drum recordings sounding a little high pitched

Nice to know. It was my first time on this site, and I wanted to ask you guys a question. I went onto another homerecording site, and ask the same quesiton. And they all gave me some nice Interfaces around my price range. Then I picked a couple out and ask more questions on it. But hey, what can you do.

No need to be passive-aggressive. You asked a question without giving anyone enough details to give you a well-considered answer. I'm sure all the interfaces you're looking at are nice. But without knowing what you want to do and what features you require in an interface beyond the retail price, all we can really do is tell you what we use. In fact, many of us are not comfortable recommending that you drop hundreds of dollars on a product we have little or no experience with, and without knowing what it is you need and how you might want to expand your setup in the future.

HR is a good resource. You get out what you put in. If you found someplace you feel is a better fit, get thee hence.
