DAW Users With ADD

Hi D'-2ndTenor, I need your advice!

My daughter turns 21 this coming Friday (Jul 24). In celebration, the wif-ee is taking her for a week-long trip to the Bahamas leaving this Monday, Jul 20th (I wasn't invited- females only) returning next wk Mon. nite Jul 27th.

I'll be home alone COMPLETELY by myself for 7 1/2 days. My question(s) to you are;

This is easy Q-man...
How do I combat the loneliness?
Jerk off.

How do I occupy all this free time?
Jerk off.

Should I clean the house?
No, jerk off instead.

Host a book-reading, tupper-ware or recipe-sharing party?
That's up to you, but it could be embarrassing if you get caught jerking off.

Cut my toe-nails?
Can you do it one-handed while jerking off with the other?

What advice can you provide me on how to maximize & enjoy 7 1/2 days of ABSOLUTE FREEDOM !
Thank you!
Done and done. enjoy. :)
This is easy Q-man...

Jerk off.

Jerk off.

No, jerk off instead.

That's up to you, but it could be embarrassing if you get caught jerking off.

Can you do it one-handed while jerking off with the other?

Done and done. enjoy. :)

Great advice O' wise one! I will go forth and purchase a jar of Vaseline!

A million thanks!
I'm still alive!
Once again I made it through another week and I've got a three day weekend to boot!

I'm so excited I'm going to clean my garage out today, whoo hoo, life is good.

The weather
It has been slightly better than perfect.

I was dinking around in SONAR with the included loops and spent an hour organizing them before I actually use them so they'll be in the right place if I actually ever do record something. It's nice to get loops, but a folder with thousands of files and no type of organization is pretty worthless.

I've had the same problems with soundsets and I've figured out I either need to make a preset for the better sounds or use a rank if the synth provides one.

I was dinking around in SONAR with the included loops and spent an hour organizing them before I actually use them so they'll be in the right place if I actually ever do record something. It's nice to get loops, but a folder with thousands of files and no type of organization is pretty worthless.

I've had the same problems with soundsets and I've figured out I either need to make a preset for the better sounds or use a rank if the synth provides one.

Organization is good. I have been using my iPad and iPhone calendars to organize my daily activities. The calendars sync with each other and I think it's going to work great as soon as I come up with any actual activities. :o

Our guitar player had his tracheotomy yesterday. I understand he is freaking out. Says its too tight and that he can't breathe. Drs say evrything is fine.

He'll be spending another few days in the hospital. Then I imagine he starts chemo and radiation in a couple of weeks. The dr said his tumor had grown in just the past 2 weeks, and he would have choked if he had waited any longer.

This is terrible stuff to have to go through. :(
Our guitar player had his tracheotomy yesterday. I understand he is freaking out. Says its too tight and that he can't breathe. Drs say evrything is fine.

He'll be spending another few days in the hospital. Then I imagine he starts chemo and radiation in a couple of weeks. The dr said his tumor had grown in just the past 2 weeks, and he would have choked if he had waited any longer.

This is terrible stuff to have to go through. :(

It's hard to put a happy face on these situations. About all you can do is listen to the doctors orders and try to be optimistic.

I take it he's not playing with the band in the meantime?

German fest
Every weekend there's a "fest" at the festival park on the Lakefront. Italian fest, German, Polish, Asian, Irish,African, Mexican and Pride. The crown jewel is Summerfest, which covers eleven days. I don't think they're as much about cultural enrichment as they are about getting drunk, but who needs cultural enrichment when they can get drunk?

Anyways we have free tickets and as a bonus my wife's job is right next to the festival park and we get to use her parking spot.:) Because if I had to pay for anything, we wouldn't be going.

I wonder if we'll hear anybody singing Danke Schoen?

My latest distraction
I've got a million things half done, but I found an online sheet music service that offers multiple arrangements, dead accurate transcriptions and a player that helps you learn the song. I've spent a few clams on a bunch of music that I'll probably never get around to learning, but that's how I roll.

It's hard to put a happy face on these situations. About all you can do is listen to the doctors orders and try to be optimistic.

I take it he's not playing with the band in the meantime?
He's still in the hospital, and probably will be until this Friday.

His brother-in-law, who is also in our group, asked the doctor if he could play. The dr said it would actually be good for him. But the real question is whether he'll feel up to playing.

So to answer your question, we'll see.

We still have keyboard, bass, drums and me, so we'll probably keep practicing either way.
My latest distraction
I've got a million things half done, but I found an online sheet music service that offers multiple arrangements, dead accurate transcriptions and a player that helps you learn the song. I've spent a few clams on a bunch of music that I'll probably never get around to learning, but that's how I roll.

$5.50 a song actually isn't too bad. I'll have to keep it in mind.
$5.50 a song actually isn't too bad. I'll have to keep it in mind.
If you join their digital club you get a further 10% , and they have specials constantly. Plus you gain points for further purchases so it ends up being a lot less. Thursdays they have collections on sale and I bought a couple of those because they were so cheap.

If you do buy something give me a referral and I'll get even more points. Also I recommend printing to card stock, no curled up edges.

I really like the multiple arrangements and most songs have a transpose feature which also works in the player. I really like the player.
Ant Man
Not bad, I liked it better than the Avengers movie. More quirky than the average superhero flick.

Country music
It's super popular around here and I don't know why. I can't really say I play a country song off hand.

Even when it's easy, it still sucks.

Went to see our guitar player in the hospital today. He is really miserable. He said if he had known what it would be like in advance, he never would have done this in a zillion years. Of course if he hadn't, he likely would be dead in the not too distant future.

Mind you, so far he's only had a tracheotomy with a breathing tube inserted. They now want to conduct a swallow test on him. And if he can't swallow properly, they want to give him a feeding tube. Plus he still has the radiation and chemo to go through, and I believe they will put chemo ports in him for that.

Right now he is so pissed off, i am not sure he will proceed with the chemo. Either way I'm not sure he will have a choice on the feeding tube if he can't swallow food.

This is cruel stuff, and you hate to see anyone go through it. :(
That's a flaming pile of suck. I'm no good at the whole people dying thing. I still feel guilty about not seeing my mom enough before she died. It's awkward, especially when you pretty much know the outcome wont be good.

I'm hoping your friend recovers, but he doesn't seem to be choosing the right path.

Southpaw wasn't bad either. Typical boxing movie but with decent fight scenes. I'd give it a 70 or 75.

I use the standard of "Was it worth the ticket price?". Then there are the movies where not only is it not worth the $$. but you feel as though you had two hours of your life stolen. Godzilla and Land of the Lost come to mind.
I use the standard of "Was it worth the ticket price?". Then there are the movies where not only is it not worth the $$. but you feel as though you had two hours of your life stolen. Godzilla and Land of the Lost come to mind.
Southpaw was certainly worth the price of admission. More so since we went to a matinee for $7.

But I look at it as an excuse for a day out. So you spend an afternoon in an air conditioned movie with recliner seats for $7. How bad can it be? Top it off afterwards with a sandwich and a couple of glasses of beer or wine and life is pretty good. :D

Did I mention I'm going down the Jersey shore for 3 nights next week with my daughter and granddaughter? Should be fun, although my daughter thinks she's on vacation from being a mom whenever I'm around. I'll be exhausted and in bed by 9:00 each night after trying to keep up with a 7 year old all day. :rolleyes:
Fantastic Four
A movie I definitely will not be seeing. Bad, bad, bad reviews. I always wonder why a studio picks up rights to an iconic property and then proceeds to completely change it around to 'modernize" it.

The weekend

Working today and maybe going to the races tomorrow. I kind of wanted to slack off tomorrow but my son's friend was supposed to go along with him and now he can't. Seeing as he'll be going off to school in a few weeks this is one of my last chances to spend time with him for awhile.


I bought a book on harmonica, I'm still trying to get better and maybe have some idea of what I'm doing. I joined a couple of harmonica groups too, but 95% of everything is blues harp. I don't mind playing blues, but it's so repetitive and not very challenging. I need to find out more about playing straight harp.

UAD has come out with a spring reverb that everybody is raving about and if I were actually doing any recording I would have bought by now. Man, I just like listening to this stuff.

Going to see Mission Imposible on Friday. I'll give the verdict afterwards. Not my favorite movie franchise, but you pretty much know what you're getting.

Cancer Update
Our guitar player was moved to a rehab/nursing home this week, and is supposed to be released home tomorrow. Not sure when, but soon he should start radiation therapy and chemotherapy.

He complains nonstop about his tracheotomy. Yesterday he said he is seriously considering having the trach removed and not undergoing the radiation/chemo. He seems to think that doing this he will live another 5 years pretty much the way he had been previously. More likely is he won't last six months, and even if he does, as the tumor grows he'll still need a emergency trach just to breathe. Right now the trach is preventative as they feel the tumor will initially swell once radiation starts.

I understand this is difficult, but he really is in la la land about any alternatives.

Back from the Jersey shore. While it was ok and the weather was good, the hotel was so-so and way overpriced, restaurants were geared toward serving people they'd never have to see again, and the Boardwalk thought it was Disney World with the prices they were charging for rides and souvenirs.

All in all, unlike Paul, I'd be just as happy staying home. :(
Back from the Jersey shore. While it was ok and the weather was good, the hotel was so-so and way overpriced, restaurants were geared toward serving people they'd never have to see again, and the Boardwalk thought it was Disney World with the prices they were charging for rides and souvenirs.

All in all, unlike Paul, I'd be just as happy staying home. :(

I had Germanfest, the Bristol Renaissance Faire and Road America in successive weeks. Next weekend is my wife's birthday, I'm so broke I can't pay attention.

I know what you mean about tourist areas, but even worse is when you're trapped in the confines of a park where they get all your money. Luckily at road America the concessions were sold by volunteers for benefits. Decent prices for not bad food.