Borrowed Time

Dude. Love the vocals. But I think the snare could use some verb, or a room sample trigger or something. It sounds really thin and mono, and doesn't sound like it's in the same music space as the rest of the instruments.

Gotta say I'm not the hugest fan of the guitars, they sound very digital/bubbly, kinda like you ran em through a tubescreamer turned up really far and then into a line 6 pod or something.

Overall though the song is fantastic and your vocals are jizztastic dude.

Actually the whole kit has a room verb on it, but I pulled it back a little in the second mix. The guitars are recorded with a Sansamp GT2 with different amp settings for each one and then just EQed a little on the bus. They also have a room verb on them. I actually quite like them on this song. Thanks for the comments!