Do Les Paul Studios suck? Pt. II


No, I don't want to be coerced by your naked body into paying you to cover up... I was just wondering what kind of power amp you use with your rack. I've read a lot about the Triaxis and most people use Mesa Boogie tube power amps. that's a damn pricey set-up even used! What about your ps-1? Have you found any particular power amp works best with that? Maybe if you slithered on the floor with your guitars and got provocotive with your rig I'd pay ya... hell, we could put it on the internet and we'd make a fortune!
gilwe said:
If you want to keep the Les Paul sound you should never replace them with EMGs .... I would recommend LP 57s, the same that are on the LP Gary Moore and Custom 59 models... Killer sound.

The Gary Moore LP and Historic '59 both have burstbucker pickups. Many of the other reissues have 57 Classic pickups, but the Gary Moore LP was the first U.S. model to use the burstbuckers and the new LP Standards have them too.

I'm trying to decide what to put in my '76 Standard. I'm all confused. :eek: Seymour Duncan 59, JB, Custom......or Gibson 57 Classic or burstbuckers. Too many choices, so I'm doing anything at the moment. I have a DiMarzio SuperDistortion in the bridge and I'm pretty sure I can improve on the tone, but on the other hand I like the sound I'm getting.

How much would a guitar tech charge to remove and install a new set of pups ? I don't know if I'm confident enough to do it myself.
Re: Lopp

JR#97 said:
No, I don't want to be coerced by your naked body into paying you to cover up... I was just wondering what kind of power amp you use with your rack. I've read a lot about the Triaxis and most people use Mesa Boogie tube power amps. that's a damn pricey set-up even used!

Yeah, that can get pricey. Which is why I'm currently using a Lee Jackson power amp that I picked up used many years ago. I can't imagine my setup sounding any sweeter than it already does. However, that doesn't mean a tube power amp wouldn't make it sound better.

Also, regarding price, I think I only spent $800 on my Version 2, no fat mod, used TriAxis. Much better than the $1500 list price.

Are ya thinking of getting a TriAxis?

What about your ps-1? Have you found any particular power amp works best with that?

Nope. Not that I've tried. I use the PSA-1 live and run it direct into the PA. I also keep it in the PA rack along with my wireless unit. (Heh. He said "unit.") Less gear to lug around and zero setup and mic'ing probs. I also find it easier to quickly tweak for tonal adjustments depeing on the venue.

Since I'm also the soundman, I love it because it's easier to get a good mix. In fact, our entire band runs direct except the drummer. (Now if I could just get him to use an electronic kit...)

Maybe if you slithered on the floor with your guitars and got provocotive with your rig I'd pay ya... hell, we could put it on the internet and we'd make a fortune! [/B]

That would probably ruin my political aspirations.
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The Gary Moore LP and Historic '59 both have burstbucker pickups. Many of the other reissues have 57 Classic pickups, but the Gary Moore LP was the first U.S. model to use the burstbuckers and the new LP Standards have them too.

If I'm not wrong, the burstbackers are the unpotted version of the Classic 57 (which I think are on the LP 59 RI model).

I liked both of them, Knopfler's LP sound on "Every Street" is so GREAAAAAT !! I would tell go for either them or the burstbackers ....

By the way, I would advise you to consult a guitar tech BEFORE you buy the PUs as not every pickup would match the electrical circuit in your guitar.
gilwe said:
By the way, I would advise you to consult a guitar tech BEFORE you buy the PUs as not every pickup would match the electrical circuit in your guitar.

Heh. I'm an EE. I won't have any probs with setting up the EMG, especially because I've done it before. There isn't any prob when switching to all EMGs, but there are tradeoffs when trying to use an EMG with a non-EMG pickup. Anyways, thanks for the tip.