Building Proffesional Speaker Boxes

Thanks for the info guys, that's why I love this site!!!!! ?That really helps. I'm sure it will be alot of research, but I figured that this site would be a great start. And as you can tell, it has. LOL!!! :)

Ford Van, I am asking these questions to make money. My company is looking into doing research into building speakers, (And I know it will be alot!!!) and If you read back at my other post, I named speakers that I was trying to resemble. They were proffesional speakers made for live applications. Since you say you've been doing live shows Profesionally for 20 years, VDOS should have been enough to let you know what I was trying to do!!! :confused: I hope that helps you out........for the 2nd time. :rolleyes:

Also, since you were kind enough to admit that you were wrong about this whole topic "If You Use The Speaker Box To Make Money, I Guess You Could Say It Is "Professional". Depending Upon The NEEDS To Have For An End product."

Apology accepted ;)
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