DAW Users With ADD

oh yea, i forgot about that thread, so the place has been cleaned up? (censred)

No more political, religious or pornographic content. People still find things to argue about, but they've banned most of the incessant members.

Cancer talk
My Mother in-law was given four months if she declines treatment. twelve if she does. It's not much of a choice, and I think she's leaning toward forgoing it, seeing as she's over 80 and in poor shape to start with.
Between my son going off to college and my wife's mom being ill, this is a very emotional time for my wife.

Cancer talk
My Mother in-law was given four months if she declines treatment. twelve if she does. It's not much of a choice, and I think she's leaning toward forgoing it, seeing as she's over 80 and in poor shape to start with.
Between my son going off to college and my wife's mom being ill, this is a very emotional time for my wife.

Pretty tough. I'm figuring the quality of life for the extra 8 months won't be too great either. I think I'd forgo it too. Just give me the good drugs.

Our guitar player is out of the nursing home and moved in with his sister and bro-in-law (our percussionist). Not sure if/when he is planning to start radiation treatment. He is going to be a nightmare to be around if he does. I'm trying to be sympathetic, but he makes it hard. It's like he's the only person that this stuff has ever happened to.

Course, if it's ever my turn, I'll be even worse. :)
Pretty tough. I'm figuring the quality of life for the extra 8 months won't be too great either. I think I'd forgo it too. Just give me the good drugs.

Our guitar player is out of the nursing home and moved in with his sister and bro-in-law (our percussionist). Not sure if/when he is planning to start radiation treatment. He is going to be a nightmare to be around if he does. I'm trying to be sympathetic, but he makes it hard. It's like he's the only person that this stuff has ever happened to.

Course, if it's ever my turn, I'll be even worse. :)

I guess everybody's situation is different. Other than my mom most people I know have died suddenly. I'll take a sudden death over a long one, but it's more of a shock to the survivors. My grandfather died shortly after riding his lawnmower and using a chainsaw to cut wood, that's living right to the end.

The Father in-law is in pretty bad shape too, this isn't going to help. I'm guessing he figured he would go first.
My grandfather was out for a family drive (before I was born) with his wife and 5 boys. Pulled the car over, looked at his wife, said, "I love you", and passed. It's kind of sweet, but had to put a horrible psychological impact on those five boys. I never heard my dad tell my mom, "I love you." Least not in those words.
My mom went the long route 8 years ago and dad died suddenly for no apparent cause about 3 months later. Doctors couldn't find anything wrong with him. Maybe he just died of a broken heart...
My gradfather died peacefully in his sleep. At least it was peaceful for him, not so much for the other 3 people in his car.
My gradfather died peacefully in his sleep. At least it was peaceful for him, not so much for the other 3 people in his car.

Not sure if you're joking, but that's one of the old standards, except sometimes it's said with "the other 65 passengers on his bus."
Our lead guitarist showed up for practice last night. He hasn't started his treatments yet, and I'm not sure we'll see him once he does. He was in a bit of a strange mood, but played well. Didn't stay the entire night, however he was there for the majority of it. I was surprised and glad he came. He's lost quite a bit of weight.

The radiation treatments involve him wearing a mask. The mask is molded to his face, and then it buckles to a table. The idea is so he can't move his head during treatment so the beam only hits the cancer. He is terrified of this mask. I tell him i know its uncomfortable, but the treatment is only like ten minutes. Surely you can zone out for that long (plus I think they give you drugs to relax). He gets incensed about my use of the word "uncomfortable," saying that doesn't even begin to describe it.
The radiation treatments involve him wearing a mask. The mask is molded to his face, and then it buckles to a table. The idea is so he can't move his head during treatment so the beam only hits the cancer. He is terrified of this mask. I tell him i know its uncomfortable, but the treatment is only like ten minutes. Surely you can zone out for that long (plus I think they give you drugs to relax). He gets incensed about my use of the word "uncomfortable," saying that doesn't even begin to describe it.

While I feel sorry for the guy, you're really making him out to be a wuss. My Mom's only complaints during her ordeal were about the hospital food. Some people over play the sympathy card.

Stupid Facebook tricks
A guy from work posts a picture of himself at the State Fair then calls in sick the next day, The guy who opens up the shop and hands out the work is one of his Facebook friends.

It reminds me of the time my brother called in sick from the bar at 1:30 AM with the music blaring in the background.

Things are getting tense between the father and son. I hope I can ride this job for at least a few more years, but I don't see it lasting until I retire.

While I feel sorry for the guy, you're really making him out to be a wuss. My Mom's only complaints during her ordeal were about the hospital food. Some people over play the sympathy card.

Major wuss, and a hypocondriac on top of that. Plus he's got some mental issues (bipolar or schizofrenic, along with ocd I think). Serious enough that he has been disabled and collecting SS for probably 20 years or so.
Stupid Facebook tricks
A guy from work posts a picture of himself at the State Fair then calls in sick the next day, The guy who opens up the shop and hands out the work is one of his Facebook friends.

It reminds me of the time my brother called in sick from the bar at 1:30 AM with the music blaring in the background.


We had a guy at work once who I had hired as a temp. He was a good kid and good worker, and he kept busting me to put him on as an employee. I told him I probably would, and told him we required permanent employees to be drug tested (for some reason, temps weren't required). He said he understood.

A few weeks later I come in and tell him I had good news. We were going to put him on full time, and I handed him papers to go for the drug screening. He goes, "Now?"

Needless to say, he failed. I mean c'mon, he had weeks of forewarning. How dumb can you get? <shakes head>

I went to an open jam right here in town. First time in decades! It's every third Friday so that works great for me as weeknights are a no-go.
As usual the talent level can be spotty, there was one guy whose set was downright painful but the rest of the players were at very least competent. A bunch of guys brought harps and one guy did some really nice work on a blues tune, but one guy was just blowing on the harp without any idea of what he was doing. I can't tell you how many times I've seen that over the years.

The guy running the show did a real good job and played a nice broad selection of music. I played I think eight songs and didn't screw things up too badly.

Five days until my son moves out, I'm seeing things from a different perspective now. I'm thinking he will too.

Two long weekends left and then begins the "grind", the period between now and January or February, where work is always on the front burner. I guess I'm just lucky to have a job.:rolleyes:

Last weekend was my wife's birthday but we're going out today because we spent the last weekend taking out her parents, which at this point in the game is a chore.



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I have a pair of those sonic speakers somewhere...they're not bad for crappy speakers.

Our anniversary was last week and my wife had oral surgery the day before, so we're putting our anniversary dinner off until she's able to eat solid foods...Her mouth was our major expense last year (beat out the mortgage), and is on track to be #1 again this year. New Obamacare just makes it to where we have to pay more out of pocket...Don't understand how that makes it "affordable".

My work is in front burner from April till January every year (retail) We get the busloads of Hispanics from April through October then jump into Christmas till the middle of January, then you get tax returns starting the first of Feburary...really, it never slows down, but from about the middle of January through the end of March things we get cut hours, anyway...Trying to save up for those rainy days right now, but finding it difficult...Can't wait to see if a different President can make a difference...not really counting on it.
Five days until my son moves out, I'm seeing things from a different perspective now. I'm thinking he will too.

My favorite memory of those days was the time I thought the school had made a mistake on my daughter's tuition bill. I called the financial office (office of the bursar :rolleyes: ), and they go, "who are you?"

I tell them I'm her father. They say we can only give that information to your daughter. I asked them to look at her tuition check to see if they could find HER name on it anywhere.

They again tell me they will only speak with her.

I said, so you are fine with accepting my checks, but after that I'm chopped liver? :mad:

Ain't it great when they're all grown up? :)
really, it never slows down, but from about the middle of January through the end of March things we get cut hours, anyway...Trying to save up for those rainy days right now, but finding it difficult...Can't wait to see if a different President can make a difference...not really counting on it.

It never slows down by me either, but I'm happy working an eight hour day once in awhile instead of nine or ten plus Saturdays.

My favorite memory of those days was the time I thought the school had made a mistake on my daughter's tuition bill. I called the financial office (office of the bursar :rolleyes: ), and they go, "who are you?"

I tell them I'm her father. They say we can only give that information to your daughter. I asked them to look at her tuition check to see if they could find HER name on it anywhere.

They again tell me they will only speak with her.

I said, so you are fine with accepting my checks, but after that I'm chopped liver? :mad:

Ain't it great when they're all grown up? :)

I'm responsible for my son's insurance and I'm the co-signer on his student loan. I think we have access to his grades and attendance records. but I really don't know if I can check to make sure the bills are paid.