Best way to get "analog" sound

Which part on the audio chain has the most impact in the "analog" sound

  • Microphone (Tube/Ribbon/Vintage)

    Votes: 2 2.6%
  • Pre-Amp (Tube)

    Votes: 3 3.9%
  • Recording (4 trackers/reel to reel)

    Votes: 58 76.3%
  • Mixing (Any analog mixer instead of digital)

    Votes: 7 9.2%
  • Mastering (Processing it through all kind of fancy tube gear)

    Votes: 6 7.9%

  • Total voters
Digital more or less gives you back what you give it.
Oh yeah, baby ;)

...You want to make a digital recording sound analog then it's very easy. Run it through something with cheap opamps.
Excellent advice! :rolleyes: :D

No offense, guys, (forgive me please, you know me, I'm just a guy whose brain is poisoned with all sorts of "fumes" and what not), but when I read stuff like the two quotes above, all I can do is - roll eyes and then say: " I am really happy that there are a lot of people who think that way - more gold for me in the trash can :p , so...
Keep spreading "the word" and I'll keep shopping around :D

/Power to The People! ;)

Oh yeah, baby ;)

Excellent advice! :rolleyes: :D

No offense, guys, (forgive me please, you know me, I'm just a guy whose brain is poisoned with all sorts of "fumes" and what not), but when I read stuff like the two quotes above, all I can do is - roll eyes and then say: " I am really happy that there are a lot of people who think that way - more gold for me in the trash can :p , so...
Keep spreading "the word" and I'll keep shopping around :D

/Power to The People! ;)


Can I join your club? :D
If I

If i gave you a briefcase full of 1000 dollar bills, how much would you care if the briefcase was brown or dark brown? This is how much the average listener cares whether you recorded on analog or digital.

People who i know who are non audiophiles/musicians cant even tell what instruments are playing on a recording. I even know of people who dont know all the words to their own favorite songs. I also have had people say "what is this?! this is like music from the 1940s or something!" when they heard a beatles tune with a very obvious late 60s sound.

People dont know shit man. Dont waste your time worrying about what you record on or the fine details of the "fidelity". If you are creative and have ANY decent setup you can get a sound that impresses people (but only if they like the song itself). Spend time on that, writing great songs that sell themselves without recording gimmicks. And also spend time on what your equipment CAN do instead of stressing about what it cant. Even if you were given all the best "gear" in the world you would still have to climb the mountain of material, recording technique, and performance. That mountain is waiting for you, in your way, whether it takes you a year to realize how little recording medium matters or ten years.

I think a better poll would be "how much time are you willing to waste on something that no one cares about except those who elect to care?"
Another Thing

Dont let what i wrote above this sound like an anti analog post. I love analog. LOVE. And i can tell a difference. But sometimes i wonder if i just think i can tell a difference, and i believe i could easily be fooled into thinking something was analog when it was really 100 percent digital. And i admire and respect anyone who supports and tries to keep analog recording alive for as long as possible.
People dont know shit man. ....

...I think a better poll would be "how much time are you willing to waste on something that no one cares about except those who elect to care?"
Yeah, that would be a good poll.
Also for me the answer is clear, And the answer is:
- I am willing to "waste" ALL the REST of time I've got left.
And I happily do so.

If you ask me why I do so, then the answer is simple:
- Because I don't give a shit about people who don't know shit. Because why wasting time giving it.


Lo-Fi Mike said:
very wise Good Friend........very wise
Man Chooses the dimensions he wish to dwell in, and thus he measures what he looks at accordingly, and thus he sees what he sees.

looks like some folks are already getting offended :confused:
Nop. Not at all.
Offended by what!!!!!!! ????
It's just that "some folks" maybe do not share that "bigger picture" view with the viewer. ;)
That's all.

One man's waste of time is another man's lifetime adventure.

He who has ears to hear, let him hear. Everyone else can suck it! :p
heh heh
that's a mean one :D

also, the "He who has ears to hear" does not need nor asks for a permission to hear, "the He" just does it all the time :D

Dr Zee

Hey Dr ZEE, i have seen your site and i have seen your devotion to what it is you do. You definitely do know your stuff when it comes to tubes and reels and all that. Im sure when people who know tubes and reels come around they think you are the shit. They most likely feel like they are among others like them. To them you probably seem like you "get it".

But try to see it this way. No music fan gives a shit. The only people you will ever impress is your peers. That means other guys who are into tweaking reels and tubes. All the attention you pay to the equipment side of it goes over the heads of 99 percent of people listening. And that is no crime on your part whatsoever. To each his own and variety is the spice of life.

But heres the real truth, anyone trying to make songs for people to hear and enjoy is absolutely wasting their time and money chasing those things (analog reels, hi-fi shit). If i came on here and some kid was asking advice about how to record some tunes he was working on id be a complete and total asshole and a liar if i told him the promised land was in analog reels. That individual can for a fraction of the cost and a fraction of the time and a fraction of the tech skills do an endless amount of creative things in the realm of even the most modest digital setup. Is it the best sounding? Who knows. Is it the classic method? Probably not. But this shouldnt be the concern of a musician/recordist on a limited budget who works a normal day job and who probably has some incarnation of a girlfriend.

People who record self written songs at home have 3 major hurdles. Time, money, artistic ability. It takes next to no time to record something on a digital setup and hear it back in any number of ways in any number of arrangements. Creative decisions can be made quickly. Time is saved at every turn, something that any non pro has very little of dealing with lifes other responsibilities. As far as money is concerned... you tell me what is better for a working class guy, buying a Minimoog for 3 grand or downloading a cracked plugin that sounds exactly the same to 99.9 percent of listeners. Only an asshole would tell that kid in his room he doesnt have shit until he spends the 3 grand. Its also a lie. Fuck man id love to have the real thing. I HAVE had the real thing. And you want to know what, its all the same to the listener man.

Im really not for or against either format really. Everything has its place and its own glory. But id rather empower the home recordist/songwriter rather than tell them they wont ever be doing shit until they have 40 grand worth of equipment and 25 years tech experience behind them. Man, i personally know like 10 musicians who loved analog and who went down that road initially and didnt get hardly shit recorded cause everything was always taking too much time or breaking. All they wanted to do was express themselves and record themselves to hear it played back. And in a year of recording on reels they had maybe a handful of decent sounding tracks. And once those people switched to digital they had nearly full albums of polished, listenable, fully realized songs that pushed the limit of what they had ever done artistically in a couple months. I dont know what other peoples results are, but i have seen this take place with many people i know. They all express a bit of sadness switching over to something thats 1s and 0s rather than something more "real" like tape, but who cares man. Songs are songs. I know a thousand fuckers who spend all day getting pro guitar sounds with thousands of dollars whos songs suck ass and are artistic desolation. I know who id rather be.
More Dr ZEE

I dig you Dr ZEE, you are dedicated to nonviolent hobbies. Anyone who keeps busy without disturbing the peace might as well be my own brother in my mind. I would never take what is yours or intentionally cause you trouble.

But on the subject of music, fidelity, and so on... I went and listened to some of your songs on your site. Mostly the "dub" style tunes. Now i am not saying this to bum you out or anything, cause i doubt i could anyways. But for the sake of argument it doesnt really "sound" analogish to me. Its actually very very clean and not at all murky like real dub reggae sounds. The echo tails are crisp and sound very much like how a digital delay sounds.

The point of this is not to bust balls because i have no idea what your intent was on those projects and plus i dont really care. But just for the sake of argument i would think those tracks were recorded straight to the computer. SINCERELY i would if someone had told me that. The point of this is, all that time all that trouble for nothing. Cause i actually MISS the hiss and murky sound of actual dub, sounds that to some are highly undesirable and unprofessional. OK OK so maybe saying all that time and trouble for nothing is wrong because you got your thrill working with the equipment and all that. But the listener doesnt get that thrill, they only have the song, and either it thrills them or doesnt.
I record analog because I like the format and not that I'm trying to appease my audience. That most people don't know or don't give a shit about what something was recorded on is really a non-issue for me.

The problem people have with analog is due more to the fact that they buy run down, need of service machines which may additionally have been thrashed in shipping.

Yes, analogue takes more patience and involves maintenance and some simply don't have the necessary constitution to deal with it. Can you say 'instant gratification'?;)

I record analog because I like the format
Me too. AND!!!! because of what it CAN do :D
Not because it is THE ONLY WAY to do something and get something out of it, but simply because it is the only way to get what I WANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As for "real truth" from a "wise man", here's what I can say:

If you want the sound of Moog, then get The Moog. It is as simple as it gets.

I am not saying, that having the sound of Moog is the only way to go.
I am saying that if for you the only way to go IS having the sound of Moog in your recordings, then get the Moog.
And that would be my answer, who ever is the person who asks me - be it a "working calss guy" or be it an "ass hole", it does not matter to me.

Yeah, Good Friend, The Truth is The Truth and is The truth. There is No need for a "Real Truth", when The Simple Truth is right in front of your eyes.

Get it?
