Contemporary Anti-christian Inspiration.

Some good guitar ideas in this one. Some pretty decent playing too. Lots of guitar changeups, which all worked well.

Lots of suggestions to turn up the vocals. But if you do that you may run into some problems. I'm thinking you may star clipping, and your mix is just going to sound "messy and cluttered."

The first thing I'd pay attention to are those guitars. They're taking up practicaly the entire audio spectrum from 500hz-3500hz :). This prevents the vocals from being able to get through. IMO you need to really find places to cut those guitars first, then find the right levels for the vox.

Not positive on this (I'm on small headphones), but it sounds like the bass is a bit back in the mix too. It also seems a bit on the muddy side. Again, some well placed cuts would allow more room for that part to come through.

Just my thoughts...