Building a "Behringer homestudio"

Behringer studio will be good!

I don't care what people say I use behringer gear for all the live work I do: DI boxes and EQ's.. I use XM8500's all the time and they are better than SM58's on a lot of stuff... How are they going to break they are solid as F*Ck!
Behringer Truths I have to say I would never waste my money on them they sound crap and break... Although I know a producer that uses the Mark One Passive Truths and his mixes are the tightest I've heard... I use a Virtualizer pro... Which has so MANY different effects built in its so usefull.. Its like a back up, if my other FX units don't have what I want or I have run out of ins and outs I use the Virtualizer.. If you know how to tweek settings you can get it sounding good, honest lol.... I would recommend Alesis monitors over the Truths in that price range, the active monitor mark II are amazing for the money! But a Behringer studio is appealing because you know it would sound good (untill certain units broke)... I have gone for a similar idea but a few Alesis here and a Art MP preamp there and you can skip the importand parts... I don't know what a Behringer tube preamp would sound like but I bet it would be ok just not as good as the ART.. So its about a balance.. You can get pretty cheap lexicon units now I would be tem[pted to get this to upgrade my FX I know it would be better than Beh but its prob twice as much! Its just about what you think you can afford and does it do its JOB???
Behringer will do its job! It may break and sound slighlly worse but DOES IT GET THE JOB DONE? yes it will...
I preffer my Beh desk to the Mackie one it ripped off because it has better routing and lighting and you kno0w what? if it breaks I only gotta pay 1/3 of the price to replace but it hasn't and I've used and abused for around 4 years!!! Never had any complaints and its paid for itself 10 times over... Thank you behringer I love you..
All of you got a point there. It just comes to my mind over and over behringer THAT bad? I've been using Guitar V-amp PRO for some time and I find it really good. I do like it more than Line-6 PODs actually (and I'm not talking about price here, I was able to choose between both of them regardless their price). And about the mixers, well...I've been using the 1204 and it sounds reasonably good. I chose the 2442 because of the 8 direct outs. And because of the versatility it might bring in other situations like live performances, etc. I'm not planning on depend on mics and acoustics that much. I use V-drums (Roland Td-10), DFH samples, I plug guitars and bass directly and use virtual processing (v-amp, guitar rig, amplitube, etc). And other thing, I'm my country I get a really special price on behringer gear so it wont be a problem selling them used (in case I need to) without loosing money. I'm alot into digital recording and I'm just buying all that tube stuff to warm the digital signal a little bit. The B-control is the cheapest award-winning interface controler (to control Cubase SX mixer, for instance). If I'm gonna save some money by not buying that, I'll have to keep pushing the stoopid faders up and down with my mouse. That's pretty anoying. I know I could buy alot better, I doubt I could buy it cheaper though, but I'm trying to push my studio "audio capabilities" into a new level. I do believe some of this gear is worth the money (I heard this new ultracurve is quite good). I'd just like to have more particular opinions on the gear like "the Tube Composer sucks because this and that" or "the virtualizer rocks because this and that" and not just "Behringer sucks".

You seem to know what you want and why just go for it man!
Don't use behringer monitoring this is the one area you want to get something better, not exactly more expensive just better.. I used the Beh Active Truiths and thought they were awfull! The Alesis equivalant or other...Superlux... Something you can find a pro review about..
You won't hear me bad mouthing Behringer.....

.....because the equipment speaks for itself. :D

I own a Virualizer Pro that hisses like a drunken snake at a frog farm.
I have two awesome mixers and a v-amp pro...its awesome too...its about to be joined with a tube composer which is awful...but awful starts with the same first letters as awesome, and Im a glutten for punishment so its OK

I shall write a full review in several forums here over the next