
was there this much fuss when midi instruments became the rage?

I'm genuinely asking, cos i never thought of it this way, but did people start bitching that it was fake and bang on about morals back then?
was there this much fuss when midi instruments became the rage?

I'm genuinely asking, cos i never thought of it this way, but did people start bitching that it was fake and bang on about morals back then?

Well, there's the old gag that the keyboardist was watching telly instead of playing the gig. :laughings:

As I recall, hard rock fans were fiercely opposed to their favorite bands using synthesizers in the early 80s, MIDI or otherwise. Eddie Van Halen seems to have legitimized them on MCMLXXXIV.

Synths gained acceptance in other genres in the 70s, before MIDI was introduced in 1983.
Now that would be interesting to put auto tune on some of those vocal tracks of old just to see what happens ..... could be a whole new resurgence of golden oldies.
Doubt it. Most of the singers who are "that good" were making records before AutoTune was invented.

I agree. That is why I stated "most of the singers we assume are 'that good", are not. Singers that are 'that good' don't need it. It is definitely harder to tell these days without actually witnessing a performance.

You should probably get that hurtin pee thing looked at Henry. :/
Don't like it? Don't listen to stuff that contains it. Quit whining about it. Move on with your life.
Except for this ~ how are you supposed to know what stuff it's used on unless you listen to it ? It's like the argument about newspapers ~ if you don't like the right wing/left wing slant of the paper or the nude lady on page 3, then don't buy it.
But what if you like the sports writers or it's TV guide ? :D
Just another tool every butt hurt asshole gets up in arms about.

This ship has sailed. Auto-Tune, Melodyne are tools that are in everyone's tool kit and are used all time. It's like the argument about compression. Everybody badmouths it and everyone uses a s**t load of it.
Woah ! Assumption day ! We are all production line toffees all doing the same thing. I guess the only thing that diffrentiates us is that we record on different days. :p

was there this much fuss when midi instruments became the rage?

I'm genuinely asking, cos i never thought of it this way, but did people start bitching that it was fake and bang on about morals back then?
Yes. And the electric guitar. And the electric bass guitar. And the 5 string bass {even here, on HR}. And the mellotron. And the synthesizer. And recording digitally. And computer recording. And having two toms on a drum kit. And a double kick {John Bonham wasn't allowed to use one for years}. And click tracks. And the electric piano. And taking a year to record an album. And studio trickery that meant songs couldn't be reproduced live by the band/artist. And sampling already existing music. And believe it or not, among a number of industry hotshots, home recording gets a surprizing thumbs down.