Cash - 72 Seconds

SnakeDog5050 said:
While you figure that out, I beat you to the beat...

This is a rap track I produced featuring my 72 year old dad rapping freestyle.


(by the way, under the "band adminstration page" check out the "linking tool" near the top of the page to get a URL for your beat... hope it can stand up to my dad)

thanks snake dog, this tune is wild , man this is busting out live :eek:
Nakatira said:
OK this ryhming boy cannot wait anymore, so here it is under the name Mandarin concerto in C...

Its all about the suffering of a Tangerine in my homecountry, you see around christmas we tend to eat them :eek:

a direct link thanks to snakedog :)

Man you fo' real! I never heard a soft but hardcore flute beat this hot, with this hot of freestyling on top.

Hot! You fo' real.
thats what I said I`m fo real, can you dig it.
aint no dissin it just that cow is dissin me , and when its dissin me its dissin all my homies at nakatira airlines, and if my homies are dissesd the peanuts vanish. :eek:

you see it all has its own game plan, tha cow is on the verge of being clipped :D :D :D
Nakatira said:
thats what I said I`m fo real, can you dig it.
aint no dissin it just that cow is dissin me , and when its dissin me its dissin all my homies at nakatira airlines, and if my homies are dissesd the peanuts vanish. :eek:

you see it all has its own game plan, tha cow is on the verge of being clipped :D :D :D

Yo! Step off fool! You clip Tha Cow, I clip you!

That's what it's about.

I take apart that Natatira Airlines like a cheap watch. :eek: Yeah, just watch me... foo.
SnakeDog5050 said:
Yo! Step off fool! You clip Tha Cow, I clip you!

That's what it's about.

I take apart that Natatira Airlines like a cheap watch. :eek: Yeah, just watch me... foo.

ey man the cow`s gotta go, you know it Tony Soprano Know`s it :D
Nakatira said:
ey man the cow`s gotta go, you know it Tony Soprano Know`s it :D

Alright, I got news fo U fool...

U gotta gets through me 2 get 2 Tha Cow!

You know what I'm sayin'?
RAMI said:
You see, you're out of your league in this discussion. You see, I've already told you this, but you probably have so many people telling you what an asshole you are that you lose track. Stop assuming that people aren't hip to a certain type of music just because they have no respect for YOU and your un-warranted arrogance. Stop assuming everyone's as ignorant to your music as you are to their music.
I love good hip-hop. I have every Snoop Cd since 1991. I love Snoop, from Doggystyle to his last colob with Dre. I know all about rhyming. I know all about the rythm and feel required in putting a good hip hop track together.

Cash, you my friend, are no Snoop. You're no Tu-pac either...You're not even Vanilla Ice. Get over yorself already. Telling everyone how great you are won't change how much you suck.

That's about the nicest thing I can say right now. Have a nice day.

This is funny considering Snoop is not even in the top bottom 30& of lyricist. Not even in his prime was he ever more then average. And Tupac, who doesn't know mister Shakur, give yourself a pat on the back. Seems like you only listen to commercial rap and not actual hip-hop, I may be wrong. I don't know what you do in your spare time or how knowledged you are. What gets me is I posted these same two tracks on 6-7 forums and this is the only one with so much negativity. I can't say that i've got more then 1 bad comment, if you need links i'll be glad to post them for you. Just the way I haven't heard of Prog is the same way you probably don't know a lot of rap artist. You are right, I probably cannot win a discussion when you all share the same opinions. Just the same if you went on a hip-hop forum and posted your unwanted music. I made ONE post saying I was the best, maybe I was wrong, but get over it. You going to hold that against me fine, i'll continue to post my music. I alone got hundreds of page views from this site on my soundclick page. So if I can't get critism on the music itself, i'll take those "clicks." Thanks to you idoits everytime a new person come on these forums they see my wonderful music on top. So keep all the post coming and keep those "clicks" coming! My songs ranked top 100 on soundclick now, thanks!
Cash The King said:
This is funny considering Snoop is not even in the top bottom 30& of lyricist. Not even in his prime was he ever more then average. And Tupac, who doesn't know mister Shakur, give yourself a pat on the back. Seems like you only listen to commercial rap and not actual hip-hop, I may be wrong. I don't know what you do in your spare time or how knowledged you are. What gets me is I posted these same two tracks on 6-7 forums and this is the only one with so much negativity. I can't say that i've got more then 1 bad comment, if you need links i'll be glad to post them for you. Just the way I haven't heard of Prog is the same way you probably don't know a lot of rap artist. You are right, I probably cannot win a discussion when you all share the same opinions. Just the same if you went on a hip-hop forum and posted your unwanted music. I made ONE post saying I was the best, maybe I was wrong, but get over it. You going to hold that against me fine, i'll continue to post my music. I alone got hundreds of page views from this site on my soundclick page. So if I can't get critism on the music itself, i'll take those "clicks." Thanks to you idoits everytime a new person come on these forums they see my wonderful music on top. So keep all the post coming and keep those "clicks" coming! My songs ranked top 100 on soundclick now, thanks!

you wrote this dident you;;;

I havent really checked a lot of blues directly.. i have heard songs from time to time that i enjoy.. what classic rock bands would you suggest, that i probably wouldnt know of.. and what type of feel does the 70s prong rock have to it?..

By Prong rock you mean Prog?
What are you basing your analysis of Snoop's lyrical ability on??? Your opinion??? well, that doesn't mean shit, because you also called yourself the "best artist" around here...So your evaluation of anything doesn't mean anything. And once again, you keep jumping to conclusions without even knowing anything about who you're talking to. No, I don't just know "commercial" rap. I just happened to name 2 artists that are way out of your league. You should be honoured to even be mentioned in the same thread. But what did you do??? You dissed someone who is 1000 times better and more successful than you'll ever be. You really have a delusional problem about how you see yourself. Your self-evaluation and arrogance are a big big joke. Learn your craft and stop trying to "convince" people how great you are...because you're not. I've made my point...I will not be re-visiting this thread, so don't waste bandwidth on me. see ya homie.
Nakatira said:
Dident you ask about prog in another forum I seem to remember that, well if you want prog you just hit the motherload.
the album thick as a brick of Jethro Tull will answer everything..

This is and will be my most sensire answer :)

Looks like he said prog to me..
HAHA! I just noticed one more thing. You said "MY SONG IS TOP 100". HAHA! SO what??? Everyone of my songs is in the top100 of it's genre. 3 have been number one and they've all been in the top 10. But you what the difference between you and me is....I KNOW it doesn't mean shit...and you think it's something to brag about...HAHA! TOP 100 WOW!!! HAHA! Hey I know someone else who is in the TOP 10,000. Fucking hilarious, man! TOP 100!!! I'm dying.
Nakatira said:
you wrote this dident you;;;

I havent really checked a lot of blues directly.. i have heard songs from time to time that i enjoy.. what classic rock bands would you suggest, that i probably wouldnt know of.. and what type of feel does the 70s prong rock have to it?..

By Prong rock you mean Prog?

I did say that I haven't checked out a lot of Blues directly. I have listen to it though, my dad was a big blues fan. I just would hear what he was listening to, I wasn't interested enough at that time to research and find what type of blues artist that I myself liked. Yes I also asked what would you suggest to a new fan of rock, new doesn't mean I started listening yesterday. Again, I did ask what type of feel prog, as you a fan named it, only after it being suggested to me. Tisk, tisk, tisk..
RAMI said:
HAHA! I just noticed one more thing. You said "MY SONG IS TOP 100". HAHA! SO what??? Everyone of my songs is in the top100 of it's genre. 3 have been number one and they've all been in the top 10. But you what the difference between you and me is....I KNOW it doesn't mean shit...and you think it's something to brag about...HAHA! TOP 100 WOW!!! HAHA! Hey I know someone else who is in the TOP 10,000. Fucking hilarious, man! TOP 100!!! I'm dying.

Hey by the way Naka, our version of The Immigrant Song reached #2 on the soundclick charts, that means we should go around every forum and brag about it! We are the best. We don't care what anyone else says, we are full of ourselves. Oh wait, maybe we're not, but Mr. Cash doesn't seem to understand that point.
Cash The King said:
Looks like he said prog to me..

well good for you, know do us all a favour and make some...

I`ll be the first one to evaluate it....

by the way did I mention that I dont like you? :rolleyes:
RAMI said:
HAHA! I just noticed one more thing. You said "MY SONG IS TOP 100". HAHA! SO what??? Everyone of my songs is in the top100 of it's genre. 3 have been number one and they've all been in the top 10. But you what the difference between you and me is....I KNOW it doesn't mean shit...and you think it's something to brag about...HAHA! TOP 100 WOW!!! HAHA! Hey I know someone else who is in the TOP 10,000. Fucking hilarious, man! TOP 100!!! I'm dying.

Well from the 1,196 listens the 72 Seconds track has got, it also has 297 downloads. You can do the math there, and probably 30% of my page views are from this site. Which i'm sure no one here probably has downloaded the song. So lets take away about 360 listens from the total. That's about 36% of the listens got downloaded, seems like a fair amount to me. So there must be "magic" people downloading it, or maybe some people who enjoyed it.
SnakeDog5050 said:
Hey by the way Naka, our version of The Immigrant Song reached #2 on the soundclick chards, that means we should go around every forum and brag about it! We are the best. We don't care what anyone else says, we are full of ourselves. Oh wait, maybe we're not, but Mr. Cash doesn't seem to understand that point.

WE`ve invaded this thread agian and unlike the Iraqies in Kuwait we shall not cave in, because we are nr2`s in soundclick, I`ve also gotten a 13 with Mr.Moonlight, I must be a prodigy :D