sounds a bit faster because the mix is a bit more aggressive.

On the drums I routed them to a general drum bus. I then place two sends from that drum bus: one to a drum compression bus where I have an API-2500 on it, and the other to a Drum Verb bus where I have a ValhallaRoom on it. I then mix all three of these buses to my "All Drums" bus. I also employed EQ and Gating to the Kick, Snare, HH, and OH.

For the guitars I EQ'd them to try and give them more clarity and presence and bring out the percussive quality on the acoustics. I also added a small-room sound to the solo to give it a different "live" quality.

EQ and ambience on the bass.

Vox were split to a main vox and backing vox bus. All run through doubler/deesser/compand/tube equalizer and some light chorus on the backups.
I guess I'm a little late to the party, but here's my mix.

Thanks to the OP for posting. Very fun song to mix. Nicely recorded.
Hey there zero... thanks for playing.. Didn't see this for a few days.

Nice... I'm only listening at work through mini-headphones, but I'm hearing that you've done something to the kick in particular and mucked around with guitar levels and stuff and pushed the bass up nice and loud which really has it grooving along... moved some of the voices around here and there..

Care to share your mix secrets?
Hey there zero... thanks for playing.. Didn't see this for a few days.

Nice... I'm only listening at work through mini-headphones, but I'm hearing that you've done something to the kick in particular and mucked around with guitar levels and stuff and pushed the bass up nice and loud which really has it grooving along... moved some of the voices around here and there..

Care to share your mix secrets?
Don't really have any secrets. Just tried to mix it with some punch, and keep it balanced. The kick and snare were replaced with Slate trigger. Lots of volume automation everywhere. Tuned the vocals. Parallel drum compression to taste. Some panning, eq, delays and saturation, as well as some tape plug. Happy to share what I did if you have specific questions about anything? Thanks for posting these tracks. This was a really fun song to mix with lots of really cool stuff going on all over the place. An instant favorite for me. Wish I'd seen it sooner.