avalon 737 need clips


Ya, I Run the "Blue" Bluebird through the Avalon 737. Sounds GREAT! It's mostly the Avalon that adds that final push. I put anything through that baby and it's PRO! I'd say get an Avalon. Worth every dime. It's the only preamp I'll use...

Also if you go to any major studio, and look at Mix Magazine, they got the Avalon. It's it...
scarboro78 said:
Here is a couple R&B Type Joints I recorded using the Avalon/Dragonfly.

'What You Mean' By Gab Gacha (My Favorite MC & Brother) Featuring Merrari

'Down And Out' By Sin City

I heard the tracks. It's that Avalon vocal! Nice and crisp. Nice lows. Classic Tube warmth. And the Dragonfly Mic doesn't hurt...
what kind of settings did u use going in. i cant mix my music for shit. do you use the saturation knob?

alevy said:
what kind of settings did u use going in. i cant mix my music for shit. do you use the saturation knob?
What's popping man? I hope your family is good. Most of my family is still in New Orleans.
im chilling man all my people straight. nothing happened to my house we missing a few shingles from the roof and our gararge collapsed but our house is in perfect shape. im out in atlanta now though chasing my dreams this like the hip-hop promise land.lol
alevy said:
im chilling man all my people straight. nothing happened to my house we missing a few shingles from the roof and our gararge collapsed but our house is in perfect shape. im out in atlanta now though chasing my dreams this like the hip-hop promise land.lol

Happy ta hear all is well. Family is the most important thing! All ya need is family...
alevy said:
what kind of settings did u use going in. i cant mix my music for shit. do you use the saturation knob?

On the Avalon, I like the setting like this:

Preamp Gain: 0 (or lower if your mic has high gain)

Threshold: (-23) (Half way between 0 and -30. The more thresh you add, the more compressed and dirty the vocals sound)

Compression: 4 (don't add to much, you can always add more compression on mixdown. You can always add compression, but you can't take it away.

Attak: F (I like a fast attak on rap vocals, slower on singing. You need to adjust your thresh on vocals with a lot of dynamics to tell when the compressor should hit)

Rel: Half way is good

Bass: -8 (This also depends on your mic, some mics have more bass response than others)

Mid low:0

high mid: 3

treble: -9

The settings are different from mic to mic. For cheaper mics you might have to add more highs. For top of the line you might have to roll of some highs. It all depends. Just use your ears I always say. Don't always look at settings.