Ebay Lowlifes

chance said:
Maybe you should have some fun with this guy. I was selling some hi-end monitors thru the "recycler" and I got a reply from this guy that said he wanted these speakers and someone near me owes him $50,000.00. He wanted me to recieve the check and deposit it and send him the speakers with the balance. I played with this guy for a month. He was from Germany. I had him calling me at least 14 times. He many times got real excited. Then I told him that there was a mis-spelling on the check ( he sent me the $50,000.00 check ) then he sent me another one by overnight Fed-Ex. I made him feel like I was falling for his scam, then when I got tired of it, I sent him an E-mail stating that from the biginning, I was on to him, and was just having a little fun. All those overseas calls must have cost him a lot. On one of his calls I even fell asleep.

The FBI would have been very happy to play along.
PhilGood said:
rpe, love your tagline! You must live in Alamogodo! It's not the end of the world, but you can see it from there... :D :D :D

Just down the road in Las Cruces!
Actually I told the feds what I am doing, and they said "have fun" They also told me that this is way out of hand and could do nothing