Cash - Renagade 2003 Freeverse

No man, get over yourself already. Nobody's scared of you or your attitude. It's more like, you came in here acting like an idiot and continue to confirm our first impression of you with every arrogant, un-educated post you make. Why can't you just accept the fact that you made a fool of yourself many posts ago and don't blame it on the fact that we "don't like hip-hip". You don't know what "we like". But you ain't it.
Cash The King said:
and im assuming that something im saying or have done seems to appeal to you.. you like my swagger, it must be.. most people knock what they're afraid of
Actually, I'm very turned off by swagger. Almost without exception, the most talented people I know have very little swagger because, unlike yourself apparently, they are secure in their talent and don't need to puff themselves up. They know that as good as they are and as much as they know, there is always someone better.

I have dealt with enough people like yourself that all I do nowadays is yawn. Afraid? Intimidated? Puleeeze.
Besides the one post saying I was the best artist on this site, I haven't bragged on my skills at all. It's been back and forth about grammer, spelling, opinions, and punctuation bullshit. It seems you let one little nobody occupy so much of your time. If i'm not that good at what I do, uneducated, ignorant, and cocky then why even pay me any mind? Tell me you don't like the song or genre of music, I respect that, and go about your day.
Cash The King said:
Besides the one post saying I was the best artist on this site, I haven't bragged on my skills at all.

Thats enough aint it :D

Comming in here claming to be God, you must be out of your mind.

And that you clame to be a better artist than me really upset my mom.
She probbalbly wont eat for days now.

Shame on you :p
Well Cash, I listened to both clips on your site. I don't know much about rap, but it seems that you have some decent skill. I'm not completely blown away, but I've certainly heard worse. I'd like to hear a whole track rather than just a few seconds, though.

As far as the recording quality, the track you pointed us to is a little muffled and muddy sounding, while the other clip (72 seconds) sounds overly bright, like there was a lot of high end frequency boosting at mixdown.
I aM tHe arTisT knOwN aS moNKey.... bOw bEfOre mE, LowLy hUmaNs. wHy dO yOu bicKeR aMoNg yOuRselVes sO tRiViaLLy wHen yOu'Re aLL jUSt pALe iMitAtiOns oF a moNKey aNywAy?


(dialect translation available through the Google Language Tool)
"Michelle ma belle...Sunday Monkey won't play piano song..." -Lennon/McCartney.
Cash The King said:
and im assuming that something im saying or have done seems to appeal to you.. you like my swagger, it must be.. most people knock what they're afraid of

sorry, but lolololololololol... afraid of? I see it now, we're afraid of you. How did I miss that??? I must have missed that one post saying you were the best artist on this site

Nobodi else here dat full of themselvz...

And sorry, I'm not trying to knock rap, but it's just my opinion that the music people make on this board impresses me talentwise more than any rap I've heard.

Now onto the good stuff... chanting...
scrubs said:
Well Cash, I listened to both clips on your site. I don't know much about rap, but it seems that you have some decent skill. I'm not completely blown away, but I've certainly heard worse. I'd like to hear a whole track rather than just a few seconds, though.

As far as the recording quality, the track you pointed us to is a little muffled and muddy sounding, while the other clip (72 seconds) sounds overly bright, like there was a lot of high end frequency boosting at mixdown.

Yea i've been trying to get the mixing better, i'm learning slowly but surely. Thanks for checking them both out homie. I just got my preamp back so I should have full tracks up within the near future. Take care.