Cubase SX 3.1.1 keeps crashing randomly, giving me the "Error"

NYMorningstar said:
Why? Simply because you are encouraging people to break the law. Mitigating your actions with those of others is bullshit too.

It is idiocy to blindly and thoughtlessly follow the law. It's that type of blind obedience that has been largely responsible for almost all of the major human caused genocides and catastrophes in history.
No, it is idiocy to blindly and thoughtlessly break the law. If you disagree with the law, then the right thing to do is to take action to have the law changed, not just break it.

Also, lets not confuse stealing software with "those people that murder others, either directly, or indirectly by depriving them of the basic necessities required for their continued survival".

You really have no right either legal or moral to steal software. To defend this kind of action by referring to huge human tragedies and moral concepts makes you the largest offender of all. It is that kind of thought process that breeds things like genocide, racism etc...

You very well could have chosen to buy a piece of affordable software to do what you need to do from a company that may only have a few employees and been a contributing memeber of society in that way instead. However, you chose to steal based on principles that only hurt all societies instead. I have already learned more than I ever wanted about you personally through this thread. It saddens me that people like you are out there. When the world is finally rid of your type, we will all have a better life and place to live. Hopefully one day you can rid yourself of your own ego and join the rest of us who actually have morals and beliefs. Then and only then will you be welcome in my house:)
Wow, I didn't even know SX3 was cracked....

3.1.1 works EXCELLENT for me - even fixed a few problems I was having with some projects done with the original version of SX (exporting problems).

Maybe contact H20 Customer support? :D
xstatic said:
No, it is idiocy to blindly and thoughtlessly break the law. If you disagree with the law, then the right thing to do is to take action to have the law changed, not just break it.

Problem is, that actually takes spine, character, and integrity. That's asking far too much from thieves who cloak themselves in these morally-bankrupt arguments to rationaile their behavior. They are just always looking for the easy way out, which fits into their pathetic doctine of entitlement

These pseudo-intellectuals actually make me ill. The vast majority have never had an original thought, nor would recognize one if it reared up and bit them on the butt. Not a single one of these weak arguments is new, and all have been readily (and easily) refuted and discredited.

Oh, well, I'm with you, it just saddens me to read this crap.
It's kind of like those people who say they are against trends and stuff like that. Then they all get together wearing the same type of clothes, doing the same typ of things at all the coffee shops. Is that not also a trend? :D

Or my other favorite. When people refer to "reverse racism" if a black person does something against a white person due to race. How is that not just plain ol racism? :D
I second that fraser...

It's the same crap over and over, rehashed excuses.

Mista....I'm glad you can cut and paste about Yamaha, it still doesn't refute the fact that steiny employs about 100 people. But nice try. It also doesn't refute the fact that Steiny grew from a two man operation....a grassroots upbringing. No big inheritences there...just lots of hard work. They employ a handful of people, giving them competitive wages doing a job they like, with benifits to boot. Wow, benifits...that kinda goes against your "exploitation" theory because if you look it up in Websters, the "evil boss" must act with NO REGARD for his employees. Hmmmm...another one wrong. And now that the record has been set straight, you should now clearly see that Steiny is the type of company that you should want to SUPPORT, because they aren't a big giant, the owner didn't inherit his way into big money :rolleyes:, and they act with REGARD to their employees. So unless you are a hypocrite, which we already know you are, you need to immeadiately head out and buy a legit copy of Cubase because here is a company that is doing it right.

After that please head to Norway.
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xstatic said:
No, it is idiocy to blindly and thoughtlessly break the law. If you disagree with the law, then the right thing to do is to take action to have the law changed, not just break it.

I am not advocating blind and thoughtless disobedience of the law. I do disagree with the law. If you do some research into the legal, political and economic system in which we live, you will find that this system has been designed, from its inception, to diffuse dissent from the course chosen for the country and larger world by the rich and powerful, and render it ineffective. That is the purpose of the specific nature of our elections, the two party system (i.e. the bipartisan consensus), the electoral college, the house and the senate, the supreme court, etc.

If you do some research, you'll find that the wealthy, white, slave owning architects of this system consciously understood these purposes.

As James Madison, one of the key architects of this system, once said:

"[W]hen the number of landholders shall be comparatively small ... will not the landed interest be overbalanced in future elections, and unless wisely provided against, what will become of your government? ... If these observations be just, our government ought to secure the permanent interests of the country against innovation. Landholders ought to have a share in the government, to support these invaluable interests, and to balance and check the other. They ought to be so constituted as to protect the minority of the opulent against the majority. The senate, therefore, ought to be this body; and to answer these purposes, they ought to have permanency and stability."

Source: Robert Yates, Notes of the Secret Debates of the Federal Convention of 1787

I definitely want to see the laws changed. However, the means that are afforded by the system to common, non wealthy people for changing these laws are intentionally ineffectual.

The specific method that I've been talking about of diverting funds that would go to rich software company owners over to people who will otherwise die for lack of money to buy, for example, vaccine, does not involve an effort to change laws. However, it is an action aimed at achieving the results that a truly just legal system would have.

I think that these people who are dying can't wait for our laws to be reformed for us to take action. They will be dead by then. Therefore, while I do and will continue to take action toward changing unjust laws, I will also engage in direct action aimed at achieving the results that a truly just legal system would produce, regardless of what the present laws are.
xstatic said:
Also, lets not confuse stealing software with "those people that murder others, either directly, or indirectly by depriving them of the basic necessities required for their continued survival".

What I was trying to say in that specific statement relating to the software companies (but here I'll generalize it further in a very basic form), is that if a person has more resources than s/he needs to survive and another person doesn't, and the resource deficient person dies as a result of this resource deficiency, then the person who had the resource surplus has indirectly murdered the other person, by deprivation of the basic necessities required for their continued survival.

Most of us in the industrialized world are guilty in this sense. However, the larger surplus that you own, the more guilty you are.
xstatic said:
You really have no right either legal or moral to steal software. To defend this kind of action by referring to huge human tragedies and moral concepts makes you the largest offender of all. It is that kind of thought process that breeds things like genocide, racism etc...

Please elaborate on this. Your statement is extremely vague, and as presented doesn't support its conclusions with any sort of logic or evidence.
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xstatic said:
You very well could have chosen to buy a piece of affordable software to do what you need to do from a company that may only have a few employees and been a contributing memeber of society in that way instead.

I would consider myself to be contributing to a humane social order by diverting funds away from the rich, to the people who are dying for lack of funds. To give money to the rich, while other people die as a direct result of their lack of money, is to contribute to an insane and inhumane social order.

xstatic said:
However, you chose to steal based on principles that only hurt all societies instead.

It hurts all societies to vaccinate people who would otherwise go unvaccinated, and who would die without this vaccination?

xstatic said:
When the world is finally rid of your type, we will all have a better life and place to live.

When the world is rid of thinking people who care about and are willing to take action to save others that are suffering and/or dying, then the world will be a truly desolate and brutal place.

xstatic said:
Hopefully one day you can rid yourself of your own ego and join the rest of us who actually have morals and beliefs.

I have a clearly defined set of morals and beliefs. I think that you would do well to reevaluate yours.
NL5 said:
Wow, I didn't even know SX3 was cracked....

3.1.1 works EXCELLENT for me - even fixed a few problems I was having with some projects done with the original version of SX (exporting problems).

Maybe contact H20 Customer support? :D

I figured out my problem, I have 311944 working without problems as of yesterday morning.

I've also cleared up a MIDI record latency/"early"ness problem that I hear a lot of users experience. If anyone would like help clearing this type of issue up on their own system, I'd be happy to share what I know.
fraserhutch said:
Problem is, that actually takes spine, character, and integrity. That's asking far too much from thieves who cloak themselves in these morally-bankrupt arguments to rationaile their behavior. They are just always looking for the easy way out, which fits into their pathetic doctine of entitlement

These pseudo-intellectuals actually make me ill. The vast majority have never had an original thought, nor would recognize one if it reared up and bit them on the butt. Not a single one of these weak arguments is new, and all have been readily (and easily) refuted and discredited.

Oh, well, I'm with you, it just saddens me to read this crap.

I dare you to refute my arguments. You've talked a lot about refutations here, but you've made none.
xstatic said:
It's kind of like those people who say they are against trends and stuff like that. Then they all get together wearing the same type of clothes, doing the same typ of things at all the coffee shops. Is that not also a trend? :D

Or my other favorite. When people refer to "reverse racism" if a black person does something against a white person due to race. How is that not just plain ol racism? :D

If I was to steal from the rich only to make myself rich and deny people who are dying due to resource deficiency of the resources which would save their lives, then I would truly be a full blown hypocrite in the sense that you're talking about.

Also, for every moment of my free time that I devote to things other than working to help people that are dying for no other reason than lack of help, I will be the first to say that I am contributing to the problem in the sense that I have a resource (time) that could be used to acquire another resouce (money, food, vaccine, etc.) which could be used to save at least one more person. I have no legitimate defense for this, other than that I'm a human being and have social needs that must be met in order for me to function.

However, I do think that there's a big difference between what I just described, and being wealthy and not devoting your resources to saving people that are dying for lack of resources.
Bass Master "K" said:
Mista....I'm glad you can cut and paste about Yamaha, it still doesn't refute the fact that steiny employs about 100 people. But nice try. It also doesn't refute the fact that Steiny grew from a two man operation....a grassroots upbringing. No big inheritences there...just lots of hard work.

Really, they weren't priviliged in any way? You've stated no specific evidence to that effect. I'd be interested to hear it if you had any to present.

This also has nothing to do with the fact that regardless of their beginnings, the founders of Steinberg are now rich. If they are holding a surplus of resources beyond what they need to survive, while other people die for lack of these resources, then they are indirectly murdering a number of these people proportional to the amount of resource surplus/deficiency.

Beyond that, the original owners of Steinberg now do not continue to have ownership control over Steinberg, therefore they have no more than a historical relationship to the control of the company. The Yamaha Group now has complete ownership and control over Steinberg.

Bass Master "K" said:
They employ a handful of people, giving them competitive wages doing a job they like, with benifits to boot. Wow, benifits...that kinda goes against your "exploitation" theory because if you look it up in Websters, the "evil boss" must act with NO REGARD for his employees. Hmmmm...another one wrong.

Benefits, and even such basics as the right to a less than 14 hour work day, are things that working people have FOUGHT for, tooth and NAIL, with many of them murdered by government and business in the process. The rich provide next to NOTHING out of kindness. The only reason Steinberg provides whatever combination of monetary compensation and benefits is because their programmers would have a better option available otherwise, and would likely work elsewhere. The fact that the equilibrium standard of compensation is at its present level is a result of years and years of struggle between working people and the rich, as well as strategic class consideration on the part of the rich. This is extensively documented, I encourage you to do some research.

Bass Master "K" said:
And now that the record has been set straight, you should now clearly see that Steiny is the type of company that you should want to SUPPORT, because they aren't a big giant,

Steinberg is owned by YAMAHA. Do you understand how corporate ownership works? If one company is bought by another company, they effectively become one company.

Bass Master "K" said:
the owner didn't inherit his way into big money

See the top of this post

Bass Master "K" said:
and they act with REGARD to their employees.

See above. The only extent of regard that any hierarchical company has for its employees is the extent of regard that companys in general have been FORCED to have for their employees through years of working people's struggle, combined with strategic class considerations. Again, this is extensively documented in the historical record. I encourage you to do some research.

Bass Master "K" said:
So unless you are a hypocrite, which we already know you are, you need to immeadiately head out and buy a legit copy of Cubase because here is a company that is doing it right.

That's a good one :p

Bass Master "K" said:
After that please head to Norway.

I'd love to, but since so many people want to live there because of the high standard of living and outstanding social programs, it's extremely difficult to immigrate to Norway.
MistaMash'dup said:
If I was to steal from the rich only to make myself rich and deny people who are dying due to resource deficiency of the resources which would save their lives, then I would truly be a full blown hypocrite in the sense that you're talking about.

Also, for every moment of my free time that I devote to things other than working to help people that are dying for no other reason than lack of help, I will be the first to say that I am contributing to the problem in the sense that I have a resource (time) that could be used to acquire another resouce (money, food, vaccine, etc.) which could be used to save at least one more person. I have no legitimate defense for this, other than that I'm a human being and have social needs that must be met in order for me to function.

However, I do think that there's a big difference between what I just described, and being wealthy and not devoting your resources to saving people that are dying for lack of resources.

so your saying you're dying and starving with no money and need to steal recording software to tame your lust to occupy yourself in you free time. Makes no sense. Here you moan and groan about starving people yet your stealing software. That means that you have musical instruments and a PC and other valuable goods. That would put you in the surplus. So why don’t you sell it so you can feed the poor. And against the poor you are rich so someone needs to break into your house and steal from you . But if it happens you should not file a police report because its probably someone who is poor and needs the money. Again the rich (you) being robbed by the poor man.
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altiris said:
so your saying you're dying and starving with no money and need to steal recording software to tame your lust to occupy yourself in you free time.

No silly, I'm saying that there are people in the world who are dying, starving, etc. with no money. I am not one of these people, although I am poor by first world standards. But I am by no means in the dying category.

I am advocating that, for example, people who have the money to purchase software not purchase that software, and instead bootleg it and use the purchase price of the software to help some of these people who are really in need. Because they need it a lot more than the rich people that own Steinberg. And, because it is possible for the employees of companies like Steinberg to keep or have even better jobs, if we demand that profits be put toward socially responsible causes.

altiris said:
Makes no sense. Here you moan and groan about starving people yet your stealing software. That means that you have musical instruments and a PC and other valuable goods. That would put you in the surplus. So why don’t you sell it so you can feed the poor. And against the poor you are rich so someone needs to break into your house and steal from you . But if it happens you should not file a police report because its probably someone who is poor and needs the money. Again the rich (you) being robbed by the poor man.

Good point, and I agree with you overall on this. There are some other things that I think are relevant to consider, though.

All of the equipment that I use is either gotten for free somehow, or borrowed or shared from friends. It is true that we could sell it and put the small amount of money that the sale would generate into helping the dying and suffering. At the same time, we have to weigh that against the loss of our ability to access the internet for certain things. Although we could use the internet at the library for certain things, I don't think that we'd be allowed to install and use FTP software to manage and update our website (which is entirely devoted to helping incarcerated children, and preventing children from being incarcerated and abused). So, if the computer goes, the website goes too, as far as I can tell. And the website has and surely will continue to help prevent kids from being locked up and abused (more than a few parents were considering locking their kids up in a behavior modification facility, but then found the website, decided against it, and emailed me about it.)

As for the audio equipment that we have, there's really no excuse. We do let pretty much anyone who's interested come over and use it, and we show them how to use it. We treat it like the community's property, rather than our own. For my part, I just really like music, and the possibilities that exist with electronic music. However, if someone broke into our apartment and stole it for the purpose of meeting the needs of dying or suffering people, I really have no right or legitimate reason to be mad. In ANY case, I would not file a police report, because the police would only use that report as justification for harassing, intimidating and abusing more people.

Also, for the record, while I think that our possession of audio equipment is not really defensible, I do think that, considering the amount of wealth that we possess and also considering the fact that the equipment is pretty much open for anyone in the community to come use, what we do is a far cry in magnitude and nature from what the 1% of the population that owns >40% of the wealth does.

Another relevant point is that there are sufficient resources in the world for every community that so desires to have a set of community use audio equipment without any person having to die from lack of resources. However, there are not sufficient resources in the world for every person who so desires to own their own island, private jet, yacht, etc.. I do think that this is a relevant consideration.

Ultimately, I do agree that our possession of the audio equipment is a morally indefensible position, given the fact that there are people who are dying for lack of resources. However, it is, again, on a different order of magnitude than the amount of surplus resources possessed by the 1% of the population that controls >40% of the wealth.

And I do think that it is legitimate for me to criticize that 1% of the population, because if they distributed their wealth in a sufficient manner, anyone who so desired could have at least my present standard of living without anyone else suffering for lack of resources.
MistaMash'dup said:
I am advocating that, for example, people who have the money to purchase software not purchase that software, and instead bootleg it and use the purchase price of the software to help some of these people who are really in need. Because they need it a lot more than the rich people that own Steinberg. And, because it is possible for the employees of companies like Steinberg to keep or have even better jobs, if we demand that profits be put toward socially responsible causes.
Out of interest, to which charitable organisation did you donate the $500 that a legit copy of Cubase would have cost you?

I've read this thread with interest and I've even found myself nodding my head at some of the things you say but I don't understand how you stealing software is helping the poor of the world. I have to say I suspect all this rhetoric is a convenient excuse to not have to pay for something which is very easy to steal. Of course I could be wrong.

I'd like to know how far you take this premise, if you're passionate about this and it's something you really believe in I'd be interested to know where you source your food from and your clothes and all the other things you own. Do you watch films? listen to music? Do you own the computer you're typing on? Where did you get it? Do you have a television, a radio, hi-fi equipment, recording gear? Where did you get it all? Did you pay for any of it? How do you satisfy yourself that the people who are involved in the production of these things aren't being exploited?

There are a lot of people who talk your talk but the only things they seem to be willing to make a stand on are things that can be acquired by sitting at a computer knowing there's only a miniscule chance of there ever being a consequence. Sorry but that's just too easy and if you don't apply the same thinking to everything you consume or use that's been produced by a third party then the "libertarian socialist" defense doesn't hold any water in my book.

Maybe you're different but I'd like to know how.
I think that when he says he obtained something for free he means it is stolen:)

It really is sad to see someone use a set of priinciples that could actually be a positive thing in this world and use it te defend an inexcusable easily avoidable act of idiocy. All that serves is to render the rest of that persons thoughts and actions invalid. Too bad:(