Civil and Respectible

thats a good splerge gecko, thanks for that, i know a couple dudes who will want to read it.

most of my information is out of old books, one is called 'talking to plants' i beleave. they do simular tests. edgar casey's 'On ESP', is a good one, but i havent read it in a long time, probably would think driffently of it now.

i think you would need to have respect for esp, and a little faith that ours brains have the power to do this. as well as good karma, otherwise your mind will know you are not worthy of this power and will lock you out.

i remember reading about nasa testing esp with picture cards <square, tryangle, circle, star and one more shape card i cant recall> on one of the early trips to space, and the astronaut that was involved, quit nasa upon his return and began studying it further. because they got every one right, that is the dude on earth receiving the images 'guessed' each one correctly. of course i have no proof of this. instersting thou.

theses some smaller everyday proofs that seem to lead up to the existance of esp, like da ja view, dreams that seem to real. <someone told me recently that dreams are you living out your life in other demensions <multiverse theory> and co-wince-adences <never rote that word before> that seem predestianed, thou that could fall into other catagorys.

...Thus, rather than not existing at all, ESP likely belongs in that category of human experience which does not relate to science at all, but to personal faith; its existence a matter of the heart, rather than the labratory.'...

i like to think it is science, we just cant rap our heads/sciences around it yet because were missing something in our 'unified feild theory'. maybe something the people in power likely dont want us to know. but maybe its all a load of crap, but there have been many smart dudes that beleaved it was real, like edgar casey. im gunna give it the benifit of the dout, just in cause, and as a side effect my perseption of reality will be filled with mystery and magick.

'crazy people' say, that when 2012 comes we will pass threw an energy feild <aastriod belt or something i cant remember> but when we do, we are supposed to raise our level of awareness and become consiously connected via esp/telepathy, and liers ie: lawyers, politicans, sales men ect will no longer be able to sell us there lies. heres to hoping.

Rock On
hi gek, just wanted to say it actually goes against my grain to talk about all this, at least on forums in depth etc, not that it matters if anyone else does, its just not me.

but i'll pm you the stuff i said i would.


i hear you Cant, i have never had this conversation with random people before, and i dont like giving weapons to my enemys, this is something most people would never bother to show intrest in, but if you make it easy for them, they will intregrate the info into there own beleifs. imo, for good or evil.

but i have the beleaf that if enuff people learn about something it will become common knowledge, <not that ESP aint> and the world will become wiser. hopfully. One must feed the one mind, the worlds consious mind.

thus i spake.

send me the links too please and thank you.

theres no feud between us, i was offering peace as a gesture of goodwill, between the nations of our heads.

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