E-MU 1820M Series: Did I get screwed?

8mb buffer will increase performance for data reading such as opening large files and such, but I use 2mb, and it works fine.

So if you have the dough, go with 8mb, if you dont, 2mb is fine!

< ben >
dsynthuhsize said:
8mb buffer will increase performance for data reading such as opening large files and such, but I use 2mb, and it works fine.

So if you have the dough, go with 8mb, if you dont, 2mb is fine!

< ben >

I'm going with this ones:

Hitachi 80 Gig 7200 rpm >>>2 mb buffer<<<<<[$66.00] for the OS, and the Hitachi 120 Gig 7200 rpm 8mb[$81.00/from www.zipzoomfly.com] for the Audio recording.

E-mu new sound series is one of the saddening examples within industry when noble name resides in asylum of corporate mediocrity.

Few years ago when I spoke with dear friends from E-mu,…Ensonic demised in same bitter grace E-mu is about to path in not much away future.

As E-mu user since EII (EII,III,IV), as many others, hardly I can avoid not to look at this as most sorrowful moment in history of this great company. This is from technical merit hardly something
of revolution of say early "G" and "H" E-mu chips, this be only rather stretched up cut down version of Paris architecture (Ensonic) with latest implementation of recent DSP power.

Dear Mr.Wedge did you ever, even in your nightmare dreams expected this to happen?

Forgive my introduction a harsh enter into first post in this forums with this remarks of Nostalgia, surely I’m not the only one?

Does this mean that if E-mu has C from business management and creative vision, that we as users should be punished? No, certainly not. For this value and all specs considered this is exquisite product…1820 series to be exact.

In fact, I have contacted my dealer in Europe to pronto order one 1820m for me.

Apart from this introduction this is why I wanted to hear few inputs from dsynthuhsize and others.

Beside large setup in studio, for small home and on-the-fly setup I use two samplers,master key,efx and Pro Tools portable with magma case and my Powerbook.

Since this 1820 be for PC only I wonder…?

On my PC (as many do) mbo has serial by default sound card, one easy to put to sleep from BIOS, but I wonder.

Dsynthuhsize, how did OS recognized E-mu cards?

As sound card or as expander recording card ?

Can we have just for sake of system sounds a regular sound card (any) in use without conflict with E-mu cards? To have no conflict between them.

Did you have any problems, of any conflict nature?

Is the efx power really linearly easy distributed on all 16 channels?

Is there any latency or obvious weakness?

Is interface stable and environment stable so far?
Thanks Sklathill

Yes, Tigerdirect.com has good pricing, shipping is not as cheap though.

ALSO, I would DEFINTELY get the same size HDD, that way you can set them up as a raid, and dont think that 2 partitions will increase performance, it wont.

Raid 0 (which your mobo deluxe is capable of) will DEFINITELY increase your performance alot.

< ben >

BTW!!! Sklathill
THanks man for your impression of the 1820, I will be recieving mine tommorow.

Thank you for your post.
You brought up some interesting points, although, I found it a bit hard to see what you were trying to say in the introduction.
As for your questions:

1. Yes, I believe for a couple of reasons the EMU sound card will become the MAJOR playing in the next few months to come.
New products always garner consumer interest, but this product, I believe meets the exact need of the home DAW-computer users.
I will be using this on my PC with sonar 3.

2. EMU may have future support for mac, but I wouldnt hold your breath, unless they have huge amounts of sales on the PC side soon. Which, they could.

3. You can disable the integrated sound card on the bios. I am currently using integrated sound, and I will disable it, if they cannot co-exist.

4. The OS will see the sound card as a sound card in the device manager. just follow the manual, seems easy.

5. The card should co-exist with the existing integrated mobo sound.

6. As far as conflicts, we still have yet to see. I will certainly let you guys know!

7. Zero latency with ASIO drivers. One of the advantges of this system seems to be, it has few weaknesses! I am very excited about this card.

8. Stablity....we shall see.

Hope that awnsers your questions, and further inspires intrest and questions from other users!

I have a question:

What would be the use for the on hardware effects? Would I really use those if I use waves directx right now?



< ben >

The point was (introduction) some of the most talented people
already left E-mu because they were disgust with direction Creative had in mind for E-mu future development projects. (sound cards slave company)

Ensoniq people left early in the first year when Creative merged the same with Emu (Emu’Ensonic brand).

Creative wanted for Ensoniq to toy with soundcards while E-mu preserved Sampler sphere shortly naively thinking that he will be safe.

Ensoniq fame of famous brand vanished in one year after that merger.

All resources, data future implementation of accumulative know-how wasted for nothing.

Same thing is now with E-mu. Some of the friends that left from E-mu couldn’t stand this new found direction of Creative lack of vision. What was once financial help to E-mu emerged as trap for naïve E-mu.

How do you think army of loyal (myself included) E-mu samplers owners feels about this sound card money making charade?

Fairlight (AU) and Synclavier (Demas) are presently in better control of their own technology then E-mu is in this moment.

That is very ironic indeed,

Back to 1820…

quote: "I am currently using integrated sound, and I will disable it, if they cannot co-exist."

Well does that mean that they do at the moment work fine ?

Can you use normal system sounds from Windows (verifications & such) while you are using 1820?

quote: "What would be the use for the on hardware effects? Would I really use those if I use waves directx right now?"

You lost me...
Could you please make it more clear, what hardware efx????

Re: Thanks Sklathill

dsynthuhsize said:
Yes, Tigerdirect.com has good pricing, shipping is not as cheap though.

ALSO, I would DEFINTELY get the same size HDD, that way you can set them up as a raid, and dont think that 2 partitions will increase performance, it wont.

Raid 0 (which your mobo deluxe is capable of) will DEFINITELY increase your performance alot.

Teach me a lesson about Raid you lost me :)
Sklathill said:
I just got an 1820 (non-M).

MUCH better than my Deltas.

This is a VERY VERY good card...

Which Deltas are you comparing it against? I'm running a 1010 and a 66 here, and I'm quite curious about the EMUs.

Re: Re: Thanks Sklathill

ViLo said:
Teach me a lesson about Raid you lost me :)


First off you can't go wrong with either version of the P4P800. You won't find a better board for that price. I've just built my new machine on one.

The deluxe version lets you do Raid 0, 1 and 0+1. Raid 0 is data striping across 2 drives for improved performance. Raid 1 is mirroring. To do both you need 4 drives. If you have 2 drives only on Raid 0 and 1 of them burns up, you lose all data on both drives.

I'm not ready for Raid yet. Later on I might get another couple of drives and start striping but for now my machine is fast enough
Re: Re: Re: Thanks Sklathill

Bulls Hit said:

First off you can't go wrong with either version of the P4P800. You won't find a better board for that price. I've just built my new machine on one.

The deluxe version lets you do Raid 0, 1 and 0+1. Raid 0 is data striping across 2 drives for improved performance. Raid 1 is mirroring. To do both you need 4 drives. If you have 2 drives only on Raid 0 and 1 of them burns up, you lose all data on both drives.

I'm not ready for Raid yet. Later on I might get another couple of drives and start striping but for now my machine is fast enough

Thanks :cool:
E-mu X'studio & 1820m

I just ordered Emulator X-studio (1820m+software) from my dealer.

Should be on my table in 3 weeks.

I wonder how will I look to this synergy between my EIV’s and this. this, soft something?

I wonder how smooth will read really samples from EIII,Eos?

Word of advice to those about to purchase in Europe :

Some dealers tend to list the same for sake of image, so once you actually order the same it turns out they really don’t have it !

But I mention this because I’ve heard some people ordered X-studio and had no idea what is coming inside (1210,1820m) due to complete lack of update of some dealers that only sell things while attention to product is somewhat sleepy.

While I wait,…

I can’t believe nobody who purchased in states already, failed to post any remarks and impressions of either 1210,1820m & Studio.

Come on people....
Anthony said:

Back to 1820…

quote: "I am currently using integrated sound, and I will disable it, if they cannot co-exist."

Well does that mean that they do at the moment work fine ?


Not on my system, but I'm still tinkering with it. My MOBO has integrated sound, but Windows Media Player is not putting out audio all the time since I put in the 1820 components. I need to see if I can reassign the WMP to use the 1820 card, just have not found out how yet.
Eversince 90’s when I first introduced PC to my Mac and while tried to configure basic two midi cards with then AWE32 creative soundcard,…made me learn that even with greatest lengths some things are impossible to be done on PC without penalty or expense to functionality of some other device or programs.Most simple scheme that I came up when first gave serious thought to potential conflicts with sound card (board or onboard) that would be inevitable with 1820.

Main problem that creates conflict would be always midi, Windows never implemented flexibility to address this in more easier manner.


* To simply turn completely onboard sound card from BIOS.

* Once Emu is completely installed, then add from Creative
or any other competitive sound card maker, external
Sblaster via USB. This would be recognized pronto,without
any problems not to mention Midi conflict would be almost
entirely nonexistent.

So you could not only use your E-mu midi IN/OUT but your
SND Card’s Midi as well.


* To persist with sound card board/onboard while trying to
put internal’s MIDI to sleep.

* To be very careful about timing and order of installing the
new drivers, once process of E-mu software and drivers
install is taking place.

3). UPREDICTABLE with potential to become nightmare

* To decide (very optimistic) to include internal midi resource
and simply to enter the battle with IRQ nemesis, provided
card has very good written non generic drivers.

This can also be done, but often at sacrifice of playback
quality of sounblaster.

I wonder….Shoeman, how well is E-mu card recognized with your own non E-mu recording and editing software?

For example can you use A&D inputs in SForge or some other non E-mu editing software you are using?

You say that Media Player is not putting out audio all the time, I gather sometimes it can?, can you repeat known setups were it can and those where there is no sound?

Can you for example right now use your onboard MBO sound inputs while having full functionality of all E-mu’s I/O?

For the end, since resources and software that communicates with Windows alone on system basis are mainly written by people from Creative, … isn’t there a way for E-mu 1820 as such to be treated as Sound Blaster to windows and be used as one > ? <