defecation (1.5)

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Your a freak!

And a pretty funny one at that.

Two thumbs up. Goddammit! SOB! :D

God that sucked. I dig it!:D
I'm cleaning my puter screen. I love you man. very funny and showing a great talent too.

I believe I told Rick on his submission that he was a sick puppy. You just stole the title.:D :D :D I have to go find something to clean the coffee off the computer with (hot coffee burns when it comes through your nose. I know).
That was great. I especially like the little "g@d dammit" and "son of a bitch" after about the 10 mistake in chopsticks. I'm not sure what the "protein shakes" are, but it was an interesting little bit.

That was a good one.
I listened to Lumber. Funny shit. I can relate to "Son your a disappointment" Im 40 and I still have long a hair and It still really pisses off my dad.
Some wild progressive percussion going on. Its like progressive alternative. Not sure if that exists yet? LOL No wait Im listening again and I can hear some Frank Zappa... This was cool. Nice to hear some of yur own shit.
great replies

Thanks all for responding. Didn't want to bump this with all the activity the past couple of days... by all rights, this should have rocketed to page 3 by now :D

but...while it's still kinda close to the top...
Lt. Bob - thanks... glad it gave you a chuckle

Jamal - for a grammy-nominated artist, you sure aren't conceited :)

TokiToke-mon -- Must've heard the two "serious" songs. Thanks for checkn 'em out!

Krames - thanx d00d :)

Sam-age - they fight, and bite... they fight and fight and bite... cool pic

SLuiCe - thumbs up from "lyric man" himself :D t'anx

WATYF - glad the drums passed muster... lol

Guernica - cool... g'man likes!!

powderfinger - another "Lumber" listener... thought you heard it before? :confused: Thanks for checkin that one out, man. A lot more than 1.5 there ;) BTW where's your music been, man? I've missed it.

chrisharris - heh... yeah.. about that "hum"... I decided to try to get the shittiest sound I could; keyboard-->mono channel-->guitar amp :D-->Radio Shack mic-->VTB1.... and it STILL came out too clean :mad: :D You know it's cool when you can make the CLASS CLOWN HIMSELF laugh ;) Thanks. You're too generous with your time. Thanks for pointing out the "peanuts" (acoustic guitar) in this "shit"... lmao

David -- must've been "Lumber" & "Sunshine" then... hey, thanks! Thought you'd heard them too? :confused: Wonderful... the Toddster, eh? Thanks!

bobbo -- did you hear "Lumber"? Or "Sh*tty Sh*t Sh*t Sh*t"? :D

crawdaddy - Whoa... thanks for listening, Al! Somehow you'd missed both "Lumber" & "Sunshine" when they were first put up here... cool that you got some kicks out of my stuff. It's interesting that "Lumber" seems to strike some people as funny (most notably the "shave my balls" crew ;)) Interesting, because that song was bourne from anger and frustration... but with a detached "whatever" feel, too.

Not offended at all, Al. If it's funny, then it's funny. I mean, excessive double bass drum is hilarious to me, for example :D

flash2ace - cool. glad you enjoyed my toons.

Jagular - Toddster again. Must be something to that :D High compliments. Thank you.

mixmkr - cool... mr. funny man himself likes it! Success!! :D

JMarcomb - Jeff... thank you... guitars THICK? Which song? The 1.5? Those were Les Paul Studio-->J Station-->Amplifier-->Shure Beta 56-->VTB1 (Tube Set to 3)-->Cubase (32-bit Tape Saturation)... someone of your talent calling MY guitars thick is just ... friggin unreal... thanks! :)

peace-rick (fender) - I love you, man!! (but not in public :eek: :p) :D If you post one more song by February, you're my hero! lmao! thank's!

M.Brane -- :D Hoped you'd like it! Thanks for the stars & thumbs!

dtb -- all RIGHT! A jamfester! Thanks for takin' my schtuff for a spin :) Sorry bout your screen :D

Track Rat - hehe ;) Sorry about those nostrils, Mike... in time, you'll grow used to having no sense of smell :D

VOXVENDOR - JOE! Cool to hear you liked it. Thanks a ton for listening to my p.o.s!! Yeah... guitar chain explained above (JMarcomb)... similar to yours on "Wish You'd Never Learn"? (POD-->amp-->mic)

TripleM -- does the phrase "rolling snakeyes with one dice" ring a bell? :)...

...:eek: :mad:

:D ;)

Thanks. You've always been supportive, Trip :)

Myx62 - Glad you found Lumber's humorous side, too... you & crawdad are way too kind.

groovejunkie - definitely listened to "Lumber" then, eh? Yeah.. I ripped off the octave "pumpkin" chord there... lol... thanks for checking out my song


Tagifen -- Our new brah! :p Thanks! Unlike you, I'm talentless! :D Thanks for laughing at my shame :D :D ;) :p lol

Now if there are no objections, let's flush this turd ;)

This thread will (probably) receive no more bumps from me... this thread is DEAD to me... I HAAAVE NOO THREAAAAD!! (tears shirt)...

crap... :( i ruined a good shirt

Re: great replies

participant said:
WATYF - glad the drums passed muster... lol


those.. drums.

They were... uh.... real good...



Why have I never heard of this before??? And no, rolling snake eyes with one die doesn't help. I'm thick I guess. And I seemingly don't get out of the house enough. Maybe I'm better off not knowing.
"Interesting, because that song was bourne from anger and frustration... but with a detached "whatever" feel, too."

Thats a big part of what made it so cool! The anger and frustration are pouring through the music track, but the vocal has this detached sarcasm. Between those two elements, the lyrics just take it someplace else. I'm glad I got to hear it this time around.
i can't even keep track of who's tunes i've listened to but if this is the one with the frustrated version of chopsticks that part killed me! had to rewind that part a few times for more laughs.

i have a lot of guitar tracks that sound like that :)....everything starts out fine then my fingers get in the way and it degenerates into a string of expletives!
OMG!It's 1:45am and here you dicks are makin me wake my kids up again.FUCKIN GREAT,FUCKIN GREATY GREAT GREAT.You silly MF.If I had your # right now I'd be prankin you...GD that's some funny shit.oh,and good song too
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