
tedluk said:
Unfortunately for you, the only people who are going to respond seriously to your incomprehensible posts are those who think calling them "beatz" is as clever as you do.


ok what is this suppose to mean? Are you trying to say I don't know what I'm taking about? I do not write like that and I responded to his question. I do not care how someone writes. I think it is more childish making a big deal of how he chooses to write his question. I didn't want to get involved in this debate but "unfortunately" you brought me in. Grow up and answer the mans question or get off this post.
in terms of who you are talking to... 'producers' still in the midst of adolescence.... i wouldn't expect completely coherent responses with normal spellings and such, kids aren't used to it. i'm 17, this is my peer group and i deal with them on a daily basis. now there's a difference between whats expected out of you, and the way you should act to have yourself come across as professional and deserving the respect of those around you. this is especially true on message boards where people don't know you. mr. trackmizzle: in new social situations, it helps to be fairly serious and polite (even when you think you are insulted by one person) until you are familiar with the people you are talking to. after that, feel free to goof around. you may not like that and consider it being fake, but you'll deffinately benefit, especially if you decide to take producing to the professional level in the future. but anyway... punctuation actually gets me more than spelling. i hate run-on sentences with a passion.
If you are looking for something with a good live drum sound, you should check out some of Roland's rack midi gear. You could get a synth, a sequencer, and a midi controller all for about the same amount.

Also a word from Ben Harper-

"My choice is what I choose to do and if I'm causing no harm it shouldn't bother you. Your choice is who you choose to be and if you're causing no harm then your alright with me."
What does the Triton bring to the table that is so important to you?? If an MPC is what you need (and apparently a number of fellow BBSers think so), then put the MPC at the top of the list and get a keyboard with the money that is leftover. The Alesis are pretty nice, and damn reasonable.

And your sucky language 'skillz' are going to telegraph to every shark out there, provided you actually have talent, that you are an ignorant 'duncez' who can most likely be ripped off with impunity.


Blue Bear Sound said:
You should care -- the way a person writes says an awful lot about them.......

I Agree.

There are some exceptions to the rule. If he chooses to speak and write "ebonics" that does not make him unintelligent. When someone on this board uses "noob" for newbie or "b/c" for because should I say they are lazy or uneducated? How ever someone writes is fine by me. I'm here to help or get help on recording. I'm not here to judge a person's character.
Groove or Beats?? you need beats or grooves??

beats - drum lines w/ some small samples (MPC)

grooves - melodic keyboard based (Triton)

They both are good and do different things. The MPC will give you better beats, but a beat isn't anything with out a melodic groove to back it up...If you're lookin to do something like the hip hop stars now then you'll need both to get great's always an issue, so get whichever one you want first....groove or beats.....
GABritton said: you need beats or grooves??

beats - drum lines w/ some small samples (MPC)

grooves - melodic keyboard based (Triton)

They both are good and do different things. The MPC will give you better beats, but a beat isn't anything with out a melodic groove to back it up...If you're lookin to do something like the hip hop stars now then you'll need both to get great's always an issue, so get whichever one you want first....groove or beats.....

I am sorry? Look, I don't really agree with the angry tone on this thread, but what the hell are you talking about? Is this the official terminology of the hip hop industry? I must have forgot that good music takes both grooves and beats -sheesh
jonhall5446 said:
I am sorry? Look, I don't really agree with the angry tone on this thread, but what the hell are you talking about? Is this the official terminology of the hip hop industry? I must have forgot that good music takes both grooves and beats -sheesh

John, okay now look.....

I'm sick of the angry tone of this thread as well, but my response was trying to answer this kids question....sure I used two words....groove and beats...this is something he'll understand...and that's why I also put a description of what I'm talking about as well.

To clarify you, I don't listen to hip-hop, and you know there's 1,000 ways to say the same thing...

I think your incendiery tone is a little chilidish if you ask me. You assume I'm some kid who has no idea what he's talking about....

Ever try to talk to a kid about Newtonion physics? They don't understand....same thing with him, he needs to hear generalized terms to get him familiar with all the different things that are out there in the world of audio.

Small steps first grasshopper.....
I, like most humans, relate better to people who are pretty much like me. Thus my black friends speak excellent english. None of us associate with inchorents that only speak 'ebonics'. Think of it as headache avoidance therapy.

This kid's language 'skillz' bite, but his peer group is never going to tell him if they speak exactly the same way. Maybe some responses can be more moderate, but in a medium where the written word is the only way to communicate, I believe constructive criticism concerning one's language skills is valid. He may be the greatest musician ever to walk the earth, but if he talks like an ignorant kid his odds of success are greatly reduced. Every time he opens his mouth or puts hands to a keyboard he screams that he is a dunce who can be taken advantage of. Furthermore, his ghetto bravado, calling others 'bitch', is a sure fire way of losing friends and making enemies. He may be too stupid to appreciate that nobody needs enemies, but even he should be able to appreciate the value of friends.

And if there are friends of his out there, they would want to see him succeed. And good language skills are an absolute prerequsite. Do you really think that Snoop Dog or .50 cent can't speak well when the need to? Like, for example, in contract negotiations?
ok ,I get what u saying now, i mean you know i just got mad cause i was asking a question and got that back but i see what u sayin now
Since I started this, perhaps you should look back at what I said. I asked, as politely as I could, if he really did, indeed, speak in the manner presented here. It seemed clear to me that the way Trakmoney was writing was a highly affected way of conveying his question. Re-read his original post. It doesn't sound like someone who is incapable of expressing themselves, rather it sounds like someone who is puposely trying to speak in what he thinks is a "coo" way.

Ken- I have no idea if you know what you're talking about. I'm sorry if you took what I said as an insult to your abilities. I was trying to point out that if Trakmoney wanted to be taken seriously, he'd do better to drop the "tude" and attempt to write clearly.

That a few of you were willing to ignore the presentation of his post and try to offer him valid information is a credit to you, I suppose. Frankly, I don't think you're doing him any favors. Being inarticulate is a handicap. Some people cannot overcome this and it will hamper them throughout their lives. Choosing to be inarticulate is, to me, inexcusable.

Whether you think you're here simply to get help and offer help and nothing else is a nice goal. Truth is, we judge people's character all the time and with good reason. For example, how often do we see threads started by someone who hacked a piece of software on here? People, by and large, react with disdain and refuse to offer these individuals assistance. You, I suppose from your post, would say that's ok and still try to answer their questions? What if they said they stole all their equipment from someone? How about if I tell you you're a fucking asshole and your mother's a whore? You still going to want to offer me assistance? If so, you're either a saint or none too bright.

heroics321- I agree with what you said.

I'm not expecting perfect english with no spelling mistakes. I make plenty of them myself. Usually they're typing errors as I'm none to swift as a typist. What I was reacting to was the amount of EFFORT it appeared Trakmoney went to to take a reasonable question and make it nearly unintelligble.

Wheelema- Well said!

Trakmoney- If you've read this far and I hope you have, as I said in my original question you seem intelligent, why go out of your way to appear unintelligent?

Honestly, I am trying to help you with something that, in the long run, is far more important than whether you get a Triton or an MPC.

Good luck,
