Best Mic For Rap Vocs Under $700

Shure SM-57. Because after you use it for singing, you can use it to slap around your bitch ho's and the mic won't even be dented. :D
BJW said:
I swear - I hardly ever browse this forum anymore, but every single time I do, there's a "rap mic" thread on the first page.

. . . . . every single time

Now, if we could just combine essence of the "rap mic" and "studio projects mics" threads in one big massive worthless-waste-of-time thread, we'd have something.

Sorry, truth_lyricist, I really didn't mean to hijack your thread or to be rude - but this topic has been done to death around here.

My advice to you would be to find a dealer in your area that carries several mic's you are interested in. Go in there and find a nice salesperson that you get along with. Arrange a time between you, your rap vocalist, and the salesguy to meet in the store and audition mic's. Any real dealer will allow you to do this. Bring in your backing tracks on a CD or something, set up a signal chain as close as possible to your own that you can, and audition all the mic's you can in your price range. Pick the one that sounds the best to you. If you do this, you'll get the mic that's best suited to your vocalist, you'll develop a good relationship with a local store and sales staff, you'll learn about the tonal differences in different types/brands of mics, and you'll have some fun in the process. You also might find something that's perfect for way less than $700. More money doesn't always mean better for what you are trying to do.

Good luck!

Ya but which is the best mic for rap? :D :D
The Shure SM7B, hands down. $350! A proven rap vocal mic. Very punchy. You can get right on there and hammer it. Sounds thicker than a 57 or 58.
gbondo9 said:
Best Car in the World (not an opinion): Pontiac GrandAm

Is it becuz u owned it? =P

Any ways its hard to know which is the "best mic" and from a budget like this i think you can get some pretty decent mics. And also you needa pretty good preamp to help get a rich sound from the mic.
What have you worked out as far as a list for some mics?

A friend of mine uses a M-Audio Ozone and a M-Audio Luna. If you want to see how they sound on it here:
RWhite said:
Shure SM-57. Because after you use it for singing, you can use it to slap around your bitch ho's and the mic won't even be dented. :D
Okay, so we don't lose focus on the mics, let's get these out of the way early:

1. Rap sucks and is not a valid form of music
2. Anyone who agrees with 1 is racist.

Thanks, and back to the mics.
Daniel Reichman said:
1. Rap sucks and is not a valid form of music
2. Anyone who agrees with 1 is racist.
You sound like my kind of guy!
I'll bet you drive a Pontiac GrandAm and eat vegetarian tacos!!
Daniel Reichman said:
Okay, so we don't lose focus on the mics, let's get these out of the way early:

1. Rap sucks and is not a valid form of music
2. Anyone who agrees with 1 is racist.

Thanks, and back to the mics.

That is the most ignorant statement i've ever heard....
gbondo9 said:
I'll bet you drive a Pontiac GrandAm and eat vegetarian tacos!!
Here in Oz we don't have Pontiac, GM in our speak is Holden, so I acknowledge that I don't drive the best car in the world.

I would eat vegetarian tacos if I didn't have such a fondness for meat (sigh!), so again, I don't eat the best food in the world.

But Twister... :D