Electric Guitar quesdion

GamezBond said:
I already have some monitor speakers, because im an engineer, so can I just plug the guitar in to it? I'm pretty sure the Guitar has a 1/4 output...
If you cant answer this question yourself,then you are NOT an engineer.
I guess I got lucky when I was 14 years too young......

My Dad came home from the Air Force base where he worked, carrying a Supro guitar, a cord, and a Fender Champ amp. He asked me if I would like to try to learn guitar!

My life has been better ever since.......and even before I started loosely referring to myself as an "engineer" I never considered plugging my guitar into anything other than a guitar amp. It has always seemed axiomatic to me. Any "engineer" would agree.
GamezBond said:
so I just snagged an Fender Electric Guitar for 500$ (200$ less than retail :D ), so anyways, im wondering what accesories I will need...?

I already have some monitor speakers, because im an engineer, so can I just plug the guitar in to it? I'm pretty sure the Guitar has a 1/4 output...

Trollin', trollin', trollin'....
Come on, give the dude a break. Just because you drive a train for a living, doesn't automatically mean you know how to plug in an amplifier and all that technical shit....
Did you get a power cord with the guitar? If not you will need one.
Go for the 220v it will be twice as loud.
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GamezBond said:
so I just snagged an Fender Electric Guitar for 500$ (200$ less than retail :D ), so anyways, im wondering what accesories I will need...?

I already have some monitor speakers, because im an engineer, so can I just plug the guitar in to it? I'm pretty sure the Guitar has a 1/4 output...
You remind me of something.... thats it a Fuckwit.
gordone said:
Nah, you don't need an amp! If your car stereo has a tape player, get a 1/4"->1/8" adapter and one of those cassette adapters for iPods/mp3 players. Then you can play your guitar through your car stereo. Much cheaper than a big tube amp like a Marshall or Fender. And it should sound almost as good.

Well you all will laugh, but my first amp was a 1950ish tube stereo amp. I think it had a 78 speed record player on it. Anyway, I soldered together an RCA jack to a 1/4" jack and plugged it into my strat. It was really cool, the tubes would glow more with more power. Awsome effect.... Too bad it caught on fire. I think I melted the wax caps in it.

Oh yea, this is true.......(I am hanging my head here)
In all fairness I played my first guitar thru my stereo receiver and didnt get a amp for atleast a year. I had to put a cassette in and hit record then pause so it wouldnt stop after 30mins.And I got a really cool fuzz sound out of it.
I also found that I could plug in headphones,put em around my neck with a ear muff to my mouth and do the cool talk box sounds in "Hair of the Dog" and "Do you feel like I do"

I should have been an engineer ;)
Karmadog777 said:
In all fairness I played my first guitar thru my stereo receiver and didnt get a amp for atleast a year. I had to put a cassette in and hit record then pause so it wouldnt stop after 30mins.And I got a really cool fuzz sound out of it.
I also found that I could plug in headphones,put em around my neck with a ear muff to my mouth and do the cool talk box sounds in "Hair of the Dog" and "Do you feel like I do"

I should have been an engineer ;)

Yea, I did the cassette thing too, except I put in a match pack in the write tab sensor so I wouldn't need a cassette in it.

Now I never did the headphone thing, but that sounds really cool....
I still haven't told my parents - in the mid 70's I bought a Coronet short scale SG bass & with an adapter plug stuck into the "mic in" played it through their living room Chrysler stereo for about 2 years before I'd saved up for an amp. They didn't complain about the sound when playing old 78's or dean martin LPs though I did notice that my Zep records were sounding pretty farty - so I ensured that I used both channels about equally so that the damage was even.
They upgraded to marantz in the mid 90's.