at 4060 and mxl v69 mogami??

DJL said:
That's what I've been wondering about for a long time... why do companies try to trick people into believing their cheap Chinese budget mics compare with top name brand mics? For example... the review comparing the C1 to the U87 that use to be on Studio Projects web page... and the same goes with Behringer, Marshall Electronics and etc... IMO, those cheap Chinese budgets mic don't compare with top name brand mics like Nuemann and etc and it's all just sales crap. Han, I think I remember you at one time trying to do pretty much the same thing with the B1... and now here you are asking "how can one compare a $1785 microphone to a $179 like the V6"... lol.

It's seems pretty easy to trick newbee's who are only looking at the price tag and have never heard any good mics with good preamps and monitors and etc... I know, because I too was once fooled. :(

Now don't get me wrong... there is a place for cheap Chinese budget mics and cheap budget gear in the home recording studio but we shouldn't confuse it with the equipment used in the real recording studios (and yes sometimes there are exceptions... but not many).

Hyping a product is a traditional, ancient practice that aint going anywhere anytime soon! Doesnt matter whether a wagon pulls into your town sellin' elixir, or the newest latest and greatest year 2004 technology. It's not so much about 'fooling' the buyer. The buyer has a preconceived or malleable image of something, and the company markets to that image. It's a two way street. See the latest Gillette commercials :eek: ? Nowadays, buying a razor makes you Mohammed Ali, a pro track star, an ace buisness dude for your day job, and makes the other team walk off the feild in wake or your victory! Once you learn the principle of "you get what you pay for", there is not much to be fooled about, newbie or not - it is the consumers responsibility to be educated on basic things like that. It just does not make sense to market a mic "suitable for your subpar, potentially nasty budget basement set up; comes complete with duct tape" (although that might be a good description for some of them :D ). People dont want that. People want to know their mic could be used in a real studio, and that makes them feel cool about buying it.

If all Chinese mics are junk, DJ, then why does Atlas Pro Audio carry several examples from the ADK range? Take a look at the other lines they carry. some pretty respected names in there. Nathan doesn't strike me as the kind of guy who'd carry a line as a favour; so they must have something going for them.
Dot said:
The new black and white peanut M&M's suck. They smell and taste like crayons.

I could't agree with you more, Dot. Very well put.

Having used around 200 audio products in the last year or so, the truth is it's pretty hard to find gear that actually sucks these days. It all works and it all sounds pretty good.

I may not have used over 200 audio products in the last year, but I've probably used that much at least in the last five years or so . . . and I have to disagree with you. Some of it indeed does suck.

Then again, maybe I'm just imagining things. Perhaps my ears haven't reached a level of refinement yet . . . and in fact what I'm hearing from most of the Marshall LDC's, Rode NT1's, AKG C1000's and BBE Sonic Maximizers is really just a pleasant high end lift for added sparkle and sheen. :D My feable brain still processes it as cheap-sounding high end. Some people might like it, but it's still peanut M&M's to my ears.

I should call on his tubeness -- Seifert -- to lend an opinion on this one. He's kind of the resident warmth guru, ya know.
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Mark7 said:
The 4060 is $929, or €775 or £523 in the US

You do realise we're being shafted, right Han?

Please explain 'shafted', it's not in my dictionairy and I'm a pretty dumb dutchman, although I have some idea what you mean.:D
DJL said:
IMO, those cheap Chinese budgets mic don't compare with top name brand mics like Nuemann and etc and it's all just sales crap. Han, I think I remember you at one time trying to do pretty much the same thing with the B1... and now here you are asking "how can one compare a $1785 microphone to a $179 like the V6"... lol.

Hey yo brother, don't get me wrong. It's still my opinion that a Studio Projects B1 is the best LDC one can buy for only $79.

I've never said it sounds as good as a Neumann or whatever, I've said that some musicians can not hear much difference between a B1 and an M149. I definitely can and there's a whole world of difference, but the majority of people who just listen to music won't hear much difference either.

There's an other very important difference between a SP B1 and a Neumann M149, it happens to be more than $ 4K difference.:D
Then again, maybe I'm just imagining things. Perhaps my ears haven't reached a level of refinement yet . . . and in fact what I'm hearing from most of the Marshall LDC's, Rode NT1's, AKG C1000's and BBE Sonic Maximizers is really just a pleasant high end lift for added sparkle and sheen. My feable brain still processes it as cheap-sounding high end. Some people might like it, but it's still peanut M&M's to my ears.

Damn, I love peanut M&Ms....
noiseportrait said:
What about the at3060? I've always wondered how it compared to it's much more expensive brother the 4060. The 3060 is more within the price range of the v69, so if your comparing mxl to audio technica wouldn't it be more apropriate to use audio technica's budget tube mic for comparison?

It's a different animal altogether than the AT4060.
Jim Williams at has said the "joke" about the V67ME is that the wire costs more than the mic!

He doesn't like it, but I agree with Harvey that it has a nice sound.
Haven't tried the 4060 or the ADK's out yet.

Oddly, the tube in the 3060 is also used in hearing aids.
How about a hearing aid/tube mic all in one combo? :)

Out of the pack 'o tube mics under $500, I like the T3 the best so far.

Han said:
how can one compare a $1785 microphone to a $179 like the V69.

DJL said:
That's what I've been wondering about for a long time... why do companies try to trick people into believing their cheap Chinese budget mics compare with top name brand mics? For example... the review comparing the C1 to the U87 that use to be on Studio Projects web page... and the same goes with Behringer, Marshall Electronics and etc... IMO, those cheap Chinese budgets mic don't compare with top name brand mics like Nuemann and etc and it's all just sales crap. Han, I think I remember you at one time trying to do pretty much the same thing with the B1... and now here you are asking "how can one compare a $1785 microphone to a $179 like the V6"... lol.

It's seems pretty easy to trick newbee's who are only looking at the price tag and have never heard any good mics with good preamps and monitors and etc... I know, because I too was once fooled. :(

Now don't get me wrong... there is a place for cheap Chinese budget mics and cheap budget gear in the home recording studio but we shouldn't confuse it with the equipment used in the real recording studios (and yes sometimes there are exceptions... but not many).

Han said:
Hey yo brother, don't get me wrong. It's still my opinion that a Studio Projects B1 is the best LDC one can buy for only $79.

I've never said it sounds as good as a Neumann or whatever, I've said that some musicians can not hear much difference between a B1 and an M149. I definitely can and there's a whole world of difference, but the majority of people who just listen to music won't hear much difference either.

There's an other very important difference between a SP B1 and a Neumann M149, it happens to be more than $ 4K difference.:D
I don't agree... but I think you answered your own question... lol.

And yeah, I know the B1 is CHEAP... but at least you know the difference.
I auditioned a 4060 a while back. I thought it was a little
dark sounding. Although it was a very nice mic, it wasn't
as versatile on vocals as I had hoped.
I know that the at4060 and at3060 are two completely different animals. I just thought that it would be MUCH more apropriate to compare the 3060 to the v69 because the 3060 is somewhat in the same price range and targeting the same croud, while comparing the v69 to a 4060 is like comparing a deawoo to a mustang. It just doesn't make any sense. How does a nady compare to a schoeps? Come on.
noiseportrait said:
I know that the at4060 and at3060 are two completely different animals. I just thought that it would be MUCH more apropriate to compare the 3060 to the v69 because the 3060 is somewhat in the same price range and targeting the same croud, while comparing the v69 to a 4060 is like comparing a deawoo to a mustang. It just doesn't make any sense. How does a nady compare to a schoeps? Come on.

well, in a way, you nail it. comparing an audio-technica at3060 to an mxl v69 is sort of like comparing a honda to a daewoo. but, the at3060 is kind of like a honda prelude. it does what it does pretty well. but, it's not something you'd want to take on a long road trip. whereas, you'd probably pass up the daewoo unless you didn't possess the funds to go with something else such as an accord (at4040).
i go away for the weekend and find 2 pages of reply. do i have to save for the 4060? is the v69 that crappy in comparison? i have a at 4050 and want a warmer sounding back up mic.
What specifically do you mean by "warmer-sounding?" I don't think of the 4050, generally, as being cold or harsh. You might try a dynamic mic like an SM-7 / RE-20 . . . perhaps a ribbon? I generally like something a little lower-key myself for backing vocals.
would a shure 57 or a older unidyne III 545 sound like or be in the ball park of a sm7 for rock type singers? i tried the above mentioned in my p.a. system and they dont sound good at all if you move a little off the center . it sounded low and not so good if you sing off to the side by mistake. if i had a singer use a 57 it just would seem to have a sweet spot and if there not paying attention i would loose the take. im just looking for a mic to use for backups instead of using my audiotechnica 4050 for everything.
You ought to talk to Chessparov on those dynamics. I just last night tried an EV RE16, with the foam removed, for background vocals. It's a smoother mic than my condensers or my Shure 545. Seemed to work fine, though the singer (me) really sucked.

i notice noone ever mentions shure's large diaphragm condensers is there something wrong with them has anyone ever used them?
gemsbok said:
... do i have to save for the 4060? is the v69 that crappy in comparison? i have a at 4050 and want a warmer sounding back up mic.

I'm not sure of the answer to this question, because I've never tried the 4060. I will say that the V69 was a decent mic, particularly for its price. It's not God's answer to tube mics, but the sound is very useable ... very useable. Will you want to upgrade once you get it? .... Likely ... but probably because you're more curious about mics costing more, and how much better they are than the v69.

If you've got a 4050... I'd say look for something else or save up for the 4060. The 4050 is one of the better large diaphrams in the sub $1000 range. Pretty versatile with the pad and polar patterns. If you're not considering some of the commonly recommended dynamics (M88, Sm7, RE-20, MD 421, MD 441 or whatever Chessparov's pushing this week :D), I'd say save up for the 4060 and save yourself the "wondering if that 4060 is even better than this V69 that I bought."