Born To Be Wild

You guys are correct it is my vocal over an instrumental track. Sadly, I do not know how to play any instruments yet, but I am learning guitar at the moment. Anyways, the reason I did not mention it from the beginning is because I got bashed in the past on this forum or one like it, for posting a vocal cover where I had not mixed the instrumental track. I did not want that to happen again.

The voice is an instrument, and you may get bashed again, but ignore those who have nothing to contribute. You have to do what you have to do :D
I'm not interested in bashing - merely restricting comments to the necessary. RAMI's position of commenting only on vocal was well founded. It's just easier to focus if I know what to comment on. THe reason for the less than manic muscal interpretation is now clear.
Yeah, I never had bashing on my mind. Maybe if I could sing half as well as you, I'd have something to bash. But I can't, so I don't. :)
Awesome singing! I usually sing to karaoke and I know how hard it is.

Some suggestions that may or may not work.

1. You should check the BPM of the karaoke. They usually change it avoid copyright issues. So hard to get the exact feel of the original if the karaoke has a different BPM.
2. Vocals always seems to sit on top of the karaoke. One trick that can help is scoop some mid frequency in the karaoke so the vocals feels more bled in or sits in(smile shape).
3. Also try high passing the premix to see if it cleans it a bit.
4. Put the original on another track and go back and forth when you mix to see how close you can get.
Awesome singing! I usually sing to karaoke and I know how hard it is.

Some suggestions that may or may not work.

1. You should check the BPM of the karaoke. They usually change it avoid copyright issues. So hard to get the exact feel of the original if the karaoke has a different BPM.
2. Vocals always seems to sit on top of the karaoke. One trick that can help is scoop some mid frequency in the karaoke so the vocals feels more bled in or sits in(smile shape).
3. Also try high passing the premix to see if it cleans it a bit.
4. Put the original on another track and go back and forth when you mix to see how close you can get.

Thanks! I'll give this a try. Very helpful.
Thanks! I'll give this a try. Very helpful.

I just heard the original. Seriously, you should be doing singing tours than writing in forums haha. It pretty much sounded like the original. I couldn't tell the difference. I mainly hear and sing bollywood so I don't know much about this genre, but you did almost perfect.

From what I can tell, I 'think' the original is a tad slower ( maybe 1 or.5 BMP). I have noticed that even a small difference in BPM changes everything in vocals. If you use ableton, you can adjust the bpm without messing up the pitch.
I don't her the "strain" other poster are hearing - I'm hearing a rock tone (which sometimes has a strained quality - listen to Lennon do "Twist and Shout"). I would bring the guitar(s) up a bit, and get em wide.