Define "phase"? Or is it polarity?

This thread (along with several other previous ones) have convinced me that it's worthwhile for me to write an on-line application that will go on the IRN website that will demonstrate graphically and in real-time the definitions and differences between phase and polarity, as well as those between relative phase shift in time and intrinsic phase rotation with no time shift. One will be able to, on their own and without the apparent extreme burden of actually using a calculator, actually change the phase - both relative and intrinsic - of both a simple sine wave and a complex wave consisting of more than one component sine wave, and see the results numerically and graphically right on their screen.

It might take some time for me to complete this project as I'll be doing it in my free time, and also have other IRN projects currently in the fire that I have to work on as well. But I'll announce when it's done by pulling this thread back to the surface and announcing it here.

That will be my next and final word on the subject. Until then, I'm signing off this thread.

IRN in the fire was is an excellent pun - well done!
LOL, I'd like to take credit for that but I didn't even think about the pun part of it until you brought it up. I'm a poet and I don''m a comic and I don', wait...I'm a punster, no, no...I'm a guy from Nantucket...
