For Newbies Only: Secrets about avatars

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Dogman said:
Don't try roids my man, just drink lots o beer, and pretend your on em. Your pee pee will thank you.
At least it won't shrivel up as fast..... :eek:
thane1200 said:
therapy? I've heard of that...........mostly from people I know telling me to go!
At least they are telling you that! :D

They only tell me to go to hell! :eek:
livilaNic said:
=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ..............
Is this some sort of encoded message?

If it is, it doesn't make sense. I decoded it to read "Bring the beer and pizza around to the back entrance. Watch out for the dog. There are two strippers hired for Thursday, but one of them might not show up. George of the Jungle was a good movie"

I think I messed up my decoder ring, the last sentence didn't make sense...
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