Dark Side of the Roger Waters

That is not what I am aiming for. Who better then them two, imagine the damage they would have done together. They would tear old Roger up like a cheap hotel room.
I think Pete was the greatest rhythmic guitar player ever. He had so much brilliance with his chords an rhythm playing. Joe is a fab lead player but his lead tempo would not fit with Moonies playing sorry
You gotta do the album and use the thread title and write it as if you were Keith Moon and Joe Walsh
Or I could do an album about a deaf, blind gerbil that can't squeak, have plenty of over-the-top drumming and call it "Sammy." Or "The Sammy you drink, the player you get." Or even "The smoker you drink, the Sammy you get."
But "Roger breaks waters...." is a bridge too far, even for me !

If I did though, I'd consider this as a cover.
I really cant see what point he ever tried to make. Was it political? Was it social commentary?
He has always complained about his treatment - it seems he never got over it - and he always blames someone - now it's Gilmour - he seems to blame him for all the ills in his life.
If so then that is fine, but it does not have any relevance to people struggling to make ends meet today, does it?
Self indulgence, and self maudling, not genious... if we are really honest?
Well the direction Waters has taken doesn't really apply to life in general - I don't see that he should talk about what is common to people.
He has always complained about his treatment - it seems he never got over it - and he always blames someone - now it's Gilmour - he seems to blame him for all the ills in his life.

Well the direction Waters has taken doesn't really apply to life in general - I don't see that he should talk about what is common to people.
Very good point, he talks about issues that are very personal to him. Now that is fine, but we should not laud him as some sort of wise prophet for our direction. We all make our own choices. But then... maybe he never intended that. Maybe critics and others overated his influence. I really do not know 😳 His music and words are thought provoking certainly, whether it is worthy of changing peoples perspective on how we live our lives, I really can not say.
Or I could do an album about a deaf, blind gerbil that can't squeak, have plenty of over-the-top drumming and call it "Sammy." Or "The Sammy you drink, the player you get." Or even "The smoker you drink, the Sammy you get."
But "Roger breaks waters...." is a bridge too far, even for me !

If I did though, I'd consider this as a cover.

Dont dis Sammy man!!!

He is the greatest gerbil in the world !!!!!


Dont dis Sammy man!!!

He is the greatest gerbil in the world !!!!!


And please can we stop talking about the racial stuff. We are all mixed race and amen to that ❤❤ Music is colour blind. Edward and Alex were to little boys from Holland born to a Dutch father and an Indonesian Asian mother. Journey has an Asian Phillipino singer. English blues in the 60's took their influences from African American blues music.
Music is one of the things that unites all our different races! Amen brother xxxx
That is not what I am aiming for. Who better then them two, imagine the damage they would have done together. They would tear old Roger up like a cheap hotel room.
Joe was a hellraiser but he said it was never his intention to be that way. His little girl died in a car crash in 73, Emma. I dont think I could have ever come back from losing a child. But he did... god bless you man xxxx
And please can we stop talking about the racial stuff. We are all mixed race and amen to that ❤❤ Music is colour blind. Edward and Alex were to little boys from Holland born to a Dutch father and an Indonesian Asian mother. Journey has an Asian Phillipino singer. English blues in the 60's took their influences from African American blues music.
Music is one of the things that unites all our different races! Amen brother xxxx
"There is only one race, the human race, one home, Earth."
Very good point, he talks about issues that are very personal to him. Now that is fine, but we should not laud him as some sort of wise prophet for our direction. We all make our own choices. But then... maybe he never intended that. Maybe critics and others overated his influence. I really do not know 😳 His music and words are thought provoking certainly, whether it is worthy of changing peoples perspective on how we live our lives, I really can not say.
Do people load Roger Waters? I have no idea what his demographic is at this point.
I pretty much feel like Dogooder about PF and DSOTM. It changed my direction for sure..I used to describe our band as a blend of Tull, Pink Floyd and Hendrix.

After DSOTM they wrote some great stuff. I like some of Animals, Welcome to the Machine and parts of The Wall but nothing compares to DSOTM.

For sure Waters lyrics and songs on DSOTM opened a lot of eyes and got people "thinking". Longest time in the Billboard top 200 albums in history.

Waters is brilliant but DSOTM would never have been what it is without Gilmore and Wright.

He can say what he wants about his new version without them. No matter how hard tries he can not erase their influence on his "master piece".
Who else did anything like Floyd prior to DSOTM? To most, A Saucer Full of Secrets" is noise. Floyd finally had to go mainstream
and dark side showed them the way. After that it was just the same ole same ole. Believe me, I was a huge Floyd fan. To this day
I still think the intro on Astronomy Domain is my favorite intro of all time. I have enough depressing things surrounding me, no reason
to add more to the mix.
Do people load Roger Waters? I have no idea what his demographic is at this point.
Probably a few Germans and some Austrians like him. And the odd Russian.
I don't know ! I've never known.
He was however, the first bass player I really listened to with both ears and visually he was always arresting and besides, he used to scare Pete Towndshend.
Who else did anything like Floyd prior to DSOTM?
I'm not quite sure how to answer this. On one hand, various artists were exploring nascent progressive rock and so there was a lot of rubbing off on one another. I can hear some similarities between the Floyd and Family, for example or Floyd and Kaleidoscope {the UK one}.
But on the other hand, no one was really doing what they were doing.
It's a happy quantum paradox continuum. 🤔
To most, A Saucer Full of Secrets" is noise
Do you mean the album or the track ?
If you mean the track, you're not far wrong. But I love that track. It was a significant turning point both for them and for progressive rock in general and it's never given the credit it should have been. More than "noise", it's "noises", weaved into a brilliantly musical soundscape that never gets monotonous for me. For the first couple of years, I hated most of it, I only liked the organ bit in the 3rd section. Then around '81, I really listened to it and discovered a quite startling piece of music. It pointed an interesting way forward that could, if taken further out, end up at Kraftwerk and beyond, which unfortunately happened ! 😟

If you mean the album, well, along with its predecessor, it quite simply changed my musical headspace. Anything jazzy, progressive, electronic, avant-garde or exotic that I have loved since 1979 owes a huge debt of grat to the Floyd for opening that portal in my being.
Floyd finally had to go mainstream and dark side showed them the way
Earlier, I said that the Floyd and I parted ways after "Meddle" and we did. I loved their first 2 albums and the stuff they did up to Meddle because they started off with a direction, floundered as Waters and Wright were getting to grips with quality songwriting and Gilmour learned the ropes and then spent from 1968 until '72 searching for a direction. Those first 5 years for me are when they produced their most interesting music. It was off-the-wall, experimental, futuristic, far-sighted and yet not inaccessible. They did some lovely songs.
Without "Meddle" there would be no DSOTM. Yet Meddle was kind of the last throw of their dice as they were and after DSOTM they did go mainstream. I don't think they were anywhere near as interesting after they ventured to the dark side.
the intro on Astronomy Domain is my favorite intro of all time
It's certainly one of mine. But the song itself is glorious. WOOOO-OOO-OOO-OOO-OOO-OOO-OOO-OOO !