First New Post In A Long While - How's This Sounding So Far?

Yeah, the OCD has that stack sound in a pedal. I was initially worried about using it with the crunch channel on my DSL, just thinking it would be too much. But keeping the drive low it seems to work great, it just gives it a nice kick in the head. The speaker update idea is very intriguing. There is a version of the G12M Greenback that is rated for 65 watts now, the G12M-65 "Creamback". Were you using the 25 watt Greenbacks? Is there concern about the power handling of those with a 100w head? I wonder if the 25 watt Greenback "sound" is partially derived from the fact that they are overdriven and compressed though, so that might not be the same with the 65 watt version...hmmm...more research needed :)

Chuckduffy, thanks for checking it out, I'm glad you liked the guitar!



Yup, I'm still using the 25w Greenbacks. Right now my A cab has two Greenbacks x-patterned with two 1981 Celestion G12-65s. In a 4x12 it's no problem. The rule of thumb with mixing speaker wattages is the number of speakers times the lowest wattage rating. So if you're using a 100w head into a 4x12, Greenbacks are no problem because 4 speakers times 25 watts = 100 watts. You don't have to worry about it. I think part of the Greenback's charm is that it breaks up and gets crunchy pretty fast. It has a great midrange. It's not stiff and sterile like some higher power handling speakers can be....and it's the original "british" speaker. IMO, the only things you really have to watch for when mixing different speakers is the ohm ratings obviously, they need to be all the same, and the "sensitivity" level needs to be close. Sensitivity is basically just a speaker term for efficiency or general loudness. Most common guitar speakers fall somewhere in the 96-101 db range. It doesn't seem like much of a difference, but a 100db speaker like a Vintage 30 or G12H-30 can really overpower a lower rated speaker like a Greenback or G12T-75 which both come in around 96-97 db. Some people like the obvious volume mismatch, I don't. A Vintage 30 will beat up on a Greenback in the same cab. I like speaker segregation. They're all good and will work nicely together as long as you keep them with their own kind. I personally think the Greenback/G12T-75 mix is fantastic. If you can find two Greenbacks for a good price, I highly recommend mixing them with your stock 75s.
I liked the guitar and drum sounds a lot. Good playing. Reminds me of Bad Company.

The vocal is a little bit cloudy. A cut somewhere around 500hz - 1000hz might help.

Kick might be just a bit loud.

Bass could use a little stronger low end. Maybe a boost around 80hz - 120hz or so?

Pretty much nailed it after adding TripleM's suggestions (namely about the bass, all the instruments have the perfect tone, but at first, the bass was lacking a little in depth).

Anyway needless to say it's improved to a whole new level, unreal tones :guitar: keep rockin out my man!