DAW Users With ADD

Question for Paul - is England getting knocked out of the World Cup a big deal? As big a deal as Spain?

All I know is that the US is still in it! :D :D I might even watch tomorrow's match for a couple of minutes.
I might even watch tomorrow's match for a couple of minutes.
As a testimony to there being absolutely nothing to watch on TV, I actually saw about 25 minutes of the US/Portugal match. It was even a bit entertaining - although you can't give up the tying goal with just seconds left in the match. :( :( :mad:

And I still don't understand offsides. :confused:
OK, here's my prediction: I will watch the US play Germany tomorrow. The US will lose 1-0. Germany's goal will come late, forcing me to watch the entire match.

And there's 3 or 4 hours of my life I'll never get back. :( :mad:

It will also cause me to lose my brief (< 1 week) interest in soccer. :)
OK, here's my prediction: I will watch the US play Germany tomorrow. The US will lose 1-0. Germany's goal will come late, forcing me to watch the entire match.

And there's 3 or 4 hours of my life I'll never get back. :( :mad:
Can I call 'em, or can I call 'em? :D

So, for the first time ever, I watched an entire soccer game. One goal in 90 minutes does not make for an exciting afternoon. :rolleyes:

I think I might finally be starting to understand offsides, but I still don't understand why the game isn't over when it's over. :confused: Why don't they stop the clock - like in any other sport. No.... we have to add time instead.

Anyways... while it is good to see the US advance, doing it on a loss is a bit like kissing your sister.
Am I the only one on this thread anymore? :confused:

Sure cuts down on any arguments. :drunk:

I'm sure Paul has been in mourning, but now he can root for the US!

I've been around, when I'm not busy I'm tired. I've got a three day weekend but we're having a rummage sale which even though it wasn't my idea I still get stuck helping out.

Did the keyboard player make it?

Did the keyboard player make it?
Keyboard guy has been here twice... and may come again tomorrow. However, he said he can't join the group as he can't commit to being here every Friday. Also, the two times he came, he hardly played at all. He did, however, bring a 6-pack each time and had none left at the end of the night - so he could fit right in. :D :D

We have another keyboard guy coming tomorrow as well. He's a friend of the guitar player. However, from what I understand he is mostly coming to watch.

So now we have two keyboard players who mostly just observe. :rolleyes:
Keyboard guy has been here twice... and may come again tomorrow. However, he said he can't join the group as he can't commit to being here every Friday. Also, the two times he came, he hardly played at all. He did, however, bring a 6-pack each time and had none left at the end of the night - so he could fit right in. :D :D

We have another keyboard guy coming tomorrow as well. He's a friend of the guitar player. However, from what I understand he is mostly coming to watch.

So now we have two keyboard players who mostly just observe. :rolleyes:

Can the first guy play and how did his keyboard sound?

I can understand not playing much, it's not like you're a blues band.

How is it working out with the new guitar player? Are you back to rhythm only?

The weekend
Rummage sale Friday and Saturday, sidework on Sunday, man do I know how to live or what?

These days people say "you're lucky to have a job", man I must be super lucky.:rolleyes:

I'm trying to keep next weekend clear, but if the weather permits I may reseal the deck. I will make a point of getting drunk as that is a Fourth of July tradition.

Can the first guy play and how did his keyboard sound?

I can understand not playing much, it's not like you're a blues band.

How is it working out with the new guitar player? Are you back to rhythm only?
I am back to "mostly" rhythm. He's a much better player than me, so it makes sense.

Keyboardist #1 hasn't played in several years. So we pretty much expected that he'd be rusty and out of shape. The bass player was the same way when he came with us. However, like the bass player, he was a good enough player back in the day that we figured he could work himself back into shape. So far he hasn't played enough for me to even judge where he is at. The other guys seem thrilled when he hits one right chord - but I think they were just trying to encourage him. :rolleyes:

I'm trying to keep next weekend clear, but if the weather permits I may reseal the deck. I will make a point of getting drunk as that is a Fourth of July tradition.
Great minds think alike. I just did my deck this week. Came out pretty good, but I am getting dangerously close to having to replace a good portion of the boards. :(
. The other guys seem thrilled when he hits one right chord - but I think they were just trying to encourage him. :rolleyes:
Don't they encourage you when you get a chord right?:confused:

The deck
Never got to it, the weather didn't cooperate, I may try to fit it in next weekend, but I was really planning on being lazy.....and getting drunk!:drunk:

Rummage sale

I can say it was a total disaster. Between the amount of time spent and the amount of money made it's cheaper to donate or throw away your old stuff.
After you live somewhere for awhile you start to accumulate things you'll never use again but you can't throw out because they're " worth something", then you proceed to bury yourself under old clothes, decorations and knick knacks.


The subject doesn't get brought up very much for some reason. It seems like the Brewers are doing pretty well, the Yankees OTOH must've cheaped out on the payroll once again.:rolleyes:

I was actually interested a little in the NBA this year because of the Spurs being a low key organic team as opposed to the manufactured bought and paid for champions.

The World cup

I can say I've watched a bit of it and for the first time I see it making a beachhead into the states. I'm sure our team getting this far has something to do with it. If it can sustain itself or just be an every four years Olympics type interest remains to be seen.

Don't they encourage you when you get a chord right?:confused:

No!! :mad: I'll have to speak to them about that.

Although, in their defense, I guess it could get quite tiring, since I probably hit 15 or 20 right ones each practice. AND get pretty close on maybe 5 others.

Rummage sale
I can say it was a total disaster. Between the amount of time spent and the amount of money made it's cheaper to donate or throw away your old stuff.
After you live somewhere for awhile you start to accumulate things you'll never use again but you can't throw out because they're " worth something", then you proceed to bury yourself under old clothes, decorations and knick knacks.

My neighbors used to have one every year, and got most of the other neighbors involved in it. They talked me into participating one year. Needless to say, never again. For about a total of $30, I had to lug all kinds of shit up from the basement. Plus a table and chairs. Then sit outside in the sun for hours and haggle with people who wanted to give you $1 for something you were asking $1.50 for. Then lug the stuff you didn't sell back inside after it was over. :rolleyes:

It's easier to take it all to Goodwill and then tell the IRS you donated $500 worth of used crap. :)

The subject doesn't get brought up very much for some reason.
Who can get interested in baseball when you have soccer going on? :confused: ;)

The World cup

I can say I've watched a bit of it and for the first time I see it making a beachhead into the states. I'm sure our team getting this far has something to do with it. If it can sustain itself or just be an every four years Olympics type interest remains to be seen.
I'll answer that for you. It will be an every four years thing. Sort of like luge or ice dancing.

Even though I've watched a full game, and part of another (and will probably watch the one on Tuesday), when you take away the jingoism of beating all those other lame countries, the game just isn't that interesting. But regardless, I mean, c'mon, who wouldn't get off on kicking some Ghana butt. :D
Band Practice
Neither keyboard player showed up this week. Although the "new" one claims he still wants to come, so we might see him this week (which has been rescheduled for a rare Thursday night practice).

In the end, it could be for the best, since we are having the old, band "volume" issues as we add instruments. I assume it will only get worse with a keyboard. The new guitar player is quite loud, and doesn't take direction well when you tell him to turn down. Eventually we're going to have to address the issue, but it's not worth the fight while he is still just learning the songs.
The World cup

I can say I've watched a bit of it and for the first time I see it making a beachhead into the states. I'm sure our team getting this far has something to do with it. If it can sustain itself or just be an every four years Olympics type interest remains to be seen.
The REAL reason soccer will never catch on in this country is that the sport is not conducive to endless beer and erectile dysfunction pill commercials.

American football is perfect for running commercials every 4 minutes or so. Soccer, on the other hand, has no place for commercials except at half time. Without the advertisers behind the sport, it'll never gain traction.
Band Practice

In the end, it could be for the best, since we are having the old, band "volume" issues as we add instruments. I assume it will only get worse with a keyboard. The new guitar player is quite loud, and doesn't take direction well when you tell him to turn down. Eventually we're going to have to address the issue, but it's not worth the fight while he is still just learning the songs.

Sounds to me like you're going to need personal headphone monitors. You can get them for under $100, but you'll have even more chords to power them up.
Does everyone supply their own headphones?

World cup
Time to start watching football and baseball again.

The weekend
This may be the weekend I seal my deck. whoo hoo!

What better way to commemorate the birth of this country!

Sounds to me like you're going to need personal headphone monitors. You can get them for under $100, but you'll have even more chords to power them up.
Does everyone supply their own headphones?
The group owns about 8 or 9 sets of Sony MDR-7506 headphones, and two headphone amps. One of the amps allows us to provide a personal mix in one of the channels - which we have already done for the bass player.

I've seen headphone "mixers," but never paid much attention to them (although I recall them being more than $100). I assume they let you take a mix from the board while also taking a direct input from the instrument. Do you have to use Y jacks to split the signal from the instrument?
ART MyMONITOR | Sweetwater.com
Behringer MicroMON MA400 | Sweetwater.com

Just a couple of examples, there are more and I'm sure there are items that don't come up in a search that would fit the bill. The HUGE plus is that each person controls their own mix and volume level, leaving you only to set the overall mix.
Unless I don't understand these, they look like they are only good for microphones, not instruments. So they would help with a vocalist, but not with a guitar player.

It appears to me that you run the mic into this box (mic in), and then run an XLR out from this box to your mixing board (mic through). Then you run your master mix from the board to this box as well (monitor input). By adjusting the mic level and the monitor level, you can adjust how much vocal you hear in the context of the mix.

I guess you could use it for an instrument by getting a cable with 1/4" on one end and XLR on the other - I believe I've seen these before. But, IIRC, the output from an instrument and a mic are different. So I'm not sure how good that would work.

Anyway, if I understand the operation of this thing correctly, it would work if I could find one with 1/4" input/output instead of XLRs. Maybe I'll ask the bozos at GC next time I'm in there.

I was actually thinking of something more along these lines: http://www.mackie.com/products/hmx56/#PHOTOS
Concept is similar (I think), except this would allow for 5 individual mixes as opposed to just one. AND it has 1/4" jacks (although, interestingly, no XLRs). AND it retailed for $199. Problem, of course, is that it isn't sold anymore. :(
I found this one:
Amazon.com: Rolls Personal Monitor Station - Rolls PM351: Musical Instruments

At least this one has 1/4" input jacks. However, it still uses XLR output connections. Not sure why, but I could probably work with that. The channel in our mixer that we currently use for the lead guitar has both 1/4" and XLR inputs.

The only other issue is that I would like to feed the main mix to this device using an output from one of our headphone amps. In other words, instead of plugging the guitar player's headphones into the headphone amp, we would plug the Rolls unit (using the Line input). Then, of course, plug the headphones directly into the Rolls. I think that will work.
The big advantage of the single mixers is that the each individual has their own set of controls as opposed to one person doing it or everybody going to the same spot to make adjustments.

I believe the reason you see XLR connectors is that these devices work for stage monitors as well as headphones and they work better for longer runs of cord.

If the headphone amp has a line through I would use that to connect to the Rolls, if you are using a headphone output I would mess with the levels on both ends to see how that affects the signal.

My Behringer headphone mixer allows for four individual mixes with three outputs per channel, at $99 and over ten years old it was quite the deal.
If the headphone amp has a line through I would use that to connect to the Rolls

Good thought. If I recall, they can be daisy-chained, so it probably does.

As for the XLRs, I can see that on the outputs (like the Rolls), but it doesn't make as much sense on the inputs. Most instruments use 1/4". And I'm not sure I would use these for mics, since the "boosted" signal would be completely dry.