Blue Bear Sound Updated (new console!)

noisedude said:
Oh puhlease! What you really want is the one with the Neve circuitry following the Brauner mic stage. That one will really give you that classic vintage talking on the phone sound.
Phhfftt.... Neve - yeah... for a phone... gimme a break.... :rolleyes: A Neve is far too creamy a sound for phone use -- you want some impact and punch when you talk to people, no? Smarten-up!

I originally wanted the punchy sound of the API stage, but Fletcher told me with the Great River I can change the loading and impedance characteristics as needed...
Bah - you're aiming too sterile, cousin Bruce. Don't you know all phone exchanges are digital nowadays? You'll be wanting that Neve to warm the tone up, or you'll end up sounding like a robot!!! :):):):)
You're right. I bow to your vastly superior knowledge. Mmmmmmmmmmm real valve sound down the wires.:p

I still wouldn't say know to a Neve phone though. With or without the Brauner mouthpiece.
Blue Bear Sound said:
I doubt it - mine's the limited Mercenary Edition with a Great River gain stage and Royer mouthpiece!!!


No we all know there is no way this could possibly be true. A royer mouthpiece? All that long winded hot air would destroy that ribbon in 2 minutes and we all know that Fletchers QC team would catch that in a heartbeat:D
Just stopped in to drool.
Nice studio Bruce! I will have to find an excuse to stop in! :)
Wow!!! Extremely Nice setup, especially nice cure for cabin fever of Canadian winters (that and a six of Sleeman's).

Mrs. Bear must be oh-so-understanding.
Todzilla said:
Mrs. Bear must be oh-so-understanding.
Missus Bear is hibernating so what she doesn't know, won't hurt me!!!! :p

Actually - she is very supportive and understanding - which makes running the business a whole lot easier!
Good lord, as much as a car? How much are Grand Ams these days? $30,000?And here I am getting all bent out of shape about getting a pair of $500 monitors. Haha... you lucky jerk you.