Computer or Stand-Alone Digital?


I think Athlons are just fine, if not better than pentium class machines. I have a PIII, an Athlon, and an Athlon thunderbird, and I can't say I am more fond of one or another. I am currently using the Thunderbird for my DAW. If you guys are having problems with youe DAW's locking up on you, then I say it's high time to start looking at som new DA software. Something that is more stable, because I have no trouble at all with mine.
"And there's 2 or 3 OSs to choose from, not just on a mac"
actualy you can have Win 95,98,and 2000 on a MAC not to mention LINUX all runing at the same time plus the soon to be badest os ever made MAC OS X baby!
thats right i can open all pc apps on a MAC but not the other way around ! hmm..

Is that a viable bonus to say that the computer is great at running everyone elses software? It the hardware that counts too, baby! I don't want to start a PC vs. Mac war, but it seems to me there is ten times more available hardware for the PC than the Mac. As far as I'm concerned the Mac guys nailed the lid on their coffin a long time ago when they refused to license maunfacture of their systems to third party vendors.
O BOY i guess its fun ? ¿

Like i said before i use both MAC AND PC i just happen to like my Mac better for recording and midi or any DAW type thing ,i use pc mianly for games and and web stuff im on it right now (PC) and what hardware is this you speak of? is it related to music? is not the best system MAC and Protools for MAJOR MUSIC Companys.they are both great platforms no dubt but we want a good DAW system i was just telling CAM that there are more OS's you can use on a mac thats all and that robert jaybird was right when he said that all the top end stuff was coded for mac (for music) the whole thing is about DAW DAW DAW DAW DAW DAW DAW DAW pretty much thats it hence the thread name Computer Recording and Soundcards
i hope!
Not The End Yet

and as far as third party vendors are concerned from all the stuff iv been reading in the music i listen to (hard core ,rock ,metal,industrial,) thats the problem with it working ! to many ppl making to many crap that dont work together this is a typical line i read all the time "The pc with all its strange shareware and third party programs, provide just another color to the spectrum,But we still did all our sequencing and audio recording on the macs THE LOGIC AUDIO/PROTOOLS COMBO is alot more evoled on the MAC and many more plugins exist plus we kept breaking our pc's OS by installing audio drivers and sharware stuff,so we coudent rely on them much"

if you buy a pc go the extra mile in getting informed to wether the software you want will actually work with your setup.if you dint do your homework you may meet with a SEVERE dissapointment when your audio app gets "hiccups".

as for macs vs pc
its like comparing a ford to a lexus
the pc(ford) will get you from point b to point a
but the lexus(mac) is just soo much nicer.

in vodka terms-
the pc is like phillips, and the mac is like grey goose.
a pc will get you there but it will leave a bad taste in your mouth and a hole in your stomach.

some people cant appreciate the finer things, tis a shame.............
I don't get the vodka analogy. Isn't vodka supposed to be tasteless? Talk Scotch to me. :p

Just to add 2 cents to this marathon. I worked at a pro studio for a couple years, and they ran ProTools on PC. Mac may be the original, but as further upgrades come along, the PC is no longer coded from the Mac. That was a long time ago.

In the future there will be no bloods and crips, no LWS and no LES. People will either have apples tattoed on their arms or little green men. Computer geeks will unite to join forces and WW4 will commence. But instead of axis and allies, it will be macs versus PCs. Many people will die. Bill Gates will send POWs to concentration camps where they will be forced to eat their dead. Apple will develop AI and an army of G4s will patrol the land killing anyone without their holy symbol ablazon their right arm. And in the end a series of atomic explosions will cause an instability in the atmosphere and the existence of this planet will be no more.

PS. ProTools sucks for PC. I work on both every day.
you've got the light or full edition for pc? (or the 100k or 2k system?)

btw atomic, did you hang around alot at cause your name is soooo familiar to me.

ah well, Mac's are expensive pc are unreliable so i'm sticking with my 8 bit nintendo "NOW YOU'RE PLAYING WITH REAL POWER" hooooooo ;););) (it even has a gun!!!)

greetz guhlenn
I don't have either edition, but my school has the all out edition. We got a room full of ProTools studios, it's tha shit. But yo, your right nothin' will ever top the old Nintendo. A little bit of Marble Madness and G13 dank, and you're good to go. And no, you never heard of me at a guitar website. I'm the only male in my family that doesn't play. PEACE
What tha fuck you talkin about Nintendo sucks??!!!????? The original Nintendo kicked all ass, i'd take that over any new video game system! No question!
nintendo sucks i say agian some ppl are scared of new things because they dont like to change and thats cool for them whatever works for ya works for ya
Not that it's got anything to do with this thread, but what are your reasons for saying Nintendo sucks?
Recording Quality

I've been fighting the computer compatability war for over a year. I got one of the first Athlons and I suspect that many of my probleems start there. But, I have some good stuff in it. Two Pulsar cards, TMD-1000 digital mixer, Emagic Gold, Samplitude 2496 etc. I wanted portability and instant recording success, so I got a Fostex Multitrack D824 like Skippy above, just 8 tracks instead of 16. The audio recording quality is scarry. My DAW never sounded like this. After my talented 14 yr old daughter heard her first D824 guitar/vocal recording, she got so nervous she could hardly play for a while. It is strange to hear yourself so lifelike. I'll start experimenting with Samplitude processing soon, but if it were one or the other, I would choose the Multitract.
About Fostex Multitrack D824


Do you mind telling more about the Fostex Multitrack D824 that your using, and to be more specific, just how hard would it be for a real novice to master using this unit??

I've been looking into computer recording but I've witnessed many of the glitches mentioned in this thread first hand and what a waste of time that can amount to. (And if the Fostex eliminates those kind of problems, then I want to know more about this unit..)

The Nintendo Entertainment System is the greatest game console ever made, hands down. I still have mine hooked up.
sega master system 4 eva fool..............

............nintendo is the opressor of the free world.

sega is where its at.....................

i use a dcomputer i invented myself.

its built on the leftover pieces of the car from the back to the future movies............

but 0f course this daw free on time/space constraints also uses the almighty

p.s.-logic audio in version 4.o spiced up their code for pc.but pro tools is a port and so is cubase.i say NO WORRY-
with my time travelling daw ill just go into the fuyture when daw's run off of psychic eminations.....

i said vodka cause in minnesota its like siberia;)
while good vodka has no taste, bad vodka tastes like shee it.............

so...scotch vs vodka? i prefer grape juice;)
say, jaybird - i see u mentioned minnesota, so maybe u can answer this for me.

i'm close to finishing up my specifications/final questions for ordering a DAW. i lke the idea of having someone provide a totally integrated package so that it is (hopefully) set up right, and so i'll have some tech support, and most importantly so that i can (again hopefully) just start making music.

i'm considering soundchasers and drastik solution, but they are both out on the west coast - so my question for u is - do you know of any companies in the twin cities area that provide services similar to soundchasers and drastik soultions???? thanx.