Diana Light The Moon

I think it sounds great man. All of the vocals (lead and background) sound good to me, in this setting they're right where they need to be. Nice frequency balance of everything, its got a full low end and plenty of density above that. Drums sound nice, although that snare is a little suspect. Much improved from the last mix though!
Yup, sounds done to me. Nice job on this.

I still liked the original, heavier beat best myself, but this works. This last mix does have more depth to it, which is good. Plenty of sounds coming and going across the spectrum.

I don't know how you can totally change beats like you did though? You laid the foundation over one beat, and then changed it several times I think? Did any of the tracks that were played over the original beat stay in this final version? I would think changing the beat would require re-tracking everything that had been done on top of it? Just curious. I had wanted to ask that before...there was one drum part in the middle somewhere that you tried that really didn't fit I thought, and this one is better, but the first was the best! :p
I think the organ came through better on the first one. Your redid the vocal, right? It sounds better, anyway. I think you could easily bring the spoken vocal level up. And why pan it? It's a bit of a star and deserves center stage. But whatever. Or you could clone it, pan it left, and delay the right one a second. You can tell I've been drinking lol.

What a cool song. I really like it.
Just heard the first mix. It sounds good. Although the song is a bit repetitive the mix is very thick....I like a lot of low end like that while still being bright but not painfully bright. It's a good sound man!
The new mix has much greater clarity than the old one, which is great. So much cool stuff going on in there.. farfisas, spacey gits, creepy voices. Glad I got to hear a finished version of this one. More of a motorik Neu!/Cluster vibe on this one than I've heard from you before.
I think it sounds great man. All of the vocals (lead and background) sound good to me, in this setting they're right where they need to be. Nice frequency balance of everything, its got a full low end and plenty of density above that. Drums sound nice, although that snare is a little suspect. Much improved from the last mix though!

Excellent, thanks for listening tadpui and I'm glad the new mix is an improvement. I'd hoped it was, but had probably reached the point where I couldn't really tell for sure whether it sounded that different any more. What's your issue with the snare btw? Is it the tone, sample quality or the pattern that's I'm a fan of Four Tet's stuff, especially his drum sounds around the Rounds/Pause era records and I think I reached for that kind of sound if you're familiar? I think I'm probably at the limits of what I can currently do with drums, but if it's just something with how it's sitting in the mix, I might be able to take another look.

Yup, sounds done to me. Nice job on this.

I still liked the original, heavier beat best myself, but this works. This last mix does have more depth to it, which is good. Plenty of sounds coming and going across the spectrum.

I don't know how you can totally change beats like you did though? You laid the foundation over one beat, and then changed it several times I think? Did any of the tracks that were played over the original beat stay in this final version? I would think changing the beat would require re-tracking everything that had been done on top of it? Just curious. I had wanted to ask that before...there was one drum part in the middle somewhere that you tried that really didn't fit I thought, and this one is better, but the first was the best! :p

Ace, thanks Pete. I was definitely after more depth with the update, so that's good to hear. I think your parts are actually more prominent this time round too, and they contributed to that. I can get nice warm tube tones, but am not so hot on more overdriven sounds - your parts were more overdriven and so contrasted well.

Regarding changing the beats, it's something I do quite a lot on mixes until I get them to the point I want them. When I want to change it round, I just tend to strip it back to the click track (or if I'm happy with the kick then back to that) and rebuild again from there. I think the overheads on the second part of the song might have stayed the same throughout, but I can't say for sure. As long as it's recorded to a click, I find that I can change the beat around without having to re-track everything around it

The very first beat pattern you heard had some crazy timings in it, to try and match the crazy timings of everything else on the scratch demo. I couldn't get it all to pull together with that particular beat once I re-tracked properly, so had to change things around. I don't have much in the way of a set process when writing/recording stuff, so everything tends to just keep on changing around until I eventually stumble upon the right combination...

I think the organ came through better on the first one. Your redid the vocal, right? It sounds better, anyway. I think you could easily bring the spoken vocal level up. And why pan it? It's a bit of a star and deserves center stage. But whatever. Or you could clone it, pan it left, and delay the right one a second. You can tell I've been drinking lol.

What a cool song. I really like it.

Thanks for coming back in, drinking or no drinking dobro. Glad you liked it. With the organ, I notched out a boomy frequency (which I guess equates to a volume cut), but that's the only significant change I made there. It was more prominent in mix one, but I think that setting it back a little more allows other parts to come through more and provide more interest. Re. the vocal, I didn't redo in the end, I just scrapped one of the vocal lines that was out of whack, and tidied up the timings. I've got a latency issue with my tracking currently, so it's more art than science working out where to place audio files.

And re. the spoken word section - I guess I went a bit crazy on the panning with this tune. With having a lot going on I was a bit conscious of putting much dead centre where it might smother the dynamics. I'll play around again and see how it sits dead centre. Thanks again man :)
Just heard the first mix. It sounds good. Although the song is a bit repetitive the mix is very thick....I like a lot of low end like that while still being bright but not painfully bright. It's a good sound man!

Hey, thanks a lot for listening MS. Yeah, I do like a solid, rounded low end, but it’s only recently that I’ve started getting a handle on getting that to sound full without killing the highs and overdoing the lower mids. It may be a bit repetitive for some, but I wanted a slow builder with a bit of a droney quality to it, so I can probably live with that. It’s only two chords throughout, so it was fun writing something on that basis that at least tried to maintain the interest for 3+ minutes. Glad you liked the sound, thanks again :)

The new mix has much greater clarity than the old one, which is great. So much cool stuff going on in there.. farfisas, spacey gits, creepy voices. Glad I got to hear a finished version of this one. More of a motorik Neu!/Cluster vibe on this one than I've heard from you before.

Ace, thanks fleet, I’m glad that the clarity comes through and it worked for you. I peeled back some processing here and there and tried to make it breathe on the update. I hear what you mean re. the Neu! Reference – I like that black sleeved record of theirs (75 I think it’s called), and the beat does have a bit of a mechanised krautrock flavour to it for sure. I don’t know Cluster though, I’ll have to give them a listen.

Like I said above, with such a simple basic template, I wanted to throw a lot of other stuff at it to hold the interest and build the textures. The song’s quite a mishmash of styles from different corners of my record collection, and I think that made it enjoyable to keep going back to. Thanks a lot for listening mate :thumbs up:
New mix from 3 days ago - sorry I missed it.
Lots of layers for interest and texture.
The snare may be a hair too loud.
It's very cool Rob, well done.
New mix from 3 days ago - sorry I missed it.
Lots of layers for interest and texture.
The snare may be a hair too loud.
It's very cool Rob, well done.

Great, thanks Ray. I was hoping you'd see the update and get chance to give it a listen, as the 'sparkling guitar' on v2 was added following your initial suggestion. The snare has been hard to find the sweet spot on...man, I wish I had the space and abilities to record real drums.

Thanks a lot for the listen and your thoughts man :)