As Good As A Neumann But Cheaper

It may or may not be any case I left a post that will either let him know he has been spotted, or if it isn't him, will let the person know what those mics really are.

Bunny spread the word, alright...
Over 5,000 hits on this thread.
Now others are spreading the word on other web sites.


A: Bunny's 'friend' has killed him.

B: Bunny's 'friend'...

Oh, never mind, of course it's A.
Nothing earth-shattering here, but the guy on Sweetwater responded and it definitely doesn't sound like it is bunyippy.............

I HAD to...

...bump this back up, just for the sheer entertainment value of watching someone get melted right in front of our eyes...
Wow - I am now in the LA area doiing an IT job for my company and I can't believe this thread is still going.

Bump me by +1 Scotty.

Blue Bear Sound said:

Al Schmidt and Bruce Swedien endorse mics too... that doesn't make the mics the "be all and end all." You still have to choose mics appropriate for your specific application rather than say "well if Swedien uses it it must be great" for all situations.

I know EXACTLY what you mean by that BB... I remember when Charvelle Guirats first came out... they were a real solid guitar for the price... then everyone and their brother signed on to endorse em and the quality went to shit... Although I'm sure Charvelle stilled supplied their endorsers with a completely custom - well built product while they sold crap to us...

Still going......

I read as much as I could stand on this thread andso far I think a lot of people are skirting around a very valid point....

.... What exactly is he plugging this "as good as a Neuman" mic into?

ie: If I plugged a neuman into my Mackie 1202 and then tried out this other mic (or even a Radio Shack mic) I'd probably hear no real difference either....

So in a sense, his opinion could be valid based on his other equipment... when run through his setup, the Neuman might not sound much different from this other knock-off he has....

Plugging that Neuman into a crappy system would be like putting a jet engine into a VW Bug... yer never gunna open that puppy up all the way... just won't happen.

- Tanlith -

Disclaimer: This post was not meant to flame; insult or spam anyone here. the very fact that people are comming to this site to share and learn indicates a certain level of intelectual prowess. If anyone has taken offence I sincerely don't care. May contain sodium phosphate; void where prohibited by law. Side effects may include dizziness; vomiting; dihareah; constipation and the urge to hump the nearest cooking appliance. Do not take with alcohol or any other prescribed depressant. You must be 18yrs or older to participate. Let there be light! Let there be cable TV so my children will have something to watch while the worship me! Let there be HBO, Show Time, and Comedy Central so that those with no real talent will have a place to express themselves! Let there be The Hansens, Spice Girls and The Back Street Boys; because every generation needs their Partige Family! Let there be Spam! Let my children taste this foul Spam and resolve never to touch it again! Let there be Satan so that people won't blame everything on me! Let there be lawyers so people don't blame everything on Satan! Let there be higher education and learning centers so that my children can spend most of their life learning and not doing! Let there be three classes of people: The rich who will resolve to continually divide up the worlds riches among themselves; the middle class who will do all of the work and recieve none of the pleasures the rich have; and the homless to scare the middle class into continuing with their jobs! Thou shalt not pork thy neighbor's wife (the daughter is OK though)! Thou shalt not kill (unless it is in my name and is reasoned by ignorance and biggotry)! Thou shalt not take my name in vien (unless you hit your thumb with a hammer)! Thou shalt be excellent to one another!

tanlith said:
Disclaimer: This post was not meant to flame; insult or spam anyone here. the very fact that people are comming to this site to share and learn indicates a certain level of intelectual prowess. If anyone has taken offence I sincerely don't care. May contain sodium phosphate; void where prohibited by law. Side effects may include dizziness; vomiting; dihareah; constipation and the urge to hump the nearest cooking appliance. Do not take with alcohol or any other prescribed depressant. You must be 18yrs or older to participate. Let there be light! Let there be cable TV so my children will have something to watch while the worship me! Let there be HBO, Show Time, and Comedy Central so that those with no real talent will have a place to express themselves! Let there be The Hansens, Spice Girls and The Back Street Boys; because every generation needs their Partige Family! Let there be Spam! Let my children taste this foul Spam and resolve never to touch it again! Let there be Satan so that people won't blame everything on me! Let there be lawyers so people don't blame everything on Satan! Let there be higher education and learning centers so that my children can spend most of their life learning and not doing! Let there be three classes of people: The rich who will resolve to continually divide up the worlds riches among themselves; the middle class who will do all of the work and recieve none of the pleasures the rich have; and the homless to scare the middle class into continuing with their jobs! Thou shalt not pork thy neighbor's wife (the daughter is OK though)! Thou shalt not kill (unless it is in my name and is reasoned by ignorance and biggotry)! Thou shalt not take my name in vien (unless you hit your thumb with a hammer)! Thou shalt be excellent to one another!

I guess the ability to spell is not among those qualities included by intellectual prowess. :D

crazydoc said:
I guess the ability to spell is not among those qualities included by intellectual prowess. :D

And tat is exactly why the invention of the spell checker came into being...

;) :D :D :D :D :D :D

Heh... could have been worse... i could have used eubonics (did I spell that right?)

- Tanlith -
Time flys

Well its been a long time since 2003

The microphones have now become the biggest selling ones and respected out of China

any guesses?

OK Se electronics

The main man who first gave us the Fielo mics (the very best and first prototypes) went to Neumann and studied in Germany, came back to China and made them....and if you search the model on Google people are looking for them as they were the closest thing they tried

He now is making the Ribbon Mics with Rupert Neve

So suck my balls you doubters ;)
Well its been a long time since 2003

The microphones have now become the biggest selling ones and respected out of China

any guesses?

OK Se electronics

The main man who first gave us the Fielo mics (the very best and first prototypes) went to Neumann and studied in Germany, came back to China and made them....and if you search the model on Google people are looking for them as they were the closest thing they tried

He now is making the Ribbon Mics with Rupert Neve

So suck my balls you doubters ;)

have you heard them?
Oh FFS................Bunyip, 6 years ago, we proved that the mic you were spamming was the same as some other Chinese mics available at the time. NOT modded but virtually exactly the same. You made various claims ranging from being a purchaser/user to owning the company behind that (allegedly) wonderous mic yet apart from a dubious mp3, there was never proof of any substance available to substantiate your claims and now you turn up dribbling about the Fielo/SE relationship.................where is your proof of all this, and by that, I mean something more substantial than what you've read on a website somewhere.


Well its been a long time since 2003
The microphones have now become the biggest selling ones and respected out of China

any guesses?

OK Se electronics

The main man who first gave us the Fielo mics (the very best and first prototypes) went to Neumann and studied in Germany, came back to China and made them....and if you search the model on Google people are looking for them as they were the closest thing they tried

He now is making the Ribbon Mics with Rupert Neve

So suck my balls you doubters ;)