back to basics

First of all, my usual apology to everyone for the file size. And thanks for taking the extra time to do the download. I really appreciate it.

Dobro asked about gear: it's an ADK A-51s into an Art Tube MP into the Boss BR532 - there it is, my goddamn golden signal chain (that's sarcasm by the way).

Oh, and I have plenty of tunes with a heckofa lot more harp.:) I actually "dumbed down" the playing on this one quite a bit, since I just wanted a sort of dirt simple Dylan-ish accompanyment. So I spend years learning to play something and then when I record I find that the sound I want is that of someone who barely knows how to play... is that irony? I forget...

Thanks for the ears, guys.

Great sounding traditional folk song! The thing I really love about this type of music is the unmitigated honesty in the lyrics and storytelling - manumitted from the contrived hooks, melody lines, and formulations which permeate all of pop music. (Dylan is the Sire of this Artistry)

"Damn it Chris.....I need more harp! I'm tellin ya. Ya gonna want more harp on this track.....I gotta feeva, and the only cure --- is more harp!"


P.S. The more I listened to this song, the more I started hearing a Stones influence circa 70'-73' which is a very good thing!
Another cool song. I really like this one, singing and harp sound great. There's something I don't like about the accoustic sound, proably the room. It's kind of boomy on the top end if that makes any sense. I think a more rustic flat sound would suit the song better. No probs with the mix, the panning was transparent, it just sounded like someone playing guitar and singing. Stereo tracking?

I woudn't do any twistin and tweakin on this and run the risk of messing anything up. I really enjoyed this jus like it is.

That's an honest piece of real music. Or a real piece of honest music?

Others here made mention of a double tracked vocal. I didn't hear any of that but there was scratchiness to the vocal, almost as if your beard was rubbing against the Mic? Maybe you were eating the Mic when you sang it?

The guitar sound fine. No boominess on my end but, it could have used a slightly larger room on the verb just to fill out the space.

Harp playing was clean and well done.

Nice job, over-all.:)
Worth every l-o-n-g minute of the download.
Gonna go pour another, add some ice and listen again.
Might listen a couple times as a matter of fact.
Dang, I thought this thread was dead!

Thanks guys, for the additional comments.

Hmm, I got 2 comparisions to the Stones on this one...

MC, you better not be drivin'...
