Cheapy Mixers!!!


I guess alan heaths used to be th shit!!! I know a guy who did sound live for a lot of pros. He has had nothing but good to say about them. That was live though and years back so who knows but I have eyeballed them my self.

It is so hard for me to tell what is what now days. I think the whole industry has really taken a turn over the last 5 or so years. I see yamaha selling 24 track mixers for little more than mackie.!!!
I bought a brand new yamaha 8 channel console 12 years ago. I paid $900.00 dollars for it!*&%%%$@% It was very unversitile and had very few features. It did how ever weigh 80 Lbs and when you turned a knob it felt like hydrolics, smooth and even resistance. Same with the sliders. I had to sell it when I was hard up. Wish like hell I had it for recording.

Any way I think I would say Buyer beware to anyone looking at the new generation boards. and as far as high end 8 sub boards, I can only dream. I think I would have to go with a very high end 4 sub board and work around it. I don't make my living at this.

Oh Nuss Take it easy on the guys. They all know most will do what they want anyway. Just like I bought Tons of guitar amps each a little more expensive than the last. God if I had half of that money to put against 1 amp. OH My God! Ears would bleed.

Do what you can but try not to end up with your own footprint on your ass. If you know what I mean.

Major Rant Sorry.

freudian Slip
Well, I've said all this before, why not again?

I have a Behringer 802. 8x2, couple of mic pres. Incredibly small footprint. I bought it for my upstairs computer room. $100. Works great.

When I wanted to buy a new main mixer for my basement studio, I was looking at a couple of units. I wanted 16 channels, and tape returns so I wouldnt be repatching all the time. Mackie doesnt have tape returns, and a 32 channel Mackie was WAY too much. Behringer had their Eurodesk model which was 32x8 for about the same price as a Mackie 16x4. Saw one at Guitar Center that was already sold, looked interesting, thought I would wait for another to come in and give it a test drive.
Well another one NEVER did come in, cause Behringer have some kind of weird f***ed up system where even their dealers cant order products, Behringer decides what to ship and when. So after a couple of weeks I bought an Alesis Studio 32 (16x4 plus 16 tape returns). I've been happy with it, although the "inline" design is a bit more complex than the Behringer.

I have no problem recomending the inexpensive Behringers, provided you realize what you are getting. They are a basic, cheap mixer for a very cheap price. Their customer service structure is poor, so you had better check the thing out well in your first 14 days (or however long the store takes returns). They are easily 10 times better than the consumer level stuff that was arround when I started playing in the 1970s. More than good enough for a beginner today.

Just my opinion....
nuss said:
Here we go again!!!!!!! This time though, i'm a little pissed off. When are all you "big shots" gonna learn that some of us cant afford the extra money for a Mackie and the Behringer is a cheaper and for the money good alternative??

I keep reading that the mic pre's are no good..........true they are not as clean as the Mackies and a little noisier, but only at high gains!!!!!!!!!!

I also consistently read that Behringer mixers are problematic and break down.............BULL*%^#!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I own two MX9000's and have never had a single problem with either one!!!!!!!! For critical micing applications, I use outboard mic pre's so really, who cares about the pre's in the board????????

I always see posts of people looking for a good starter 24 channel board. When are you guys gonna learn?????????? The Berhinger is $2000 less then the Mackie, meter bridge included!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How many of you guys that slam Behringer as a way of life, have ever actually owned one or taken the time to seriously put one to the test?????????????????


If I had bought the Mackie instead of the Behringer when I made my first choice, I would be waiting another two years to get my Soundcraft, but you know what?? I'm getting my Ghost in a few weeks because the Behringers made me enough money to pay for themselves and do it a year and a have sooner!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you for letting me vent!!!

have you ever been to a pawn shop or used ebay? dont buy crap youll only be pissed and asking why your shit sounds like, see last curse word.
I know I'm the new guy, but....

Hey all

I'll just give my $ .02 on this subject.
I personally have used boards like: Mackie SR24*4, Behringer MX2642, Behringer MX602, Yamaha 02R, Soundcraft Spirirt Live and I must say from this list I like the Spirit best and Mackie is all the way in the bottom. Mackies preamps sound harsh and cold to my ears, as does the EQ. A step up is the Behringers and the Sprit has the best preamps and EQ to my ears.

And as for the builidng quality of behringer stuff. I've had the MX2642 for 4 years now and have had no problems. I also own a Autocom and a Dualfex and they both work great also.

all IMO ofcourse.

This is a repeat of a post I posted because someone posted a post 'coz he got upset about this post and said he would never post another post or read another post posted in these posts:

Its all basically like this:

A Mackie sound better than a Behringer
A fucked up Mackie sounds worse than a Behringer
A Soundcraft sounds better than a Mackie
An Allen & Heath sounds better than a Soundcraft
They all suck compared to an SSL
A Neve Legend makes an SSL sound like shit
The Neve totally sucks compared to a 9098

Conclusion - everyone who doesn't use a 9098 is a retarded good for nothing moron

As long as you know that............. life is simple:cool: :rolleyes: ;)

...Don't know much about Behringer; never owned or even used but 1 of their products... It was the T1953 that I bought for insanely cheap. Changed-out the 2 Sovtek 12AX7s with 2 Mullard CV4004s, and... Whoah La! A decent filler pre! Better than Mackie? Nah... Simply different. Ended up selling it after a few months as I wanted money and have plenty of "filler pres" on the way in my console; though those pres I consider equivilant to Grace and GR.

Still have a Mackie 1202 and 1604 (both VLZ PRO) though! Once I sell this 924 console, I'll buy a temporary Mackie SR32 VLZ PRO until my console is done.

Why? Because NO ONE compares to Mackie for the price (it's been like that for quite awhile, is still like that, and I suspect it'll stay like that for at least another 5 years and more than likely, longer) and is the LOWEST quailty I'd recommend for a recording where the goal is for any recording you'll be charging for! It's simply my opinion and recommendation.

I'd use a dual-well boom box with a "mix mic" until I could afford an old Peavey PA and a cassette 4-track, and record with THAT until I could afford a Mackie. And THAT'S what I did!

Hey, nuss, you thinking about getting a Ghost? May I suggest this?:

Not too much more than the Ghost (unless you were going for the LE Version; which is probably more wise if you're going to buy a Ghost) and quite an upgrade from it! Personally, I think it's a whole new ball game!
well F you!!! You don't have a 9098, so you're a moron. So there. Argue with that!!!

Ehhhhh, I don't have an 9098 either, but I'm already an honorary moron:rolleyes:
Oh well - poor excuse but what the heck - you're not going to be insulted and run away as well eh?:mad:


I have been reading the posts about the mixer question with keen interest. Am a total novice. I, however, bought a used studiomaster about 6 years ago for $500 at a local music store here in Austin. Its 16 channels with 4 subs. I use it to record on my TSR8. I split it: 8 chanels for the hot and 8 for the return. I use the subs for ping ponging of tracks.

So far, am pretty satisfied with it. I don't know if its a good mixer or not, however. Any thoughts on the Studiomaster? I'd just like to know what it is that i bought, quality wise.

Are there any sanity checks in this place? I have alway tended you ask a bunch questions pertaining to what does it take to do what I want to accomplish. Money is usually the big limiter isn't it, If it wasn't I believe most people would have SSL's(for example purposes only) in our "home recording studios". If someone is starting out, I would never suggest investing large quantities of money until your sure you know what your doing. Granted some equipment sucks, but it all serves its purpose for a time, until you upgrade or quit. In car racing, you never start out with a full up NASCAR spec'd car, you have to work your way up don't you. My mountainbike is a good example, I bought what I could afford, added higher end peripherals until the frame was swapped out for a full out racing frame. Over a period of 3 years I went from a $279 GT to something equivalent to Cannondale's F-3000, $2800 bucks. If I had waited I may never gotten anywhere, but in the meantime I gained valuable skills and knowledge. My main point, be honest but also be supportive on the affordable options to help a a fellow enthusiast out.
