
There's already a huge thread devoted to this argument. Probably on page 2 or 3 by now.

I have a vocoder for making goofy vocal sounds. I'm not really trying to convince people I can sing. You'll always get caught out in those kinds of lies eventually.
I really could care less about the "morals" I just want to know people's opinion about this subject. Auto tune is something that I don't mind people using (like Cher), but when it gets used to cover up mistakes and make someone sound better than they really are bothers me. Again I just wanted to know other people's opinion on the matter or about any good tricks for using auto tune.
The funny thing is, when autotune is used right, none of us have a friggen clue it was used in the first place. Most singers we assume are 'that good' have probably had tuning done to them. In fact I would dare say most definitely. I have never heard anyone live who was perfect, tho some pitchyness is chalked up as character. IMO, it is very rare to hear a singer with perfect pitch. I'm not even sure it is humanly possible really.

I bet mostly the same people who don't like autotune won't play with a click track either. :D
^ this. I don't really like using it, but the majority of commercially released records use pitch correction. If it bothers you so much, don't listen to the music. Simple as that, but I'm willing to bet that a lot of artists you listen to "touch up" their recordings...
This ship has sailed. Auto-Tune, Melodyne are tools that are in everyone's tool kit and are used all time. It's like the argument about compression. Everybody badmouths it and everyone uses a s**t load of it.

At this present time in the world you need auto tune or any clients you may potentially have will move on to someone who has it and will use it to it fullness.
Ok so auto-tune, minor annoyance or sinister plot?

Neither one. It's a tool to bend off notes to the nearest in-scale note, and can also make people sound robotic if desired. It's here to stay.

Don't like it? Don't listen to stuff that contains it. Quit whining about it. Move on with your life.

And no, music doesn't have morals either. Anyone who feels cheated that auto-tune can make non-singers sound semi-good is just butt-hurt.
