
I'm cheating,I'm listening to the CD.Love the clean guitar,is it acoustic?
Dirty wah guitar is distorting badly in my speakers,but they're crap!I'll have to listen downstairs in my studio.Love the panning on the wah guitar.
Man,your drum programming is nice.A few spots could use a crash,but overall,very nice.
I'm glad you posted Cy.You've much to offer!
First listen: Ooh, yeah. The hiss and harshness really push one away from the song right away. It's all bass and highs. No mids.

I like the arrangement and the vocals. Nice guitars. The mix -- placement-wise -- is okay. It's just WAY too treble-y and bass-y. Lose a bit of volume on the bass, which is played and arranged well, just a bit too prominent.

Love your guitar playing, just need to take some of the high out of it... he reiterates.

Second listen: It's weird... the instruments all seem to sit pretty well in the mix (other than the bass guitar -- and the drums could come down a TINY smidge), but there's just a lot of hiss and high end and deep bass.

Definitely EQ/re-level this one and keep most of the performance. There's nothing wrong with it, in my opinion other than a bit too much high and a bit too much bass.

I, too, enjoy the wah guitar. Then again, I'm a fan of metal, among other things.

Nice song. Thanks.
Hey Beezelbubba!!!

Good to see ya man! The clean guitar is an acoustic doubled by a clean electric, and I suspect that at least some of that crackle in the dirty wah is in the mix itself. I don't remember exacly what I did, but that part may be a DI.. I'll keep the lack of crash in mind on the drums. I may make a few slight rennovations to the program to make things a tad more cohesive.. Your kind words mean a lot to me!!


Glad you like the overall performance, and I plan to do just what you advise: keeping the core strength of the song and switch out some of the culprits. The bass was recorded direct to the board with the gain cranked (told ya I was a complete noob!), and nowadays I go direct through a bass pedal into an ART tube pre straight to the recorder, so when I clean this up, the bass will definately be better to handle. I think I may take out some of that reverb on the drums too. The reverb makes things a bit too airy which probably brings out more of the trebly sound you are hearing. Thanks for the listen and the specific feedback!

Cool tune. the vocals need to come UP!! That funky 4 chord shift rocks and is well executed.
After all the cool guitars, progressions and slinky chord changes, the tone on the lead left me with lunchbag letdown. Great ambience. Nice playing.