Bassists that rock?

my vote

would have to be for the bassist from The Stone Roses, just love a bass player that can play infectious grooves like that.
Bassman Brad, mad respect. You’ve proven your age by posting such an eloquent statement. You’re absolutely right on many points made but I don’t agree with you bringing the argument of gigs into it. I have a strong respect for working musicians, don’t get me wrong, but I play my music for me. I’m lucky enough not having to deal with the gig to gig lifestyle and I appreciate it! Unfortunately for people on this thread, I don’t need to conform to a band’s idea of what “Bass” is. Les Claypool, though I’ve openly knocked him, started out the same way and continues his career in that fashion. The guitar licks in many Primus songs are just a lot of not stop noise. Primus is a very bass lead kind of band and they made it, so I find it insulting to think that just because bassist around the globe think it can’t be done means it can’t be done, despite proven work from Claypool himself. And I play a lot like Victor Wooten as well. I like writing songs that are, what I would like to think of as, well constructed. A lot of strumming, slap and 16th’s melted together. I like the way it sounds and I think other’s do to… there’s just little for a guitar to add to it.

Jerfo, I think I can admit to you, and only you, that I have a lot to learn. I just find it very exciting that I can play exceptionally well for someone with no schooling in such a minimal time frame. I’m just happy that there is more to learn and I was hoping someone could point me towards a technically talented bassist. I am working on fusing well structured harmonies with some wild technical playing.

I would add my stuff on this thread but I don’t have the electronic capabilities or the technical know how to do so. I just rock… ;)

Sal4001, you’ve obviously never heard a beaver play the Swamp Log… Impressive, I assure you. Oregon has a large musical community with a festively large number of working and talented musicians… and beavers.

Incanus, you’re my boy even though you don’t know it. I’m not saying bassists don’t rock, I love them. I clarified my point when I said in an earlier post, “I guess what I meant by my original question is "Are they're any bassist that are technically amazing that I don't know about?" Please read all posts made lest look like a tool. We can swear on this thread? Sick…


PS. Shit!
Flint Loveless said:
I would add my stuff on this thread but I don’t have the electronic capabilities or the technical know how to do so. I just rock… ;)

Well that's pretty convenient. We'll just have to take your word for it then. So the next person who asks me who a great bass player is, I'll answer, "Flint Loveless!!! I've never actually heard him play, but according to himself, he's the best there is!! Therefore he must be!!"

Don't know what it is to look like a tool, but I guess it's not so good. I read all your posts. There's attitude, hyperbole, judgements, opinions, nothing much really in the way of substance. Oh well.
Flint Loveless said:
A lot of strumming, slap and 16th’s melted together. I like the way it sounds and I think other’s do to… there’s just little for a guitar to add to it.

IMHO, this is not good bass playing. It is called masterbation.

Technical Skill and Chops don't have much place on the Bass. Bass playing is not a cerebral (cognitive) activity, it is a soulful (feel) activity.

IMHO, good bass playing is about groove and rhythm.

To put it in terms that you will better understand.....I bet I could play a better bass line than you with just 2 fingers (one on my left hand and one on my right) and just one note. And you can use all the fingers and chops you want. But mine will still SOUND better....hehehe

I am amazed nobody mentioned these guys:
Ron Carter
Charles Mingus
Charlie Hayden
Aston "Family Man" Barrett

Flint Loveless said:
Bassman Brad, mad respect. You’ve proven your age by posting such an eloquent statement. You’re absolutely right on many points made but I don’t agree with you bringing the argument of gigs into it. I have a strong respect for working musicians, don’t get me wrong, but I play my music for me. I’m lucky enough not having to deal with the gig to gig lifestyle and I appreciate it! Unfortunately for people on this thread, I don’t need to conform to a band’s idea of what “Bass” is. Les Claypool, though I’ve openly knocked him, started out the same way and continues his career in that fashion. The guitar licks in many Primus songs are just a lot of not stop noise. Primus is a very bass lead kind of band and they made it, so I find it insulting to think that just because bassist around the globe think it can’t be done means it can’t be done, despite proven work from Claypool himself. And I play a lot like Victor Wooten as well. I like writing songs that are, what I would like to think of as, well constructed. A lot of strumming, slap and 16th’s melted together. I like the way it sounds and I think other’s do to… there’s just little for a guitar to add to it.

Jerfo, I think I can admit to you, and only you, that I have a lot to learn. I just find it very exciting that I can play exceptionally well for someone with no schooling in such a minimal time frame. I’m just happy that there is more to learn and I was hoping someone could point me towards a technically talented bassist. I am working on fusing well structured harmonies with some wild technical playing.

I would add my stuff on this thread but I don’t have the electronic capabilities or the technical know how to do so. I just rock… ;)

Sal4001, you’ve obviously never heard a beaver play the Swamp Log… Impressive, I assure you. Oregon has a large musical community with a festively large number of working and talented musicians… and beavers.

Incanus, you’re my boy even though you don’t know it. I’m not saying bassists don’t rock, I love them. I clarified my point when I said in an earlier post, “I guess what I meant by my original question is "Are they're any bassist that are technically amazing that I don't know about?" Please read all posts made lest look like a tool. We can swear on this thread? Sick…


PS. Shit!

I think his name explains it all.
hey cool he lives in the same town as me....maybe i will get a chance to be awed some day by all the musical mastery the meantime ..i have a show on halloween at Players ,feel free to swing on by and listen to how bad we suck the guy singing and playing guitar .
Incanus, I never said I’m the best there is. You don’t have to take my word for anything. Stop making stuff up to create leverage on your side of the argument.

Hitherto, it is good bass playing. How dare you stereotype the bass as being something soulful and simple! Skill and chops don’t have much place on the bass? What are you talking about? I don’t know about anybody else watching this thread but this guy doesn’t know what he’s talking about. That’s all your opinion and you state it like its fact.

Robin Watson, what do you mean my name explains it all?

Jamal Bucket, I’d love to see you play sometime. What’s your band called? I’m tied up on Halloween but I’d like to catch another show if you’re having one soon afterwards. I’m only 20 so I can’t get into bars. That and I never said I was a musical master. Read all my posts, lest you look like a tool.

Stop the damn hate! I just asked some questions and everyone explodes like they’re word is right when it all comes down to opinion. Don’t state them as facts as I never did. YIKES!

-Flint mother fucking Loveless
Of the older guys, I still find Chris Squire to be one of the heaviest in his own way--that classical-style bombast of power. I still put on his solo CD (Fish Out of Water) or Yes' Close to the Edge when I need a good bass punch to the gut. Tony Levin's no slouch either.

Of the younger guys, I've been marveling lately to the power and finesse of duo Zoltan Csorsz (drums) and Jonas Reingold (bass). I picked up the Flower Kings CD, Unfold the Future, at someone's urging, and have been spinning it a lot lately. These guys are prog-rockers, but definitely not wimps. Their complex grooves, often heavy, keep me riveted and beg for higher volume... and with a fretless bass, no less. Very cool stuff.

Flint Loveless said:
Hitherto, it is good bass playing. How dare you stereotype the bass as being something soulful and simple! Skill and chops don’t have much place on the bass? What are you talking about? I don’t know about anybody else watching this thread but this guy doesn’t know what he’s talking about. That’s all your opinion and you state it like its fact.

Do you know what IMHO stands for?

Do you know what KISS stands for?

I know it might be hard to swallow but it is MORE DIFFICULT to play a simple bass line in the groove, one that makes the other players and the song sound better, than it is to play a flashy line with a lot of notes that doesn't leave room for the other instruments.

IMHO, the bass is one of the most difficult instruments to play because it takes great disciplin and patience.

If you are concerned with impressing as many people as you can the bass is not the instrument for you.
Flint Loveless said:
Stop the damn hate! I just asked some questions and everyone explodes like they’re word is right when it all comes down to opinion. Don’t state them as facts as I never did. YIKES!

Flint Loveless said:
I know, we got the Les Claypool fans and there's always Vic to fall back on, but I've been mulln' it over and I think they're a couple of blow hards. Over rated by far!

Flint Loveless said:
Victor Wooten's got game, but it's a lot of riff-raff! Jaco Pastorious is the same way. Claypool's got some sick solo's that make you wanna get up, but I can only find two of them, that and when I re-listened to them I realised that I got way better then that.

Flint Loveless said:
I just don't get a kick out of that kind of music. I love how his lines seem to change every other beat but I just don't like the sound he puts off.

Hmmmmmm....the only fact here is that you have opinions!!!!
Yeah, I know... They're all my opinions. I made that clears by saying "I think" etc. Non of which are fact at all. I called them blow-hards! I've been called a wanker! I don't even know what that is! I agree with you on bass playing, but only as far as to say that bass kicks ass. Bass isn't hard to play with fingers or your mind. You just have to be able to put out the sound that you want. Everyone thinks that because I play fast paced stuff means I can't lay down a sexy ass bass line. Wrong! Man, I never said I only play fast. Did I? Please, quote me! haha. What a joke!

-Flint T. Williams.