
I figured if you have the cla2a ( the la2a clone) you woulld have the cla version of the 1176. I think it might be called cla76, or something like that.

But the cla2a should do a decent job
Imagine a world without compressors. How would you perform & record. What techniques would be used to have a consistent dynamic range of a particular track if that's what is required? You would arrange in your arrangements, that elements in your mix push and pull naturally on each other to compliment and even out the dynamic range. You would use Eq so not to have bloated fat wave-forms (before recording) that have useless bass junk in them or resonance peaks such as from poor room acoustics and gaps in your front teeth which when hit Mics, Di's and Preamps makes them jump and add un-necessary DYNAMICs. You would use AIR to add real compression and PLAYING technique that was the staple of the great Analog recording era. Then you would use the natural glue of tape and analog recording consoles to bind the mix together,,, and.... also you would know that the process of mastering onto Vinyl would further add glue. In the mean time keep playing with your plugs and your peaks in an endless struggle that will amount to nothing. ...............Oh but back on track....Anyone use parallel "real tape" compression?
Yo PolarityDude....

could it be that you're just a bit weirded out by the sound of your voice? Doesn't sound like it's you singing? Stuff like that?

Because it's pretty common. I remember the first time I heard my vocals, I thought..."Gak!" (almost a quote :D) and I ended up smothering it in chorus and reverb cuz I didn't know what a compressor did.

I guess what I'm wondering is...could it be that you're being overly critical and that it's not as bad as you think?

Just a thought man... :drunk:
Not sure, I will say I am pretty critical of myself. I have gotten good feedback (and some bad). I've gotten much better about it here lately but I still lack confidence (and technique).. I am putting some serious time into learning now though, so hopefully I can fix that.

Yo PolarityDude....

could it be that you're just a bit weirded out by the sound of your voice? Doesn't sound like it's you singing? Stuff like that?

Because it's pretty common. I remember the first time I heard my vocals, I thought..."Gak!" (almost a quote :D) and I ended up smothering it in chorus and reverb cuz I didn't know what a compressor did.

I guess what I'm wondering is...could it be that you're being overly critical and that it's not as bad as you think?

Just a thought man... :drunk:
I know you said it wasn't finished, but you might not need as much compression if you turned the vocals up louder than the guitar. It doesn't sound hyper compressed, but it is hard to hear them over the guitar in that mix. I would still try the CLA2A by itself.
I assumed. But the doe eyed, over-romantisized paragraph about how everything used to be so much better was a bit over the top. How far back in time would one have to travel to predate compression during tacking and mixing? What is the point of preserving all the dynamic range of a performance only to try to capure it on a noisey medium with a (comparitively) small daynamic range. Then, after all that, slice off the bottom octave, mono out the low end, de ess it and limit it so you can make it work nicely on vinyl?