Final Mix (not mastered)

fprod south said:
I hate this genre and want it to die. But people like you who do such an awesome job are going to keep it alive.;)
Bedroom recording???!!!! Dang!

that kinda sums it up for me too. gtrs sound great.
Well since it's done it's done. However, 2 comments.

Kick is slightly hot maybe 2db and I would have doubled the guitar solo because it sounds kinda sub par. Not the notes, not the playing, the tune just kinda goes bland in that section and a 2nd harmony part would have sounded more like the rest of the tune. Or, maybe the synth harmonizing with the guitar solo would have filled it out better. IMHO.

The rest is killer.
Blackburn...I can assure you that it's the 'g' in glad that you're hearing. I have all of the tracks here...vox solo'd and I hear it. To you it may sound like a bad click, but to most everyone that hears it that doesn't know anything about engineering, it will be just a little more sibilance that makes them know that it is indeed a 'g' that's being pronounced. I could take it out...but it doesn't bother me a bit, honestly. To me it makes the vocals a bit more understandable.

Kramer...I always use different compression settings on the vocals. It just depends on the singer and the song. I usually compress the vox twice, though. Once with the Waves RCL, and another time with one of the internal compressors (I have one on every channel!) in my VS-2480. I usually get the attack setting by listening to the sibilance of the vocal track, and get the ratio/threshold by listening to the dynamic range of the track. I usually end up compressing the piss out of vocal tracks until they're squashed like little grapes and have absolutely no trace of dynamic range left. (Well, almost.)

Middleman...the guitar solo is doubled, and personally, if it were my song, I would have taked the guitar solo out...or at least chopped off the first half of it. Good idea about a harmony, though!

Thanks to everybody for listening!

Wow...that's one wickedly fucked up wrong word in every chorus.

Great mix, though

:D :D :D

[edit] whoever gave this one star is high. Here's more
Very respectable mix indeed. Almost a little too "radio ready". It could have used a little bit of life...but that's a pretty petty complaint.

You've done a VERY nice job here!

Slackmaster 2000

Totally agree on the solo. It's like, OK let the guitar player do his thing. Didn't quite fit with the feel of the tune. Oh well. The engineering was excellent.
Thanks for the compression explanation darth.

I would like to have seen actual Compression ratios etc. but this will have to do.:D
Just kidding.I realize that you approach every project differently according to the singer and the vocal tracks and work with the compression until you get it sounding the way you like it.

Wow, i don't even listen to this music but i really enjoyed the way that sounded... How much time did it take you to get to where it is right now. (I haven't been following any of the other version that are being talked about)
you made a lot of improvements, but i actually liked the last mix better, because the guitars were significantly louder. they're not really there at all anymore. is this on purpose, or did they just sort of 'slip away' from your attention as everything else got turned up while mixing? i've done that before :)

but really, it sounds like they're way too quiet in this recording. drums pretty much overtake everything now.
Wow, excellent mix. I would like to hear a mastered/limited version. I wonder where it would fit in on a music radio station? It FOR SURE has teen movie soundtrack all over it or possibly a sitcom tune. Consider pitching it to the movie/show studios.
This was recorded in your bedroom? Could you describe the room and the equipment you used please? I am primarily a pedal steel player and don't listen to much current pop, but this is excellent.
I am really interested in your drum mic technique.
SteveE9C6 said:
This was recorded in your bedroom? Could you describe the room and the equipment you used please? I am primarily a pedal steel player and don't listen to much current pop, but this is excellent.
I am really interested in your drum mic technique.

Hmmmm...pedal steele

/takes note of name for future reference :D
Have to agree with most everything that's been said already. First class engineering job. Guitar solo needs to come up. A lot of stuff in the mix sound a tad overcompressed IMHO. But I suspect that is what you were going for.

Like the harmonies. Love the synth.

How come the singer has an English accent? Reminds me a lot of the British bands of the mid '60's.