EQ Plugin Question

Have a look for yourself good sir PSP audioware. I love the vintage warmer and i had an older version of the Master buss comp on my old machine that i used a lot. Also, the pianoverb was kinda fun. i've not tried any of the EQ's but the comps are pretty nice

Yep, Vintage warmer is awesome for adding some growly beef. Whatever that means. ;)

The NobleQex is my favorite eq. PreQursor is my go to channel eq. Both seem to add smoothly to tones when boosting. Both have cool saturation settings as well.

Ahh ok cool. Do they sell stuff in bundles?? I like bundles :D

Also, regarding the whole "demo" thing...I am curious. Waves does this too, but I have been thinking lately--what stops people from using demo-downloads of plug-ins on finished tracks? Is there some sort of safeguard against that?

Wouldn't try it, but just curious lol.
Ahh ok cool. Do they sell stuff in bundles?? I like bundles :D

Also, regarding the whole "demo" thing...I am curious. Waves does this too, but I have been thinking lately--what stops people from using demo-downloads of plug-ins on finished tracks? Is there some sort of safeguard against that?

Wouldn't try it, but just curious lol.

Yes they sell bundles :D

it depends on the brand, but the majority of the demos i've tried will do something crazy every now and then to prevent exactly what you're saying. i.e some added random bursts of noise every so often, some just cut the signal totally every so often. They were fully functional but you couldn't just use the demo, mix the track, and bounce it without the consequences ;)